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What mood are you in and why?


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Goosed! Out til 1am this morning, back up at 6am for work, got back in at 9pm. Pure greed and I wont be pulling the same trick next year!

At least you won't have had a hangover to contend with. :icon_lol:

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I am not in the best of moods as we have to go to dinner to some friends that if I'm honest Im not mad about, they are ok I suppose but meeting in a pub for a drink with others is one thing but going to dinner is another :icon_lol: I want to be honest and say to them No thanks I dont really want to come, you're not my kind of people....but I am too polite. Im not looking forwards to it much though. OH yeah, I know I am sounding ungrateful now :(

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I am not in the best of moods as we have to go to dinner to some friends that if I'm honest Im not mad about, they are ok I suppose but meeting in a pub for a drink with others is one thing but going to dinner is another :( I want to be honest and say to them No thanks I dont really want to come, you're not my kind of people....but I am too polite. Im not looking forwards to it much though. OH yeah, I know I am sounding ungrateful now :)

You ok? You sound like you've got a nasty flu/cough/vomitiness/dose of the clap



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I am not in the best of moods as we have to go to dinner to some friends that if I'm honest Im not mad about, they are ok I suppose but meeting in a pub for a drink with others is one thing but going to dinner is another :) I want to be honest and say to them No thanks I dont really want to come, you're not my kind of people....but I am too polite. Im not looking forwards to it much though. OH yeah, I know I am sounding ungrateful now :rolleyes:

You ok? You sound like you've got a nasty flu/cough/vomitiness/dose of the clap




Actually now you've said it I do feel alittle under the weather :icon_lol:


EDIT.Its NOT the clap though :(

Edited by Toonraider
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Just cancel man. Life's too short for knocking about with people you don't like.


I know Bianca but we both like the guy its his partner we're not keen on, so its difficult. Hubby was friends with him before he met her if you see what I mean. And if I cancel they'll only ring again to rearrange....they cant help it you see I am so lovely :icon_lol:

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Just cancel man. Life's too short for knocking about with people you don't like.


I know Bianca but we both like the guy its his partner we're not keen on, so its difficult. Hubby was friends with him before he met her if you see what I mean. And if I cancel they'll only ring again to rearrange....they cant help it you see I am so lovely :icon_lol:


Then you need to stop being lovely. :( Ring them and tell the bloke that you think his lass is a ringminger and you're not coming to dinner unless he loses the ZERO and gets with a HERO.

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Just cancel man. Life's too short for knocking about with people you don't like.


I know Bianca but we both like the guy its his partner we're not keen on, so its difficult. Hubby was friends with him before he met her if you see what I mean. And if I cancel they'll only ring again to rearrange....they cant help it you see I am so lovely :(


Then you need to stop being lovely. :) Ring them and tell the bloke that you think his lass is a ringminger and you're not coming to dinner unless he loses the ZERO and gets with a HERO.


How can I stop being loverly then?! :icon_lol: No we will have to go and get it over with. There is no way hes going to dump her, they have just bought a massive house together. I am just having a moan about it thats all! Hubby did say to him recently that if I spoke to him the way she does to him, I would be out on my arse :)

I will go and sit and smile and say that the drugs I'm on are making me sleepy :rolleyes:

Edited by Toonraider
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Still heroically grappling with the evil manflu. Heading Toonwards on the 2pm from Kings Cross. Hopefully the coughing and sniffling should guarantee me a table to myself.


(And yes, I did book the tickets before the game was moved for Sky. :icon_lol:)

Edited by Meenzer
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I am not in the best of moods as we have to go to dinner to some friends that if I'm honest Im not mad about, they are ok I suppose but meeting in a pub for a drink with others is one thing but going to dinner is another :icon_lol: I want to be honest and say to them No thanks I dont really want to come, you're not my kind of people....but I am too polite. Im not looking forwards to it much though. OH yeah, I know I am sounding ungrateful now :(



alcohol, plenty of it. It will either make the night enjoyable and or make sure you dont get invited back.

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I am not in the best of moods as we have to go to dinner to some friends that if I'm honest Im not mad about, they are ok I suppose but meeting in a pub for a drink with others is one thing but going to dinner is another :( I want to be honest and say to them No thanks I dont really want to come, you're not my kind of people....but I am too polite. Im not looking forwards to it much though. OH yeah, I know I am sounding ungrateful now :)



alcohol, plenty of it. It will either make the night enjoyable and or make sure you dont get invited back.


There will be plenty of alcohol there thats for sure, they are verging on being alkies themselves I think!! I cant drink much cos of meds I'm on, but I will have one! I had just one glass of Rose last night and I felt nicely hazy :icon_lol:

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A stupid mood.


Decided to eventually use the readmill thats being gathering dust for a few months since I bought it.


Got dressed in all the clobber and Started fast walking :( and after 15 minutes I had a blister on the heel of my foot. Rather than being sensible and changing footware or stopping (I was too in the zone :) ), I decided to kick off the one shoe and sock and continue one shoe on and one barefoot.


Now got blisters on heel and worse ones on sole. :icon_lol:


Stupidity, its an art form.

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