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What mood are you in and why?


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I'd probably work on Christmas Day if I could like. I get bored shitless after about 2 hours of being awake. Might as well be paid for it.


Glad to hear your mam's on the mend, Tom, mate.

You wouldn't like, fucking depressing.


It's not great like. I know it's what I signed up for by doing nursing but I've still whinged like fuck about it every year for the last 13 years. The worst year was when I was newly qualified, living in manc and was on the early shift Christmas morning starting at 7am. My mam phoned the ward about 9am to wish me a happy christmas and at that exact moment the local salvation army band turned up and started to play Silent Night. I cried for hours :lol:


I just heard on the news that the tube drivers want triple pay and a day of in lieu for working on Boxing Day. FFS. :lol:

It's ridiculous, some of them are on £40k, they get loads of holidays, bonuses for working bank holidays. They earn more than a fireman. Justify that to me. It's simply that they're able to hold the capital to ransom. I'm not a tory in many ways, but this is one Union I'd like smashed.


2nd last night shift before a day off, then working the 30th days and the 31st nights.

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Could be better.

Up this morning at daft o'clock to do a job in a chicken factory in Sunderland.

Waited for various fuckers to get their shit together( permits, COSHH data etc) only to be told after all that , we couldn't get started until Friday.


Feelings were expressed in a strong , Anglo Saxon manner.

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Could be better.

Up this morning at daft o'clock to do a job in a chicken factory in Sunderland.

Waited for various fuckers to get their shit together( permits, COSHH data etc) only to be told after all that , we couldn't get started until Friday.


Feelings were expressed in a strong , Anglo Saxon manner.


Ruffle a few feathers, did ya....... :lol:

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Could be better.

Up this morning at daft o'clock to do a job in a chicken factory in Sunderland.

Waited for various fuckers to get their shit together( permits, COSHH data etc) only to be told after all that , we couldn't get started until Friday.


Feelings were expressed in a strong , Anglo Saxon manner.


Wouldn't fancy doing that in these winds mind.

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Could be better.

Up this morning at daft o'clock to do a job in a chicken factory in Sunderland.

Waited for various fuckers to get their shit together( permits, COSHH data etc) only to be told after all that , we couldn't get started until Friday.


Feelings were expressed in a strong , Anglo Saxon manner.


Ruffle a few feathers, did ya....... :lol:




Clucking bell :lol:

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Could be better.

Up this morning at daft o'clock to do a job in a chicken factory in Sunderland.

Waited for various fuckers to get their shit together( permits, COSHH data etc) only to be told after all that , we couldn't get started until Friday.


Feelings were expressed in a strong , Anglo Saxon manner.


Wouldn't fancy doing that in these winds mind.

It's indoors mate, storage racks in a freezer- a freezer 50m long and 3 storeys high mind ;)

Could be better.

Up this morning at daft o'clock to do a job in a chicken factory in Sunderland.

Waited for various fuckers to get their shit together( permits, COSHH data etc) only to be told after all that , we couldn't get started until Friday.


Feelings were expressed in a strong , Anglo Saxon manner.


Ruffle a few feathers, did ya....... :lol:




Clucking bell :lol:


Absolutely fowl.

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Interesting, I might see if I can get to Auschwitz for Jan 27th to coincide with the holocaust memorial day. Look forward to your trip report, have a gooden!


Jeez its bad enough going to Birkenau, emotional as fuck, but to do it on that day, christ.


I say bad. Its a great thing that people still remember this.


Should NEVER be forgotten.

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Even though it hasn't been forgotten it hasn't prevented similar atrocities taking place in broad daylight (just listening to a talk about Bosnia).


Sorry to bring the mood down with all this genocide talk.


Aye, that stuff in Bosnia is of a similar vain. I know a few lads who were out there in the army. Some of the stuff they have told me made me feel ill.

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Nice suit Stevie, how much was it? I need to get some new threads.

It's not a suit it's a Cashmere coat mate. Well 20% cashmere, rest is wool. It was £220, me sister bought me it for christmas, she's stinking rich now living in leafy Oxted. She asked me what I wanted and I said a Danny Dyer cashmere. She came back with exactly what I wanted to a t.


This to do with the work colleague stuff coming to a head Stevie?

Nar mate but that's something else all together. My gaffa who brought me to the company I work for now, was sacked on December the 19th. I'm in exactly the same position Nobby found himself in when Dalglish was sacked. I've been assured my job is safe, because me revenue has been good lately. Feel for Dave though the poor cunt, his kidneys fucked, his wifes always ill, and his kids are too, and he's behind with his mortgage payments, and he was a buffer for me from aal the shite.


I thought that it was Steve Howey. ;)

Haha pleased you said Steve rather than Lee.


Sorry to hear that. On a lighter note though you're a right fucking hom with all these avatars mind! How many pictures do yee take of yourself in the mirror! :lol:

For fuck sake, how many pics do yee stick up like? Every time Wacky's on he rips you for it.

Edited by McFaul
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If 10 is the happiest you can feel, and 1 is the worst. Last three or four days I'm about 3, and I've been 9 for months. Tuesday is a right D Day.


If dad related hope the news is all good.

It's not mate, it's far far from over, but been a traumatic time.

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