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What mood are you in and why?


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8 minutes ago, Renton said:


I do that now with family and it's north of £100 even in a modest place. Had some nice eggs benedict and coffee this weekend at a local cafe, was £16. The cost of eating and drinking out is the mot noticeable thing recently I think. We've got a decent household income, but can rarely afford to eat out. Holidays are another. Feels like you are just working to survive and this will also eventually fuck your mental health. 


The eggy bens, I think the kids call it. 

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21 minutes ago, Renton said:


I do that now with family and it's north of £100 even in a modest place. Had some nice eggs benedict and coffee this weekend at a local cafe, was £16. The cost of eating and drinking out is the mot noticeable thing recently I think. We've got a decent household income, but can rarely afford to eat out. Holidays are another. Feels like you are just working to survive and this will also eventually fuck your mental health. 


Wife and I went shopping into Leeds on Saturday.  So got in early and had breakfast.  That come to £37 alone!

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2 hours ago, The Fish said:


Our lad's school has one week of the whit break later than seemingly every other borough, so that's the one week a year that holidays are remotely affordable. Just got back from Centre Parcs and it was about 60% of the price than it would have been a week earlier.


Can't imagine we'll be doing anything more interesting than going to visit the folks in the other school holidays.

Centre parcs is phenomenally expensive normally, we’ve been 3 times and worked out it would have been no more expensive going abroad.

Edited by Kevin Carr's Gloves
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2 hours ago, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

Centre parcs is phenomenally expensive normally, we’ve been 3 times and worked out it would have been no more expensive going abroad.


Doesn't have to be.

As Fish said, you can get it cheaper if you avoid school holidays (English schools), so I would think you could get it cheaper in Scottish holidays. The cheapest weekend is the one after New Year which is quite a good way to avoid the trauma of early January (as there are plenty of indoor activities). 

Foreign holidays are another thing that have shot up in price anyway. We're simply getting poorer as a country relative to everybody else. In 5 years, we will on average be poorer than the Polish. The poor in this country are much poorer than in Poland already. 

Edited by Renton
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14 hours ago, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

Centre parcs is phenomenally expensive normally, we’ve been 3 times and worked out it would have been no more expensive going abroad.

Yeah it worked out about the same, so we plumped for UK purely for ease.

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So it turns out our new house has a quite obvious problem with the air quality - you feel it on your chest/in the back of your throat almost immediately, which is just terrific. :lol: What's annoying is (a) we apparently didn't pick up it on multiple viewings, and more pertinently (b) the surveyor didn't notice despite apparently doing his job properly.


There are no signs of visible issues so it's presumably hidden mould under the bath or the floorboards or something and will no doubt be an absolute sod to fix. :boogie: We're not due to move in for a little while yet, so we're airing the place like nobody's business (when it isn't raining 😕), have a stupidly expensive air purifier arriving tomorrow to at least hopefully make the rooms halfway livable at the expense of raised leccy bills, and the local flaky-but-nice plumber should be round on Monday to see if there's anything immediately obviously wrong that doesn't require ripping the place to pieces (or, indeed, that does).


Fuck's sake. :lol: 


Anyone been in a similar position? All bright ideas gratefully accepted...

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Mould isn’t usually that big of a deal, it’s caused by warm/damp. So look for obvious issues like leaks (your plumber will find these), leaking gutters etc. Otherwise you are doing the right thing, a lot of damp is caused by lifestyle issues (heating on, windows closed, drying clothes in doors).


The worst option would be either a version of rising damp (no/failed DPC for example), this can be expensive to fix but your surveyor should definitely have picked this up and you will be able to claim on their RICS insurance against them not spotting it

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We've got a bit of mould in our loft. Probably not helped by the bathroom having zero ventilation and the steam rising through the roof every night. 

I was advised to get a dry ridge system installed on the roof to let the hot air out. 

Edited by Kid Dynamite
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Earned my trucker wings this morning. 

On the M11, the part where it’s two lanes- I came up behind a group of ten wagons, all of which were doing 2-3mph less than me. 
Looked behind, stacks of cars, looked at the time, 6:15am, so I’m allowed in the right lane as it’s before 7am. 

Indicate, pull out, hit cruise control and begin the slowest overtake of the most trucks I’ve done so far. 

Kept looking in the mirror, and the line of cars was ever growing, checked my progress, slow, but advancing. 

Felt a stirring in the loins :lol:


Twenty minutes later, I passed the leading wagon of the ten, got a cheeky headlight flash to let me know I was clear, and pulled across. 

By this time, I could literally feel the waves of rage coming from the cars behind, it was like getting the best BJ of your life, then feeling your balls getting tickled just as you arrive in Cockermouth. 

I was rock hard, laughing like a bastard, and counting the Audis as they flew past. 

Fucking glorious :lol:

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40 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Earned my trucker wings this morning. 

On the M11, the part where it’s two lanes- I came up behind a group of ten wagons, all of which were doing 2-3mph less than me. 
Looked behind, stacks of cars, looked at the time, 6:15am, so I’m allowed in the right lane as it’s before 7am. 

Indicate, pull out, hit cruise control and begin the slowest overtake of the most trucks I’ve done so far. 

