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What mood are you in and why?


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The kind of mood whereby you have been off work a week, then think it's a good idea to go to the club last night and drink nothing but Exhibition.


Feel rotten this morning.

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Isn't cling film just to prevent infection in really bad burns?


Its clings to itself therefore easier to get off as it doesnt stick to the burn. Watch clips of Simon Weston trying to get his dressings off after his burns, fuck me, poor bloke passed out with the pain!

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Bit of a dilemma- we ( my business) sub-contract a regular job from a guy( lets call him Bob). He has always told the client that we were his employees, which was annoying but we said nowt.

Today, the client called us aside after work and said they knew we were subbys, not a problem, they weren't happy with Bob and would we be interested in the contract if they couldn't resolve their issues with him.

We've been asked to submit a proposal for the contract, and reading between the lines, if we match or beat Bob's price, they have no intention of " resolving the issues"with him. . It's as good as ours.

Here's the dilemma- when we set up, Bob provided us with a fair amount of work, and although he has brought the issues on himself, we'd still feel a bit shit about taking the work. ( a bit like banging your mate's lass the night after she dumps him ).


The flipside to that is that over the last year , the amount of work Bob has brought us has reduced to , basically, this contract.


So, looks like he's going to lose it , we have been asked to quote it, if we get it , Bob will spit the dummy.



Thoughts lads ?









( I already know what we are gojng to do btw, just wondering if anyone has been in a similar scenario?)

Just deny you've got the contract, it's not like he's going to come to site, and tell the client, if Bob asks they've got some new cunt in. Bob's incompetence isn't your fault by the way.

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The facts are these.

He's losing the contract, that has been made clear by the client.

If he loses it, we lose it.

We can't afford to 1) lose the work

2) not bid for it.

If we don't take it, someone else will.


We have arranged a meeting to tell him the full story, thereby giving him the opportunity to rectify his relationship with the client, and will make it clear that we will be happy to carry on with the status quo if he can.

We will also make it clear that if he loses it, we will be bidding.


Can't really be fairer than that. We haven't stabbed in the back, we were approached by the client, not the other way round.

It would be the easiest thing in the world to keep schtum and move in once he's lost it, but that's not what we are going to do.


Hence my original post re. a dilemma.


We asked ourselves what we'd expect if the tables were turned, and will act accordingly.



I will also read a eulogy when he tops himself ( Chez & KSA).


Fair play MF lad.

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Tell you what, mate, I'm not letting on to my last place as I put an appeal in and threatened unfair dismissal on them and put them in a predicament. They know they've dropped a bollock, they also know I'm like a fucking dog with a bone. Think I'll keep this job offer to my self. I'm still going to have the fucker that cooked the books to make me redundant. I have it on very good authority he's sweating like a bastard on Fathers day! :D

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Just had a call about the job I was in for.........






I got it!


Looks like I've been officially out of work for 2-3 weeks before getting a better job.


Get the fuck in. :D

Good lad :D

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Tell you what, mate, I'm not letting on to my last place as I put an appeal in and threatened unfair dismissal on them and put them in a predicament. They know they've dropped a bollock, they also know I'm like a fucking dog with a bone. Think I'll keep this job offer to my self. I'm still going to have the fucker that cooked the books to make me redundant. I have it on very good authority he's sweating like a bastard on Fathers day! :D




"Worky ticket Dunne" strikes again!


When do you start at the new place? Is it local?

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Tell you what, mate, I'm not letting on to my last place as I put an appeal in and threatened unfair dismissal on them and put them in a predicament. They know they've dropped a bollock, they also know I'm like a fucking dog with a bone. Think I'll keep this job offer to my self. I'm still going to have the fucker that cooked the books to make me redundant. I have it on very good authority he's sweating like a bastard on Fathers day! :D




"Worky ticket Dunne" strikes again!


When do you start at the new place? Is it local?


Fairly local, I'm not a worky ticket just a 'righter of wrongs'. ;)

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Came home late from work, started feel well ropey in the car, when I got in it then became apparent that I had a rather extreme case of the shits. Felt like total shite, and I never get ill and am not one to complain..just got up after trying to sleep it off and tucking into toast. Rock and Roll.

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