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thanks lads, you're good eggs. 


it's my first experience seeing cancer up close with a loved-one and it's every bit as brutal and devastating as you imagine. solidarity to all of you who have been through similar. 


it's a funny one. she wasn't my mam, but i've never known grief like it. i lost all my grandparents, which was incredibly sad each time, but they were all elderly so it was easier to accept. my mother-in-law was only 69. and not only that she was a really young 69 - so full of life, energy and fun. she had so many friends - there were close to 200 people packing out the crematorium - people of all ages.


she was also a fierce political activist and was often found outside the houses of parliament protesting against brexit or fascism, was a big supporter of the nhs and lgbtq rights. 


she also pretty much raised my kids through pre-school years, saving us a fortune on childcare fees and showering the with the sort of love and attention a childminder would probably struggle to replicate. 


i hugely admired her and loved her very much. 


we will miss her terribly. 

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She sounds like an absolute diamond mate, and she lives on in the causes she helped champion and the grandkids she helped raise. It's no wonder it's hit you as hard, reading your post. 

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3 hours ago, Gemmill said:

She sounds like an absolute diamond mate, and she lives on in the causes she helped champion and the grandkids she helped raise. It's no wonder it's hit you as hard, reading your post. 

She sounds like the polar opposite of my MIL in literally every way there is. 

Condolences Gloom, sounds like she led a fulfilled life even if it was cut short. 

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5 hours ago, Dr Gloom said:

thanks lads, you're good eggs. 


it's my first experience seeing cancer up close with a loved-one and it's every bit as brutal and devastating as you imagine. solidarity to all of you who have been through similar. 


it's a funny one. she wasn't my mam, but i've never known grief like it. i lost all my grandparents, which was incredibly sad each time, but they were all elderly so it was easier to accept. my mother-in-law was only 69. and not only that she was a really young 69 - so full of life, energy and fun. she had so many friends - there were close to 200 people packing out the crematorium - people of all ages.


she was also a fierce political activist and was often found outside the houses of parliament protesting against brexit or fascism, was a big supporter of the nhs and lgbtq rights. 


she also pretty much raised my kids through pre-school years, saving us a fortune on childcare fees and showering the with the sort of love and attention a childminder would probably struggle to replicate. 


i hugely admired her and loved her very much. 


we will miss her terribly. 

Sorry for your loss man, sounds terribly similar to my dad. Cancer at 69, two years ago. If you want a chat about it feel free to DM me

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Dejected, exhausted. Job interview today, the one I was told that I needed to do a presentation on when on holiday. So I thought about it a lot on holiday, actually used my S pen on my Galaxy to do something useful for once by writing up a plan on my flight home. Converted the plan to Powerpoint on my return, finished it at midnight, sent it off. Couldn't sleep. Tried rehearsing it this morning, it's only supposed to be a 6 minute presentation but I couldn't get it down to less than 10 minutes without missing important parts out (and the bantz I had planned to ease the atmosphere).  First thing I get told its 6 minutes with a hard cut off. Fuck. Nowhere near the presentation it could have been. Rushed, incoherent. 

Following questions were hard. Some answered well, some not, no disasters I don't think. Interviewers are on mute while you talk and completely deadpan. Much younger than me despite being senior positions. I haven't got good vibes from this at all though overall. :(

Just feel the whole exercise has been futile and I'll never get the job I want. If I don't get a call tomorrow I'll know its been a waste of time, added stress when I was supposed to be relaxing, and I keep getting older. Also took an extra day a/l for this shit. Oh well, back to work tomorrow, make the most of it. 

Edited by Renton
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Probably not helpful, but my attitude whenever something like this happens is you did your best, and it really is just a job. You've still got all the stuff that really matters. 


Don't let a bad job interview mess with your head or make you feel bad about yourself, especially not given the circumstances that this one came bundled with. Let them hire some other dickhead if they like. And you never know, you might think this went a lot worse than they did. 



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5 minutes ago, Renton said:

Dejected, exhausted. Job interview today, the one I was told that I needed to do a presentation on when on holiday. So I thought about it a lot on holiday, actually used my S pen on my Galaxy to do something useful for once by writing up a plan on my flight home. Converted the plan to Powerpoint on my return, finished it at midnight, sent it off. Couldn't sleep. Tried rehearsing it this morning, it's only supposed to be a 6 minute presentation but I couldn't get it down to less than 10 minutes without missing important parts out (and the bantz I had planned to ease the atmosphere).  First thing I get told its 6 minutes with a hard cut off. Fuck. Nowhere near the presentation it could have been. Rushed, incoherent. 

Following questions were hard. Some answered well, some not, no disasters I don't think. Interviewers are on mute while you talk and completely deadpan. Much younger than me despite being senior positions. I haven't got good vibes from this at all though overall. :(

Just feel the whole exercise has been futile and I'll never get the job I want. If I don't get a call tomorrow I'll know its been a waste of time, added stress when I was supposed to be relaxing, and I keep getting older. Also took an extra day a/l for this shit. Oh well, back to work tomorrow, make the most of it. 

