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What mood are you in and why?


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if she had to think to breathe she would be dead.




I'm in a good mood - have the week off and have made good progress in all the things around the house I need to get done.



Edited by NJS
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Frustrated. Trying to balance when I have the kids and the ex has time off with having time with the gf and never being able to suit all parties.


Someone is always pissed off with what comes about and me as piggy in the middle always seems to get it in the neck.

Can't you all just live under one roof like a hilarious family movie from the 90s? I can foresee no possible issues


You're a fucking sadist Dave... :razz:

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Having nursed a house full of poorly kids all weekend, I finally caught the bug on Sunday night. A vomiting bout was followed by 24 hours of constant diahorea. At times this was every 15 minutes and was so bad I had to stay awake all Sunday night.


Quite unbelievable how much fluids the body holds.


Nicely cleared up just in time for weigh in tonight. :)

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Fantastic mood. We've recently brought in a new director who is all about getting back to basics and removing red tape, paperwork and concentrating first on foremost on getting the job done.


About bloody time - feels like a much better place to work already.

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I'm in two minds whether to accept the slimmer of the week prize if won :lol:


When I had the shits just after new year, I lost about 7 pounds in 2.5 days.


All came back when I started to keep it down so be prepared to win fat cunt of the week next time.



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I'm in two minds whether to accept the slimmer of the week prize if won


When I had the shits just after new year, I lost about 7 pounds in 2.5 days.


All came back when I started to keep it down so be prepared to win fat cunt of the week next time.




Aye, that crossed my mind as well.

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Having nursed a house full of poorly kids all weekend, I finally caught the bug on Sunday night. A vomiting bout was followed by 24 hours of constant diahorea. At times this was every 15 minutes and was so bad I had to stay awake all Sunday night.


Quite unbelievable how much fluids the body holds.


Nicely cleared up just in time for weigh in tonight. :)

I can't be the only one who is less than fascinated with Chubby Tree's detailed bowel movement diarys.

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[i can't be the only one who is less than fascinated with Chubby Tree's detailed bowel movement diarys.


It'd make better reading if there was a comedy moment


"As I opened the car door to let her in, I shat all over my kegs. I had to drive with the windows open" or


"I said thanks very much, here's your change, and vomited all over him. He didn't see the funny side and I had to run down the road to get away, trying not to follow through."


Instead we get a factual run down of material ejected from each end. I suspect this is a smokescreen for the prune juice enemas he's been administering in a bid to beat the weigh in at fatty club........

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Feeling good


Just got back from Krakow, brilliant 4 days there, missed the match tonight because I was on the plane but we're going to wembley


Come back with tonsillitis but will enjoy the rest if I get signed off work tomorrow

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Slightly miffed!


Had a dream last night that we'd beaten Everton in the FA Cup final.


I'd forgotten the game was on and returned home to be told Shane had scored the winner.


Whilst disappointing to awake and realise it was a dream, mood softened by Sunderlands very real nightmare :lol:

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A little on edge as i have a 2pm today deadline for a PQQ i'm working on (which we got on monday).


More or less done except for the inclusion of 3 relevant case studies...which my company hasn't really got.


Just had an email from my boss thought saying I may have to fudge it. :D

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Good money in it like. The number of people we've had at our place over the last 3 or 4 years charging ludicrous day rates to run projects. Talking about how things are "in train" and "we'll deal with that in flight" etc. It's an entirely different language.

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Aye, my dad is freelance and has just billed a client in Knightsbridge for a tidy sum where she's just having her place redecorated. Same client who still has a dig at me because I was present at the meeting where she set upon wallpaper from Harods that cost 20k, which she has decided was my fault. :lol:


Hopefully I can wangle my way up to project managing again with this company - i've got a qualification after all. :)

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Good money in it like. The number of people we've had at our place over the last 3 or 4 years charging ludicrous day rates to run projects. Talking about how things are "in train" and "we'll deal with that in flight" etc. It's an entirely different language.


The NHS might be shit at times but at least we don't have to listen to bullshit like that all day.

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Project managers = box-ticking bastards - put them together with internal auditors and they're a death knell for the IT business and I'd imagine anything else you'd care to add.

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I'm a Project Manager too as it happens. Yesterday I was off work and my project was to get my Mam to babysit my daughters whilst me and the missus went out for a few drinks and some food. I managed it no bother at all. :good:

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Good money in it like. The number of people we've had at our place over the last 3 or 4 years charging ludicrous day rates to run projects. Talking about how things are "in train" and "we'll deal with that in flight" etc. It's an entirely different language.


The NHS might be shit at times but at least we don't have to listen to bullshit like that all day.

I do. :(

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