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What mood are you in and why?


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Hey Fist. We could do a rapid sequence induction with a bit of Thio and Sux. A bougie to hand if needed. Intubate with a size 4 McCoy blade and a size 8.0 ETT. Fentanyl on induction (obviously) and we'll use Desflourane inside. TAP blocks at the end and Bob's your uncle ;)

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Welcome to the world of anaesthesia. I can put you to sleep in an instant and only wake you up when I'm good and ready. You won't feel a thing ;)

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Welcome to the world of anaesthesia. I can put you to sleep in an instant and only wake you up when I'm good and ready. You won't feel a thing ;)

So can Monroe Transfer, you've no monopoly on that, Cath.

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Slightly disappointed - I'm off this week and had a dentist's appointment this morning to take the first step on getting implants but they've just rang to cancel it - I'm a bit of a CT when it comes to "projects" and once I decide to do something I like to get it underway promptly.


On the other hand I did get a call last night confirming that my car will be ready tomorrow and of course I'm slight more at ease after last night's result so not too bad a mood overall.

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Welcome to the world of anaesthesia. I can put you to sleep in an instant and only wake you up when I'm good and ready. You won't feel a thing ;)

Are you from Ohio?



So can Monroe Transfer, you've no monopoly on that, Cath.


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Sadly that interview wasn't technical, it was "Project management, strategy and policies" , next interview is the geeky one, thing is with this promotion i'd lose pretty much all my technical work and it'll be pure meetings documents and project guff, so not sure if i want it yet (hence my lazy approach to the first interview)


but i like more money....and more power...and more minions, so it's kinda swaying me now i've passed the first part lol


Remember my wise words from yesterday!


Lots of people get promoted to a level on incompetence!


Know your level ;)

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He has indeed. Just seen the doc and got a little mixture of tramadil???? and something else.


Hope I can still have a few glasses of red:(

You're going to be off your face. :lol:


I have it on repeat and take 10 a day.

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You're going to be off your face. :lol:


I have it on repeat and take 10 a day.


The other one was naproxen and 1 hour in no better.


Might have to call on the services of the local drug lords!!!


I only get this very occasionally and it's usually gone in a day or two and painkillers arnt required so I really feel for you being stuck with it.

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Been referred to another area for my back now. Taking the piss like. :(

What's wrong with our back if you don't mind me asking? (I guess everyone else is aware) My mum had real back problems for years after slipping a disc but was constantly being referred around and getting palmed off to different consultants until they decided she needed surgery which seems to have done the trick. Hope you don't need surgery but it sounds a similar story

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The other one was naproxen and 1 hour in no better.


Might have to call on the services of the local drug lords!!!


I only get this very occasionally and it's usually gone in a day or two and painkillers arnt required so I really feel for you being stuck with it.


Naproxen is an anti-inflammatory isn't it?

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Naproxen is an anti-inflammatory isn't it?


Aye, I tried to tell him that I just needed painkillers as it was more nerve related but he didn't listen.


I almost showed him the NHS page that I was working off but I thought he might take offence. :lol:

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