Mate, I know a fella who started as an AO in the civil service and he’s the CEO of a public body now. And he said to me that everyone thinks his career has been  success after success after success. But in reality he said it’s a been a series of failures. Where he flunked most interviews and the only good thing about that is making sure you learn about what you did wrong and do it better in the next one. And quite apart from all that, 6 minutes for a presentation is ridiculous and your preparation was far from ideal. And you might even have done a lot better than you think. Either way, please don’t be too hard on yourself 

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Limiting a presentation to 6 minutes is straight out of the Microsoft/Google "Aren"t we really fucking clever in the way we interview people" school of thought.


Did they ask you about fighting one big duck or a hundred little ones as well? 

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41 minutes ago, Renton said:

Dejected, exhausted. Job interview today, the one I was told that I needed to do a presentation on when on holiday. So I thought about it a lot on holiday, actually used my S pen on my Galaxy to do something useful for once by writing up a plan on my flight home. Converted the plan to Powerpoint on my return, finished it at midnight, sent it off. Couldn't sleep. Tried rehearsing it this morning, it's only supposed to be a 6 minute presentation but I couldn't get it down to less than 10 minutes without missing important parts out (and the bantz I had planned to ease the atmosphere).  First thing I get told its 6 minutes with a hard cut off. Fuck. Nowhere near the presentation it could have been. Rushed, incoherent. 

Following questions were hard. Some answered well, some not, no disasters I don't think. Interviewers are on mute while you talk and completely deadpan. Much younger than me despite being senior positions. I haven't got good vibes from this at all though overall. :(

Just feel the whole exercise has been futile and I'll never get the job I want. If I don't get a call tomorrow I'll know its been a waste of time, added stress when I was supposed to be relaxing, and I keep getting older. Also took an extra day a/l for this shit. Oh well, back to work tomorrow, make the most of it. 

chin up mate. Work to live, don’t live to work. Having a job you love day-in, day-out is a privilege few enjoy. Make the most of what you have. It’s definitely better than you think. You’re a clever bloke with a good career and are comfortable enough. The competitive nature in us makes these things seem more important than they an actually are. I also bet you were loads better than you think in the interview as you are obviously your own worse critic. 

I have had several absolute howlers during job interviews over the years and have missed out on loads of promotions that I really wanted at the time. It stings for a while but it isn’t the end of the world. Far from it actually as missed opportunities often end up working out for the best when other doors open. 

you got this. And you’ve always got us 🙌

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10 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said:

I had an interview yesterday.* I'm quite happy missing out on my prospective job if it means you get yours, Rents. :lol:





Things that go without saying, exhibit A


And Rents, it’ll be what it will be, if nothing else it’s experience, which is a positive.

Edited by Toonpack
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35 minutes ago, NJS said:

Limiting a presentation to 6 minutes is straight out of the Microsoft/Google "Aren"t we really fucking clever in the way we interview people" school of thought.


Did they ask you about fighting one big duck or a hundred little ones as well? 

Aye. I had a boss in a previous job and he was canny enough. But he always insisted on asking the same question in every interview: 

What would you do if it was your job to change the UK to driving on right? 
And his dream answer was:

You’d try it out on a small Scottish (for example) island first. 
The idea being you’d thought about prototyping, minimising disruption and stuff. 
And he’d put so much stock in people getting the answer ‘right’.  I mean it’s fairly obvious when you think about it. But all it did about 70% of the time was throw people in a panic. It was an IT company and you know how introverted a lot of people in the industry can be. 
He thought it was such a clever question too :lol: 

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6 minutes ago, Toonpack said:

Things that go without saying, exhibit A


And Rents, it’ll be what it will be, if nothing else it’s experience, which is a positive.


It was a bit of a dart throw tbh. :good:

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Cheers lads. You're all right of course. It was a bit of a dry bumming but if everybody is dry bummed equally I'd give myself a 50/50 chance. I doubt that's the case though as I am sure they recruit from within. 


And yes. It's a learning exercise. I'm a slow learner when it comes to this though. This is the third fucking time I have been asked a question about how I have actively promoted equality and diversity now, and I still haven't bothered researching an appropriate answer. It appears "well, I enjoy watching lesbians with strap ons go for it" maybe isn't the correct answer? 

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2 hours ago, Renton said:

Cheers lads. You're all right of course. It was a bit of a dry bumming but if everybody is dry bummed equally I'd give myself a 50/50 chance. I doubt that's the case though as I am sure they recruit from within. 


And yes. It's a learning exercise. I'm a slow learner when it comes to this though. This is the third fucking time I have been asked a question about how I have actively promoted equality and diversity now, and I still haven't bothered researching an appropriate answer. It appears "well, I enjoy watching lesbians with strap ons go for it" maybe isn't the correct answer? 

If that didn’t get you the job I don’t know what will   

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24 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

If that didn’t get you the job I don’t know what will   

Needed Gemmill to post Renton is NOT getting the job. 

guaranteed success

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