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What mood are you in and why?


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A stupid mood.


Decided to eventually use the readmill thats being gathering dust for a few months since I bought it.


Got dressed in all the clobber and Started fast walking :( and after 15 minutes I had a blister on the heel of my foot. Rather than being sensible and changing footware or stopping (I was too in the zone :) ), I decided to kick off the one shoe and sock and continue one shoe on and one barefoot.

Now got blisters on heel and worse ones on sole. :icon_lol:


Stupidity, its an art form.


Now that's a mental image to treasure. :)

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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club
Just cancel man. Life's too short for knocking about with people you don't like.

Your considered advice in this thread and the Women Eh thread, your closing pieces are like "Jerry's Final Thought" :icon_lol:

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Just cancel man. Life's too short for knocking about with people you don't like.

Your considered advice in this thread and the Women Eh thread, your closing pieces are like "Jerry's Final Thought" :icon_lol:


:( I live my life based on the advice of the great man.

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Just cancel man. Life's too short for knocking about with people you don't like.


I know Bianca but we both like the guy its his partner we're not keen on, so its difficult. Hubby was friends with him before he met her if you see what I mean. And if I cancel they'll only ring again to rearrange....they cant help it you see I am so lovely :icon_lol:


Got friends like this as well. The bloke's sound but his lass is a nightmare and I always get left with her when the lads go off to play on the bandit or whatever. We're off out in a bit for the match and she's turning up later as she likes to feel included, but she's a mackem so there's not really any need for her to come out. Hoping wor lad's brothers will put her in her place, they're usually good for that.

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Just cancel man. Life's too short for knocking about with people you don't like.


I know Bianca but we both like the guy its his partner we're not keen on, so its difficult. Hubby was friends with him before he met her if you see what I mean. And if I cancel they'll only ring again to rearrange....they cant help it you see I am so lovely :(


Got friends like this as well. The bloke's sound but his lass is a nightmare and I always get left with her when the lads go off to play on the bandit or whatever. We're off out in a bit for the match and she's turning up later as she likes to feel included, but she's a mackem so there's not really any need for her to come out. Hoping wor lad's brothers will put her in her place, they're usually good for that.



Notice how it's always the lass that's a nightmare?



Just saying... :icon_lol:

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Shite. Not a day off sick all year and I come down with flu on the day we break for christmas. Cunting hell! ;)


Swine flu. Fucking tremendous :icon_lol:


Happy New Year all. First time I've been able to look at a computer in over a week - swine flu has finally fucked off. That's a right bastard of an illness, only second time I've ever had flu and this was ten times worse than the previous time.


Also had ulvulitis and thanks to almost choking to death on a piece of my own throat, I spent most of boxing day in A&E.


Ah well, we live and learn :lol:

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Just cancel man. Life's too short for knocking about with people you don't like.


I know Bianca but we both like the guy its his partner we're not keen on, so its difficult. Hubby was friends with him before he met her if you see what I mean. And if I cancel they'll only ring again to rearrange....they cant help it you see I am so lovely ;)


Got friends like this as well. The bloke's sound but his lass is a nightmare and I always get left with her when the lads go off to play on the bandit or whatever. We're off out in a bit for the match and she's turning up later as she likes to feel included, but she's a mackem so there's not really any need for her to come out. Hoping wor lad's brothers will put her in her place, they're usually good for that.


Yeah I know where you're coming from :lol: I try I really do, but I just cant take to her!

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I actually thought yesterday was the most depressing day of the year, i.e. Sunday³. I might have to revise that notion at about 2 o'clock like.

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The lad I work with is as depressed as me, and we're taking turns dragging one another down to new depths of despair.


Ahh nooo thats not what you need. Tell him to pull himself together, things could be alot worse! Go buy a couple cream cakes man!

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Some lass just came round handing out free cookies, but that's the last thing I need tbh. I must weigh about 15 stone after christmas.


Salad for lunch then is it Porky? ;) Im on my healthy eating now and now Im feeling better Im walking a couple mile a day again. I hate the Xmas weight!

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Some lass just came round handing out free cookies, but that's the last thing I need tbh. I must weigh about 15 stone after christmas.


One of the lads has just opened a present from a supplier - chocolates - not a lot of takers so far.

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Some lass just came round handing out free cookies, but that's the last thing I need tbh. I must weigh about 15 stone after christmas.


Salad for lunch then is it Porky? :lol: Im on my healthy eating now and now Im feeling better Im walking a couple mile a day again. I hate the Xmas weight!


Sadly porky is about right at the minute. Definitely a light lunch today though. I took one of the cookies btw. ;)

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rotten day indeed, went up to the canteen for a fry up since i won't bother with lunch today.


Beginning to regret not taking the two weeks off

It'd be even shitter doing a full week next week if you had tbh. You have to go back sometime. I'd fucking love to win the EuroMillions like.

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