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What mood are you in and why?


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Is 'still hungover' a mood? I've been a fucking mess all day and I'm just about to finally eat something decent.


Boom! Finally! :jesuswept:


Big time. Didn't have any paracetamol in the house either.

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WOOOOT WOOOOT!!! Christmas Holidays start now.....some packing to do, then I'm off on the road tomorrow!

Xmas Bonus came to fruition, we never know if we're getting one for sure since I work for a small company, nice when it all falls into place.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone, I'll say that now because I don't know how much I'll be on the board during the holidays.

See/Chat with you in 2011!!

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Soft as shit, all you lot. I never get colds, and I have the mindset that I won't get one, even when everyone around me is sniffing and covering their desks in snotty tissues. I bet all you soft shites expect a cold at the first sign of cold weather.


Basically what I'm saying is, I'm Daley Thompson when it comes to colds. I win the mind games.

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Soft as shit, all you lot. I never get colds, and I have the mindset that I won't get one, even when everyone around me is sniffing and covering their desks in snotty tissues. I bet all you soft shites expect a cold at the first sign of cold weather.


Basically what I'm saying is, I'm Daley Thompson when it comes to colds. I win the mind games.


Doesn't stop you taking more sick days than a skank from scunthorpe

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Soft as shit, all you lot. I never get colds, and I have the mindset that I won't get one, even when everyone around me is sniffing and covering their desks in snotty tissues. I bet all you soft shites expect a cold at the first sign of cold weather.


Basically what I'm saying is, I'm Daley Thompson when it comes to colds. I win the mind games.


Doesn't stop you taking more sick days than a skank from scunthorpe


Why should you sickly soft puffs get all the sick days?

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No sick days here, or the ghastly flu. Mind you it is a bit nippy for this time of year. Still warm enough though to enjoy the summer breeze, the delightful tastes of the summer season, and to bask in a warm glow that permeates throughout your body sensing those smells and colour that this sensational season brings about. :D

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No sick days here, or the ghastly flu. Mind you it is a bit nippy for this time of year. Still warm enough though to enjoy the summer breeze, the delightful tastes of the summer season, and to bask in a warm glow that permeates throughout your body sensing those smells and colour that this sensational season brings about. :D


You're masturbating again, aren't you Ken?

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No sick days here, or the ghastly flu. Mind you it is a bit nippy for this time of year. Still warm enough though to enjoy the summer breeze, the delightful tastes of the summer season, and to bask in a warm glow that permeates throughout your body sensing those smells and colour that this sensational season brings about. :rolleyes:


You're masturbating again, aren't you Ken?


The mango-scented candle always does it for me tbh. :D

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Soft as shit, all you lot. I never get colds, and I have the mindset that I won't get one, even when everyone around me is sniffing and covering their desks in snotty tissues. I bet all you soft shites expect a cold at the first sign of cold weather.


Basically what I'm saying is, I'm Daley Thompson when it comes to colds. I win the mind games.


You're not hard, that just means you're such a billy no mates no-one wants to get close enough to you to give you the germs. I bet if you did get a runny nose you'd take two fucking weeks off.


Being the popular laydeez man that I am I cannot help but pick up the occasional virus but you'd have to saw both my fucking legs off to get me to take a day of sick or miss teaching jitsu, and even then I'd probably drag myself in on my bloody stumps.


Now that's hard. :D

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Going to work when sick is clownish behaviour. FACT. The rest of your was bollocks too. :rolleyes:


Well in your case, obviously, so the beans have to count themselves for a bit, so the fuck what?


But PEOPLE'S LIVES depend on me man! :rolleyes:





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