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What mood are you in and why?


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Just signed up with a personal trainer. 12 week of hell :D doesn't start for a week or so hence I just had a sausage, bacon & bean buttie.



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Congrats Ant,


Does this mean you'll be able to spend more time on fixing tt bugs? Like fixing the now famous "Tabbing to Post button doesn't work" problem?

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I've been told I should be a high level grade 8 but will never achieve it due to cutbacks. Which is bollocks because I 'make' my department 200 k a year.


How does everybody else feel about Mondays. I'm not kidding, I just feel like topping myself. Next person who says 'be grateful for having a job' can fuck right off too.

Edited by Renton
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So NICE is a profit making organisition?....didnt realise that, I thought they were the NHS drug licensing department.


It sounds worthwhile to me, but I dont have to do it.....I've got a canny contract atm, best money I've ever earned, but am bored fuckin shitless most of the time too. The people here are a good mix though...one lad usually works on "superyatchs", and judges everything in life by the standards of the hugely wealthy...he's a millionaire, doesnt need to earn the 40k a year he gets here which goes to his account in Monaco, but would be "bored" sat at home......he sits the other side of the desk from a former sergent in the Royal Marines with multiple tours of Ulster, the Balkans, Iraq and Afganistan under his belt. He came out and got a degree, and now earns £22k working direct for the company, whereas a lot of the rest of us are contracors....the yatch bloke upset him greatly this morning by stating that the limbless who return from Afghanistan are well looked after, that he shouldnt have to pay taxes at all, scroungers etc etc...this Marine's fuckin mental, played rugby for the Navy etc..think hes going to wait outside for him tonight :lol:

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I've worked the last two Saturdays and yesterday so I've chucked in a request to take this Friday and next Monday off. A four day week will be just about doable without meltdown.

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PL, no NICE is not profit making. I'm employed by Newcastle hospital trust and commissioned to work by NICE. They pay well but I'm on a stardard AfC contract with no financial incentives.


I was made redundant last year from a job I loved and tried my best for a pay off. No fucking chance. After a 5 month stand off the trust parachuted me here. I don't like my new job anywhere near as much.


This is all Chez Given'sfucking fault. After meeting him at Tilley's a few years back we got talking about QALYs (seriously :lol:). Bottom line is he persuaded me to do a diploma in fucking HEalth Economics. I did so and now I'm indispensable!


I'm too specialised to do much else now. Would have to move to the NW or London. Which aint going to happen.

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Im rather annoyed.


There is an old lad in here who had last week off on leave (not sure if it was unpaid or not, but thats not my business) to look after his old man who was having an operation. Anyways, he wasnt in first thing today so the two brown nosers in front of me made a show of it. This lad has infact called in sick. Apparently his old man's operation didnt go to well, so this lad has gone to the docs and got a fortnight off with stress.


Anyways, this has fuck all to do with anyone bar this old lad and the gaffers. Yeh, it sounds like he is playing the game but I am going to have some compassion as his ol' fella is poorly.


Fuck me, the stick he is getting from a couple of the cunts here is sickening! The poor bastards ol' fella could be dying and they couldnt give a shit!

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Im rather annoyed.


There is an old lad in here who had last week off on leave (not sure if it was unpaid or not, but thats not my business) to look after his old man who was having an operation. Anyways, he wasnt in first thing today so the two brown nosers in front of me made a show of it. This lad has infact called in sick. Apparently his old man's operation didnt go to well, so this lad has gone to the docs and got a fortnight off with stress.


Anyways, this has fuck all to do with anyone bar this old lad and the gaffers. Yeh, it sounds like he is playing the game but I am going to have some compassion as his ol' fella is poorly.


Fuck me, the stick he is getting from a couple of the cunts here is sickening! The poor bastards ol' fella could be dying and they couldnt give a shit!


Ok lads, who wins the "Wykikitoon Sweepstake"?

I had two weeks, so I'm way off.

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Love Mondays! Monday are my Saturdays and pub night! :)


(although I am doing a few hours today to get some beer tokens for London).

There is something to be said for sitting in an office while the 9-5ers seethe and grumble and drag their feet while you're eying the emails with glee knowing full well you're not going to fucking touch them because it's your Friday and nee fucker else works on theirs.


I was on a conference call earlier and I just played New Star Soccer while the other four people tried to pass responsibility of something between themselves. Simple things. :lol:

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Congrats Ant! The cream rises to the top mate :)


Rents, i made you indispensable, how am i to blame?


I attended a fantastic 'How to do nowt at work clinic' held by Gemmill last friday, great course materials and the presentations were great. Whats been fantastic has been the excitement of re-starting work today eager to put in place all the new ideas and tips picked up off the course.

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I'm turning in to a right old fart. I'm off this week and am up at the caravan but I spent the day doing photography along the Northumberland coast. Now back at the caravan waiting for wor lass to come back with the bairns, sitting out the front resting my bare feet on the warm grass. It's lush :D

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