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What mood are you in and why?


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Elated. After a frantic, violent 3 hours on Saturday and many more training over the last 2 years I graded to shodan (black belt) in Jiu Jitsu.


After the grading there was a black tie ball where I was presented with my grade, I got absolutely smashed and partied into the wee hours with my club, my fellow graders, my friends and my girlfriend. Then a lovely morning in Bath yesterday followed by a jaunt across to London to celebrate my brother's birthday by watching the football and getting leathered again. Now got a week off to recover.


Weekends simply do not get better than this.

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A kid I know, back when we were 18 or so, was learning kickboxing. Anyway there was a few of us on holiday in Mallorca and these Spanish kids started shouting stuff at us walking down the street.


This kick boxer kid was a bit weird and thought he deserved a lot more respect for his beginner martial arts skills than anyone gave him. So he turned round, stared these spaniards down, then did a sort of high kick thing... and just held it. Just chilling in position. Letting these Spaniards knew that he meant business like they wouldn't believe. :lol:


Didn't quite have the desired effect cos I'm not sure if it was us that laughed harder at him, or the Spaniards. Or just everyone else in the street.


Anyway, I don't think ju jitsu has a lot of kicks in it, but if it did have, that's what you should have done when you were presented with your black belt. Congrats btw.

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It looks hard fucking graft. Kudos to anyone who gets to the top level in any sort of scrapping like that.


All that rolling around though, you'd want a clean fighting partner. How many times have you got a mouthful of another man's sweat Luke? :lol:

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I read Forrest Griffin's book (don't ask) and he talked about the perils of picking up infections from poorly cleaned mats, scruffy fight partners etc. It sounded scarier than the fucking fighting!

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fucking exhausted, been having properly gruesome nightmares for the past couple of nights. Normally symptomatic of some kind of stress in my life that I'm not dealing with, but there's nowt going on currently.

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There wasn't much cuddling on Saturday, it was more defending myself from being punched/kicked/bottled/stabbed/throttled etc and looking cool as fuck whilst doing it.


Cheers Gem. Never got a mouthful but there are some sweaty badgers out there. A guy I train with is sopping wet after the first five minutes - his gi (training gear) tends to be somewhere in the magnolia range rather than the original white.

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  On 02/07/2012 at 10:14, The Fish said:

fucking exhausted, been having properly gruesome nightmares for the past couple of nights. Normally symptomatic of some kind of stress in my life that I'm not dealing with, but there's nowt going on currently.


Unresolved gay sexual tension.

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  On 02/07/2012 at 10:56, Gemmill said:

Fish being chinned by dreams. :lol:

Makes you think; how fucking hard are my dreams then?!

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I think it's safe to say that today is the very day that my son entered the "Why?" stage of development. I'm bloody exhausted from answering questions, only to be met with another "Why?"


Oh, and there's been several "Why not?" questions aswell when I've asked him not to do things like crash his Buzz Lightyear into the expensive tv screen..

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  On 02/07/2012 at 18:59, Ant said:





Because it'll break and mammy will be very, VERY cross.




Because mammy doesn't like things to be broken.


Why not?


Because they have to go in the bin and you can't have them anymore.


Why not?



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  On 02/07/2012 at 19:05, catmag said:

Because it'll break and mammy will be very, VERY cross.




Because mammy doesn't like things to be broken.


Why not?


Because they have to go in the bin and you can't have them anymore.


Why not?




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  On 02/07/2012 at 20:13, Meenzer said:

Then why have you asked me out on Thursday? <_<

I said it was resolved. I didn't reveal the resolution. :shifty:


  On 02/07/2012 at 20:16, catmag said:

Oh I've made my excuses and gone to find sweeties to shut you up now....

God I want sweeties. :huff:

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  On 02/07/2012 at 20:51, The Fish said:

I said it was resolved. I didn't reveal the resolution. :shifty:


I'm anyone's for a lamb jeera.


(And him indoors is away overnight on work business :o)

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Good mood. Received the settlement on my travel insurance claim from last year, and despite having been told that they wouldn't be prepared to cover the final instalment payment, which would have cost me 3.5k, they've settled it in full.


I'd written that cash off as lost, so I feel like I've just been handed 3.5 grand. :first:

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