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What mood are you in and why?


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3 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Got home from my shift at 11am. 

Shower, breakfast and an hour chilling out, then I got a call from Cramlington Hospital. 

The worst possible news, my Mam has, at best, a few days. 

The source of her problems finally showed up on a scan and her small bowel is dead, basically. A restriction on the artery that supplies blood to it has cut it off the supply and it’s died, surgeon said that it’s not survivable and she hasn’t got long. 


Fucking Hell man, what a kick in the bollocks. 

Just got home, she’s on morphine which, ironically, has meant she was more herself than she has been for months as the pain has gone, but she’s exhausted so we’ve left her to sleep. 

Back in tomorrow to see the palliative care team and find out if she can come home. 


Fuck sakes. 

So sorry for you and yours mate. 

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Alright lads. 
Thanks for the support- very much appreciated. 

Mam passed away this morning, and tbh, whilst I’m obviously very sad, it’s a relief. 

Might be a bit scarce on here over the next few days as there’s a lot to sort out. 

Cheers again 


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5 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Alright lads. 
Thanks for the support- very much appreciated. 

Mam passed away this morning, and tbh, whilst I’m obviously very sad, it’s a relief. 

Might be a bit scarce on here over the next few days as there’s a lot to sort out. 

Cheers again 



Ahh shit mate, commiserations. Very sorry to hear that, so rapid. We're always here for support or for respite if you need it. This is my first and last heart emoji I'm using on here. ❤️

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Ah man, sorry to hear that. So quickly, suppose fortunate that you got in to that doc so you at least had some warning and understanding of what's going on. Anyway, really sorry to hear your news. 

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Terribly sorry to hear this mate. What a kick in the stomach after the good news just the other day. Hope you have good people around you and things go easy as they can under the circumstances.  

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Hey lads

Just had a message from one our fine members and I said something which I thought I’d share with you all. 

One of the things I love most about here is that, even though we’re mostly total strangers to each other in real life, whenever one of us is suffering we come together like few places I’ve seen in t’interweb or real life. 

It’s my time to now be the recipient, and it really does mean so much to me, so thanks, each and every one of you. 











Even if you are a pack of twats :lol:

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8 hours ago, Alex said:

Just seen this. Sending you lots of love, MF. So sorry to hear about your awful news. 

Cheers mate. 
Brother and I have been busy clearing her little bungalow today… that’s been tough. 

Grape juice is calling again tonight :lol:

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I remember doing that to me old man's place. That was tough because it was our childhood house. But some of the stuff we found made us laugh and a little easier 


He wasn't a man of many words me old man, but he kept diaries which we never knew about. The diaries were all about his veggies he grew every year. One year it basically said 'potatoes (variety) - shite' 😂

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18 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

But some of the stuff we found made us laugh and a little easier

We found a jug, which she was using to keep all her bottles of herbs and spices in. 

Same one she used to use to rinse our hair when we in the bath as kids, which made us both roar laughing. 

No potato diary though. :lol:

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On 20/02/2025 at 14:53, Monkeys Fist said:

Alright lads. 
Thanks for the support- very much appreciated. 

Mam passed away this morning, and tbh, whilst I’m obviously very sad, it’s a relief. 

Might be a bit scarce on here over the next few days as there’s a lot to sort out. 

Cheers again 



So sorry for your loss mate. 

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Thanks gents 


Sorry that I’m pretty much a one subject poster just now, but I suppose it’s a nice change from tiddies and well, more tiddies. 


We’re just about done with regards to the “heavy lifting” of everything to sort. 

Got a date and time for her funeral now, will have a venue confirmed tomorrow for the wake, and most of the house is bagged, sorted and ready to go. 

I met with her brothers and sisters today for a few hours where they told me about their memories of her, her early life, and how much she’d meant to them individually. 

Really glad I went, it was so nice hearing them speak about her. 

Also learned a few things I didn’t know, the funniest being that Ma Fist had worked at an illegal greyhound “flapper track“ in her early twenties, as a bookies clerk. 
She had frighteningly fast mental arithmetic tbh.
Fucking no chance of pulling a fast one with pocket money :lol:

Also Fist Jnr informed me that he is booked in for a perm… (aye, a fucking perm !) on Thursday. 

I told him that after the funeral, he could do whatever he chose with his floppy barnet, but if he was seriously thinking about getting one before it, to consider what he valued the most- artificially curled  tonsorial stylings or functional and still attached genitalia. 

He’s thinking about it :lol:

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1 hour ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Thanks gents 


Sorry that I’m pretty much a one subject poster just now, but I suppose it’s a nice change from tiddies and well, more tiddies. 


We’re just about done with regards to the “heavy lifting” of everything to sort. 

Got a date and time for her funeral now, will have a venue confirmed tomorrow for the wake, and most of the house is bagged, sorted and ready to go. 

I met with her brothers and sisters today for a few hours where they told me about their memories of her, her early life, and how much she’d meant to them individually. 

Really glad I went, it was so nice hearing them speak about her. 

Also learned a few things I didn’t know, the funniest being that Ma Fist had worked at an illegal greyhound “flapper track“ in her early twenties, as a bookies clerk. 
She had frighteningly fast mental arithmetic tbh.
Fucking no chance of pulling a fast one with pocket money :lol:

Also Fist Jnr informed me that he is booked in for a perm… (aye, a fucking perm !) on Thursday. 

I told him that after the funeral, he could do whatever he chose with his floppy barnet, but if he was seriously thinking about getting one before it, to consider what he valued the most- artificially curled  tonsorial stylings or functional and still attached genitalia. 

He’s thinking about it :lol:

Whoa - back up there.






PS Hope the funeral goes as well as can be expected.  Keep taking care of yourself (and sort out your kid).

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