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What mood are you in and why?


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Feeling like a weight of my mind, split up with my girlfriend. She's a nice girl but likes the quiet life a bit too much, plus we're both doctors so we hardly see each other. And she's a mackem and a tory to boot.


Fucking hell :) You're a doctor and a ju jitsu expert (I only know this because you bring it up a fair bit)? You could have a tv show: a cross between that one with Dick Van Dyke and Martial Law, if you ever saw that astounding piece of television.



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Feeling like a weight of my mind, split up with my girlfriend. She's a nice girl but likes the quiet life a bit too much, plus we're both doctors so we hardly see each other. And she's a mackem and a tory to boot.


Fucking hell :) You're a doctor and a ju jitsu expert (I only know this because you bring it up a fair bit)? You could have a tv show: a cross between that one with Dick Van Dyke and Martial Law, if you ever saw that astounding piece of television.




The last time I mentioned it was in the 'last fight you got in' thread which I could hardly post in without doing so, but I probably do bang on about jitsu and my job a bit too much but I love em both and they take up the majority of my time, sorry. :razz:

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I never knew you were a doc (impressive), but you are always starting posts with the caveat: 'Having trained in Jiu jitsu for 8 years...'


'Having trained in jiu jitsu for 8 years, I believe Smith was shit today' and so on. Fair play though, there's some hard fuckers on here, what with you and gejon




Wouldn't like to bump into you two down a dark alley put it that way.

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I never knew you were a doc (impressive), but you are always starting posts with the caveat: 'Having trained in Jiu jitsu for 8 years...'


'Having trained in jiu jitsu for 8 years, I believe Smith was shit today' and so on. Fair play though, there's some hard fuckers on here, what with you and gejon




Wouldn't like to bump into you two down a dark alley put it that way.




I doubt it's quite that bad but I apologise nonetheless.



My mum just rang so I updated her on current events, she's not too impressed that I split up with this girl the morning after over at hers. Whoops. :razz:

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She didn't say as much but I think she thinks that sleeping with a girl then dumping her the next morning is not exactly her (or for that matter, anyone's) idea of gentlemanly conduct.

Did you approach her from around the wicket?

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She didn't say as much but I think she thinks that sleeping with a girl then dumping her the next morning is not exactly her (or for that matter, anyone's) idea of gentlemanly conduct.

Did you approach her from around the wicket?


Sticky wicket.

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Feeling like a weight of my mind, split up with my girlfriend. She's a nice girl but likes the quiet life a bit too much, plus we're both doctors so we hardly see each other. And she's a mackem and a tory to boot.


:):razz: As a Doctor you'll be fully aware that those little Tory goodies will now be in your blood stream.....Only a matter of time and you'll be wanking over photos of Maggie like the rest of us.

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Last night was an episode and no mistake.


I finished work around 6, belted home for food and a shower and I'm having a great night out for a mates leaving do, then one phonecall means I'm going to Norf Lahndan to help a girl leave her house cos her boyfriend is being a bit aggressive and seems violent to her. That puts a dampner on the night so I go home, half an hour later she's back on the phone because he's followed her to her friends house and is battering on the door saying he's going to kill her and that kind of nonsense. I book a cab for her and get her to South London to a house that's nearby. My house by this time is filled with the people I was out with who're either drunk, smacked off their tits or a combination of both. Not the best environment for anyone in her state of mind. After a few hours of her sobbing and whatnot she finally falls asleep, I'm assured by my friend that it's fine if I want to have sex because that linen is getting washed tomorrow anyway... :panic::)


I crash out on the sofa and I'm just dropping off when she comes back in the front room, asking if it's all right if I keep her company. We get in bed she chats for a bit but soon falls asleep on my shoulder and I just cannot fall asleep. In the morning she goes to meet her parents (who'd got the first train they could) to move the rest of her shit out, I spend the day with my leaving mate to make up for bailing last night and have recently started a twelve hour night shift that could be busy because a project comes to fruition tomorrow morning and I'll spend most of the night worrying I've forgotten something and rewriting stuff.


So, in short, my mood is: Fuckspazzed :razz:


Edit Why do girls go out with Dickheads? In the hope they can change them? People rarely change if they don't want to.

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Last night was an episode and no mistake.


I finished work around 6, belted home for food and a shower and I'm having a great night out for a mates leaving do, then one phonecall means I'm going to Norf Lahndan to help a girl leave her house cos her boyfriend is being a bit aggressive and seems violent to her. That puts a dampner on the night so I go home, half an hour later she's back on the phone because he's followed her to her friends house and is battering on the door saying he's going to kill her and that kind of nonsense. I book a cab for her and get her to South London to a house that's nearby. My house by this time is filled with the people I was out with who're either drunk, smacked off their tits or a combination of both. Not the best environment for anyone in her state of mind. After a few hours of her sobbing and whatnot she finally falls asleep, I'm assured by my friend that it's fine if I want to have sex because that linen is getting washed tomorrow anyway... :panic::)


I crash out on the sofa and I'm just dropping off when she comes back in the front room, asking if it's all right if I keep her company. We get in bed she chats for a bit but soon falls asleep on my shoulder and I just cannot fall asleep. In the morning she goes to meet her parents (who'd got the first train they could) to move the rest of her shit out, I spend the day with my leaving mate to make up for bailing last night and have recently started a twelve hour night shift that could be busy because a project comes to fruition tomorrow morning and I'll spend most of the night worrying I've forgotten something and rewriting stuff.


So, in short, my mood is: Fuckspazzed :razz:


Edit Why do girls go out with Dickheads? In the hope they can change them? People rarely change if they don't want to.


Was it a crafty look, crafty tug or did you stick a finger in?

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In a nutshell, you were there for her as you tried to use her fragile state of mind to get your leg over?


But, you never got your leg over? :)

Playing the long game bruv, innit :razz:

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She didn't say as much but I think she thinks that sleeping with a girl then dumping her the next morning is not exactly her (or for that matter, anyone's) idea of gentlemanly conduct.

Did you approach her from around the wicket?


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So this whole scheme was a way of telling us you got laid last night?


:) Yes Kevin, I jacked in my girlfriend precisely so I could come on here and tell you about it, then go into the circumstances to disclose the fact that I had sexual intercourse with a female woman in her vagina. One day you'll realise that each sexual encounter does not necessarily qualify as a historic event. :panic:


She didn't say as much but I think she thinks that sleeping with a girl then dumping her the next morning is not exactly her (or for that matter, anyone's) idea of gentlemanly conduct.

Did you approach her from around the wicket?


I did try to hit a six once but all that happened was the finger went up (didn't think there was a cricketing euphamism in my post?!)


Feeling like a weight of my mind, split up with my girlfriend. She's a nice girl but likes the quiet life a bit too much, plus we're both doctors so we hardly see each other. And she's a mackem and a tory to boot.


:icon_lol: :icon_lol: As a Doctor you'll be fully aware that those little Tory goodies will now be in your blood stream.....Only a matter of time and you'll be wanking over photos of Maggie like the rest of us.




And fuck off man, I wore a blob. :icon_lol:

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