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What mood are you in and why?


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I think this was his daughter


lets hope.


Im feeling inbetween at the moment, had a good job interview on Thursday but felt awful, went to the doctors and Friday and was told I have bronchitis, missed an interview today cause I felt horrific this morning (picking up now though) and have yet another interview tomorrow.

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feeling groggy... awake at 3:51 local time. shooting photos at a marathon today. have to take the bus downtown because traffic will be a nightmare. over 21,000 will be running.


What time was the marathon starting like?!

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Urgh, absolutely rotten. Immune system is rebelling after two weeks of late-night carousing. Fortunately it's a holiday in Germany so the boss won't be checking up on me any time soon. G'night.

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What time was the marathon starting like?!



8 am. Had a shedload of backdrops to set up for the post race pictures with their medals. The team of photographers consisted of 22 of us. Each of had up to three different camera lens and flashes to use. All of that equipment had to be unloaded and sorted. Took well over a thousand photos myself. Re-scheduled a shoot that was today since I am exhausted. Actually got a severe muscle cramp at one point and I was not even running in the damn event. Met quite a bit of people who decided to race in this event in solidarity for the Boston victims.

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Another week, another funeral. Been to too many recently.


It's all slushy and sloppy and that but if you care about someone then let them know :)

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Funerals make me feel sociopathic/psychopathic, I really struggle to show emotion, feel guilty and really try to force myself :unsure2:


I'm exactly the same and don't even try. I was singing at this one today which helped cos you can't sing if you're a snivelling wreck anyway.


Feel like a proper hard-nosed cow sometimes but I guess it's easier to just not let things get through cos it hurts less. Maybe I'm an armadillo in disguise...

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Decided to take a day off today a little while back. Not a problem till I found out at work yesterday that one of our clients has a bunch of photos they need shooting, editing and uploading with a launch date of "already passed" (their fault). I work in a photography and film studio and do most of the editing etc. So I kind of feel I should be there, because I don't know if they'll get them today if I'm not there. But the boss is adamant it's okay, so...

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Been referred to see a spinal orthopaedic surgeon at the QE. Progress at last. :)


I've heard that the surgical services are decent there like.

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Potential first TTer to be at your mercy?


Aye, I think so! I visited PP when he was up on the ward once but haven't actually had anyone through theatre that I know of.

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i'm hanging. wife and baby away so enjoyed a rare thirsty thursday. ended up in the electricity showrooms and the 333 club in shoreditch. rolling back the years on a school night. today i will be mostly consuming coke and crisps.

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i'm hanging. wife and baby away so enjoyed a rare thirsty thursday. ended up in the electricity showrooms and the 333 club in shoreditch. rolling back the years on a school night. today i will be mostly consuming coke and crisps.


Thirsty Thursday ffs. :lol: Are you a student?

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Thirsty Thursday ffs. :lol: Are you a student?


i wish. i'd be slobbing out on the sofa right now instead of editing a piece on toxic taxonomic anomalies if that were the case.

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Aye, I think so! I visited PP when he was up on the ward once but haven't actually had anyone through theatre that I know of.

You have ......

Remember that freakishly large penis that you reduced to 12 inches?


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i'm hanging. wife and baby away so enjoyed a rare thirsty thursday. ended up in the electricity showrooms and the 333 club in shoreditch. rolling back the years on a school night. today i will be mostly consuming coke and crisps.

I'm doin the same this weekend, going to fabric on Saturday night. My mate, who emigrated to NZ is in South Africa and has decided to fly to his next destination via London so we can all meet up and go clubbing. Sasha is headlining but I will be heading to room 3 for Boo Williams, a legend of 90s Chicago house. I think this will probably be the last ever time I do this considering I'm 40 in 2 months.

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