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What mood are you in and why?


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  On 31/03/2014 at 15:02, Dr Gloom said:

Relaxed after a weekend in the Santa Monica sunshine. Disneyland next then a few days in the desert



  On 31/03/2014 at 15:05, ClubSpinDoctor said:

Well that just blows my cheque out of the water, doesn't it! :lol:

Gloomy's really in Bethnal Green hospital but the poor soul is still concussed. Just nod and smile at him, CSD. :yes

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  On 31/03/2014 at 15:02, Dr Gloom said:

Relaxed after a weekend in the Santa Monica sunshine. Disneyland next then a few days in the desert

There is a restaurant just across the road from Disneyland called Captain Jack's or something. Me and the wife had the worst T-Bone steak ever there.

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Haven't seen him for a week but we've now got a week of Lego shops, Muppet movies, football training, bridge-visiting and meals-with-friends to look forward to. Don't want to go a week without him ever again. (No son, you CAN'T move away to go to Uni!!) But for now you can dream.....





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Btw Meenz - have forwarded your Berlin e-mail to his dad as that's where he's off to this week. He's going with Tooj, so I hope he behaves himself as they've got the first night in Amsterdam....

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Tooj has the same info, courtesy of me. I hope they both print it out and compare notes. :D


And an overnighter in the 'dam, what could possibly go wrong? Shame they weren't there this weekend just gone, or they could have had a close encounter of the Wurst kind...

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  On 31/03/2014 at 23:00, Howmanheyman said:



Gloomy's really in Bethnal Green hospital but the poor soul is still concussed. Just nod and smile at him, CSD.  :yes

That made me lol, fair play.


Currently in Palm Springs. Was expecting a sleepy resort town favoured by families and pensioners. Instead we discovered on our first day that our hotel was hosting a gay and lesbian festival.


A very odd first day around the pool thing to read a book and play with my 3 year a son while around thirty or forty people drunkenly danced to a club dj. Was more like a Vegas poolside than what I was expecting from this place. Thankfully it subsided on Monday and the last couple of days have been lush.

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  On 08/04/2014 at 23:34, Meenzer said:

Tooj has the same info, courtesy of me. I hope they both print it out and compare notes. :D


And an overnighter in the 'dam, what could possibly go wrong? Shame they weren't there this weekend just gone, or they could have had a close encounter of the Wurst kind...

Apparently I am going to have to wear a GPS watch whilst in Amsterdam. :(
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  On 09/04/2014 at 18:26, Tooj said:

Apparently I am going to have to wear a GPS watch whilst in Amsterdam. :(


This does not surprise me at all. You do realise you're effectively going to Amsterdam with 2 dads :lol:

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  On 12/04/2014 at 20:06, Ant said:

:lol: seen the facebook pic looks properly chuffed himself


last league game for me today, fucking exhausted , might actually get my ankle recovered now!


He was giddy as a kipper and absolutely loved it. Nothing too competitive at 5 but the guy training them was adamant they'd learn about getting into space instead of just having 10 headless chickens chasing a ball!


And yes, you need to let your ankle get better now!

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  On 12/04/2014 at 20:10, catmag said:

Nothing too competitive at 5 but the guy training them was adamant they'd learn about getting into space instead of just having 10 headless chickens chasing a ball!

I assume he is too expensive for Ashley?

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