Kept looking in the mirror, and the line of cars was ever growing, checked my progress, slow, but advancing. 

Felt a stirring in the loins :lol:


Twenty minutes later, I passed the leading wagon of the ten, got a cheeky headlight flash to let me know I was clear, and pulled across. 

By this time, I could literally feel the waves of rage coming from the cars behind, it was like getting the best BJ of your life, then feeling your balls getting tickled just as you arrive in Cockermouth. 

I was rock hard, laughing like a bastard, and counting the Audis as they flew past. 

Fucking glorious :lol:


I have hated you on that very stretch of road so very many times, and I've only been driving regularly for a year. :lol:


Mind, those same Audi drivers get just as peeved about my little Hyundai i10 daring to be in the fast lane even when I'm going... fast. Poor wee boys.

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1 hour ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Earned my trucker wings this morning. 

On the M11, the part where it’s two lanes- I came up behind a group of ten wagons, all of which were doing 2-3mph less than me. 
Looked behind, stacks of cars, looked at the time, 6:15am, so I’m allowed in the right lane as it’s before 7am. 

Indicate, pull out, hit cruise control and begin the slowest overtake of the most trucks I’ve done so far. 

Kept looking in the mirror, and the line of cars was ever growing, checked my progress, slow, but advancing. 

Felt a stirring in the loins :lol:


Twenty minutes later, I passed the leading wagon of the ten, got a cheeky headlight flash to let me know I was clear, and pulled across. 

By this time, I could literally feel the waves of rage coming from the cars behind, it was like getting the best BJ of your life, then feeling your balls getting tickled just as you arrive in Cockermouth. 

I was rock hard, laughing like a bastard, and counting the Audis as they flew past. 

Fucking glorious :lol:

A lot of hungover miserable bastards after watching that shite last night too.

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1 hour ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Earned my trucker wings this morning. 

On the M11, the part where it’s two lanes- I came up behind a group of ten wagons, all of which were doing 2-3mph less than me. 
Looked behind, stacks of cars, looked at the time, 6:15am, so I’m allowed in the right lane as it’s before 7am. 

Indicate, pull out, hit cruise control and begin the slowest overtake of the most trucks I’ve done so far. 

Kept looking in the mirror, and the line of cars was ever growing, checked my progress, slow, but advancing. 

Felt a stirring in the loins :lol:


Twenty minutes later, I passed the leading wagon of the ten, got a cheeky headlight flash to let me know I was clear, and pulled across. 

By this time, I could literally feel the waves of rage coming from the cars behind, it was like getting the best BJ of your life, then feeling your balls getting tickled just as you arrive in Cockermouth. 

I was rock hard, laughing like a bastard, and counting the Audis as they flew past. 

Fucking glorious :lol:

So you watched the match in your cab last night before shitting in a Sainsbury’s bag this morning? 😀

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26 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

So you watched the match in your cab last night before shitting in a Sainsbury’s bag this morning? 😀

Didn’t start until 10:00pm last night, so watched it at home, for my sins. 

I have been Nipsycus Intacticus since then. 

( It’s looking like I won’t get Razzle myself to sleep until midday at least, as I’m now waiting for a bay to get loaded in a paper mill in Kent. Yikes!) 

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3 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Earned my trucker wings this morning. 

On the M11, the part where it’s two lanes- I came up behind a group of ten wagons, all of which were doing 2-3mph less than me. 
Looked behind, stacks of cars, looked at the time, 6:15am, so I’m allowed in the right lane as it’s before 7am. 

Indicate, pull out, hit cruise control and begin the slowest overtake of the most trucks I’ve done so far. 

Kept looking in the mirror, and the line of cars was ever growing, checked my progress, slow, but advancing. 

Felt a stirring in the loins :lol:


Twenty minutes later, I passed the leading wagon of the ten, got a cheeky headlight flash to let me know I was clear, and pulled across. 

By this time, I could literally feel the waves of rage coming from the cars behind, it was like getting the best BJ of your life, then feeling your balls getting tickled just as you arrive in Cockermouth. 

I was rock hard, laughing like a bastard, and counting the Audis as they flew past. 

Fucking glorious :lol:

Well Done Good Job GIF by DAF Trucks NV

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Was doing a charity run this morning, taking some essential meds to a bunch of sick children and some emergency food to some starving puppies.

On the M11, the part where it’s two lanes - There was a line/convoy of eleven trucks and the last truck in line pulled out and proceeded to overtake the rest of the convoy at maybe 1-2 mph faster than the crawlers. The cunt took about 20 minutes to get past, by which time there was a huge queue of riled up drivers, I saw several Audi drivers making the wanker sign at the retarded trucker.


Needless to say my arrival with the critical supplies was delayed and the sick kids are now thought unlikely to make it through the night and the puppies died !!!!


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So, having earned my beginner wings on the way down, it got the bar with oak leaves on the way back. 

My route home is 

A249-> M2->M25 -> Dartford crossing-> M25->M11->A14->A1M->A1


Every road and junction that I needed to take , up to the A1, was closed overnight, with diversions where they let a spider with inky legs fuck a map. 

