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What mood are you in and why?


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Excellent, had a fiver each way on auroras encore :D



I had £5 EW on Cappa Bleu & Teaforthree after my cousin text me early doors to warn me off his previous tips Seabass and Treacle. :phew:

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Brilliant mood. Nipped out to do a bit taxi'ing having woken far too early and got a quick £20 fayre to Central Starion.


Driving back through a sun soaked deserted city with Luke Bryan belting out.....


Marvellous start to the day.

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Think I'm turning into a workaholic. Keep finding myself staying an hour or two (occasionally more) after 5.30 when I don't need to. No pressure to stay really because I'm generally on top of the workload but I set myself targets every day that I often can't help but feel the need to attain within the (extended) working day.


To be honest, in the past I've always put myself down for overtime (which the above doesn't relate to, I'm not getting paid to stay later) and the like as long as it doesn't get in the way of my outside life. Not a bad thing but I think I over-work myself for little benefit.

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Decent advice that ;)


I'm doing it less than I used to tbf. It's partly a psychological thing - I hate getting snowed under and I do x amount of work to attempt to alleviate any pressure further down the line.


Out of interest, what is it that you do?

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I do the exact opposite nowadays. As little work as possible, little hours as possible, presenteeism to appease HR, and last minute panics as deadlines approach.


It's the Gemmill philosophy, and it's his fault.

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The only job where it makes any sense to slog your guts out is if you have your own business. If you're employed, 80 to 90 percent of that extra effort is for somebody else's benefit.


I mean do it for a bit to get to a level where you're comfortable (a professional qualification is invaluable in fast tracking this process), but then it's time to take the foot of the gas.

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I've adopted the same attitude since having a bairn. Out if the office as soon as possible every day so back in time to give him a bath. Only stay late when on deadline and absolutely needed.


Present mood is nervous excitement. Slightly terrified by the prospect of a 48 hour pissup in Hamburg. Out of practice

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If I know I've got a lot to do on a particular day, like if a colleague is off and I'm covering their work as well as my own, I'll often head into work early (I usually start at 9) and try and get a head start on the day. I never stay past 5 these days though. I did a while back for quite a while, as did others, and all it did was gloss over the fact that we had too much work on.


Edit! Might as well mention my mood. Annoyed that I've come down with a bit of a cold so I'm wasting a day's holiday in bed keeping warm, but really looking forward to a meal, drinks and the match later with another day off tomorrow. If it's our last Europa League Thursday for a while, I intend to make the most of it.

Edited by Jill
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Never underestimate the power of the Tactical Vomit.

Instasober. ;)


i can honestly say i have never done that. i never tend to feel that bad during the pissup itself. i can drink all day and all night until i drop. it's the next day where i really suffer. these days if i have a heavy session i can't move the next day so i'm not sure how i'm going to be able to cope with a hair of the dog breakfast and getting back on it all over again. this is going to be a real test of fading middle aged powers of recovery.

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an interesting theory. at what point would you do that though? is it just before you pass out? i usually try the neck a point of water method at that stage. i can't imagine making myself puke then carrying on drinking though. don't know how people do that. when i've just blown chunks, the last thing i want to put down my throat is a pint of beer.

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The tactical must be done before the point of nausea/collapse arrives naturally.

If so, tickle the tonsils, have at it, splash of water to freshen up, then back to the beer.

Works a treat.

If you wait until you're feeling ropey, you're fucked.

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I'm bored out of my skull due to having to complete two 4000 word essays for my course this weekend. Also, I have to go to sodding London for work tomorrow evening, so my entire weekend will have been spent working on reports or at work in London.


Just felt like complaining about it.

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Post holiday blues. Not had them this bad for ages. Was only in the lakes for three nights. :lol:


Stupid thing is I'm not even back at work for a week - in fact I'm off to Brussels tomorrow until the weekend. While my girlfriend's working during the day I'll be left to my own devices - if anybody has any recommendations I'll be grateful.

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Just had yearly appraisal and spent 45 of the 60 minutes listen to my boss bitch about his job... :yahoo:<_<


Anyone fancy employing a balding (bald) efficient (lazy) man (child) with excellent communication skills (gobby as fuck)

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Genuine question. You seem like a bright bloke but appear to bounce around in jobs and still live like a student at 30. You got any career prospects in mind?

Honestly? I'm envious of people who see a career that's "for them" early on, but the things I take pleasure from aren't necessarily going to pay me enough to keep me in the manner to which I've become accustomed ;) . The way I see it I'm only 31 I'm really enjoying my life at the minute and the only reason I want a new job is for the fresh challenge and the change of scenery. I'm doing professional qualifications paid for by work and once they're in the back pocket it'll make contracting a lot easier.


Was contemplating working with my cousin in Australia for a year as well...


I've been doing a lot of fiction writing recently, which I suppose would be a dream job, but other than that bumbling from one contract to another is fine for me. Obviously if I suddenly had an iota of responsibility beyond the monthly rent I might want to settle, but not yet.

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