I was in the shit :lol:

I have 9hrs driving time per shift, split in to two 4.5hr sections with a mandatory break between- every time the truck stops, in traffic, at lights, etc, the counter pauses until you move off. 

Normally get to Ferrybridge, or thereabouts by the end of my first 4.5hrs, then trundle home in the 2nd part with time to spare. 

Because of the above perfect storm of road fuckery, when my first 4.5hrs was 2 minutes from the end, I got to the end of the A10 where it meets the M11… at fucking Cambridge. :lol:

Took my break, realised that if I fucking leathered it*, I’d get to somewhere between Scotch Corner and Durham and my time would be up. 
* this means you keep your foot down on flats and bends, and on downhills, where you’d normally use airbrakes to stay at 56ish, I’d have to let it coast and pick up speed , only braking when absolutely necessary. 


Went to plan, tbh, until a massive snarl up just before Ferrybridge, when I worked out that I’d get to Durham or Washington services as my time ended.  ( there’s and option to then take another 45minute break, where you cannot move the vehicle at all, and you get 1 more hour of drive time). 

Made it into Washington with 6 minutes left, parked up, hit “rest”, bacon buttie time. 

I thought I was home and dry, until I approached the Tunnel, and saw ahead an absolute whopper tootling along in a clapped out Transit, which was belching clouds of thick black smoke, like its tyres were on fire :lol: 


I thought “no way they’ll let that cunt through …” and then watched as they didn’t even look at him as he sailed in to the Tunnel and began filling it with thick black smoke. 

I was in the left lane, as my wagon is too high to fit through on the right lane, as was Smoky, who was one car ahead. 

The lad in between us lasted 30yds, then nipped in to the right lane and passed him. 

As we got to the flat in the middle, I was expecting him to speed up a bit for the hill out…


… cunt slowed to running pace, smoke got thicker, and I thought 

“ He’s not going to make it up the hill”


He got even slower, literally walking pace, ( I was going at 4mph behind him), when he put his hazard lights on. :lol:

I honestly thought he was about conk it there and then, we’d have been stuck behind until the break down and ambulance ( because I would have got and gone MLF on him) arrived. 

Made it back to the yard with 20 minutes left:lol:

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7 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

So, having earned my beginner wings on the way down, it got the bar with oak leaves on the way back. 

My route home is 

A249-> M2->M25 -> Dartford crossing-> M25->M11->A14->A1M->A1


Every road and junction that I needed to take , up to the A1, was closed overnight, with diversions where they let a spider with inky legs fuck a map. 

I was in the shit :lol:

I have 9hrs driving time per shift, split in to two 4.5hr sections with a mandatory break between- every time the truck stops, in traffic, at lights, etc, the counter pauses until you move off. 

Normally get to Ferrybridge, or thereabouts by the end of my first 4.5hrs, then trundle home in the 2nd part with time to spare. 

Because of the above perfect storm of road fuckery, when my first 4.5hrs was 2 minutes from the end, I got to the end of the A10 where it meets the M11… at fucking Cambridge. :lol:

Took my break, realised that if I fucking leathered it*, I’d get to somewhere between Scotch Corner and Durham and my time would be up. 
* this means you keep your foot down on flats and bends, and on downhills, where you’d normally use airbrakes to stay at 56ish, I’d have to let it coast and pick up speed , only braking when absolutely necessary. 


Went to plan, tbh, until a massive snarl up just before Ferrybridge, when I worked out that I’d get to Durham or Washington services as my time ended.  ( there’s and option to then take another 45minute break, where you cannot move the vehicle at all, and you get 1 more hour of drive time). 

Made it into Washington with 6 minutes left, parked up, hit “rest”, bacon buttie time. 

I thought I was home and dry, until I approached the Tunnel, and saw ahead an absolute whopper tootling along in a clapped out Transit, which was belching clouds of thick black smoke, like its tyres were on fire :lol: 


I thought “no way they’ll let that cunt through …” and then watched as they didn’t even look at him as he sailed in to the Tunnel and began filling it with thick black smoke. 

I was in the left lane, as my wagon is too high to fit through on the right lane, as was Smoky, who was one car ahead. 

The lad in between us lasted 30yds, then nipped in to the right lane and passed him. 

As we got to the flat in the middle, I was expecting him to speed up a bit for the hill out…


… cunt slowed to running pace, smoke got thicker, and I thought 

“ He’s not going to make it up the hill”


He got even slower, literally walking pace, ( I was going at 4mph behind him), when he put his hazard lights on. :lol:

I honestly thought he was about conk it there and then, we’d have been stuck behind until the break down and ambulance ( because I would have got and gone MLF on him) arrived. 

Made it back to the yard with 20 minutes left:lol:


I know this isn't the point of the story, but if you're ever forced to break at Peterborough services while doing that route, holler and I'll pop over and buy a coffee for you and whoever you've got tied up in the back at the time :good:

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16 minutes ago, Meenzer said:


I know this isn't the point of the story, but if you're ever forced to break at Peterborough services while doing that route, holler and I'll pop over and buy a coffee for you and whoever you've got tied up in the back at the time :good:


Its A Trap GIF

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