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The Cycling Thread


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Yet if it was a footballer who was demanding that his own bed and pillows be brought with him wherever he traveled then he'd be called a prima donna.


Thats the difference. They dont demand it.


Its what Sky & Brailsford do for them. A footballer wouldnt play for 3 weeks solid. These guys in the Tour / Giro / Vuelta cycle for 6h a day for 3 weeks with 2 rest days, a foootballer cant do 90mins without complaining of being trired.


Jonny Hoogerland was knocked into a birbed wire fence in last years Tour and still carried on.




Imagine a footballer after that? Feck off.

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Yet if it was a footballer who was demanding that his own bed and pillows be brought with him wherever he traveled then he'd be called a prima donna.


A footballer is more likely to be out on the piss tbf.


And aye, as wykiki points out, its not diva behaviour on the part of the cyclists, it's attention to detail on behalf of the management.

Edited by Gemmill
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Taxing cyclists won't be too far off.

I once saw a cyclist get pulled over by the ministry of transport. They checked his tyres and lights and even jacked it up to look underneath it. They couldn't find anything wrong, so they gave him a £100 ticket for defective wiper blades.


Well ok I didn't really see that but that's what will happen sooner or later. ;)

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Taxing cyclists won't be too far off.

I once saw a cyclist get pulled over by the ministry of transport. They checked his tyres and lights and even jacked it up to look underneath it. They couldn't find anything wrong, so they gave him a £100 ticket for defective wiper blades.


Well ok I didn't really see that but that's what will happen sooner or later. ;)


You crack hound.

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The problem with our road system today is the fact that it was built in the days when nobody seemed to have any foresight into how traffic would build up to include all kinds of different modes of transport.

You can go up many roads and they are barely wide enough to support single traffic in opposite directions, let alone cyclists.

Lately they have put cycle paths along routes but to do so, they have had to thin out the roads.


I remember once when I was a kid, I had a chopper that, to be honest was miles too big for me and all the other kids would glare at me in amazement, which gave me a complex at swimming....but anyway that's another story. ;)

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Just watched the first one, thanks Tooj.


The bollocks about Brailsford changing the team for the Giro, just for Cav just shows how much Sky have had an input on this. Thomas was always going to ride the Giro in prep to get some base in for the Track for London 2012. Kennaugh has raced the last 3 Giro d'Italia's and likewise he was going to ride the track stuff. The other guys, they were all going to be riding the Vuelta.


Its a good docu, but a lot of the Cavendish & Sky stuff I take with a pinch of salt. Sky would have failed if they didnt take Cav there last season. He was out of contract and in the World Champ stripes, a massive 'coup' for Sky. BUT it was never going to work with the amount of General Classification (GC - Riders aiming to win stage races, Tour, Giro, Vuelta, Paris-Nice etc) riders Sky have. Sky are also adding more to their team for next season so its time for Cav to go. Only a few teams have the budget for him though and IMO he will end up at Omega-Pharma Quick Step.


Cav has never been a Sky kind of rider, he isnt a person who looks at power meters and smashes the science stuff which Brailsford and the British cycling guys love. Cav races with his heart, with his head and instinct, he see's a gap and goes for it, he doesnt look at his power meter and think "Ive got 600m to go I am shifting 900w at the moment and can sustain x for y long"

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Do you think Sky are clean wykiki?


I wanted to think so, but starting with the Dauphine it was all a bit too reminiscent of the usps blue train for my liking.


i loved seeing Wiggins win the tour, and I always appreciated his early outspoken views on doping, but I've been really disappointed on his stance on Lance.


I also have a really hard time with Froome ever since last years Vuelta - at least he has looked tired recently I suppose.


Oh also Gert Leinders -really?

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How many people ride together? Am nee Steve Foy like I go at my own pace, slow on hills flat out on the flat. I'd be interested in that.


Just catching up on this thread and that cycle of yours sounded mental and well done.


Steve Foy though? :lol:

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Do you think Sky are clean wykiki?


I wanted to think so, but starting with the Dauphine it was all a bit too reminiscent of the usps blue train for my liking.


i loved seeing Wiggins win the tour, and I always appreciated his early outspoken views on doping, but I've been really disappointed on his stance on Lance.


I also have a really hard time with Froome ever since last years Vuelta - at least he has looked tired recently I suppose.


Oh also Gert Leinders -really?


I DO think Wiggins is clean, he can sustain certain wattage/kg due to his track background. If you saw in the Tour this year when put under pressure on some climbs Wiggins struggled, this is why he wont finish top 5 in next years Tour IMO. Next years Tour is the 'centenary' and will involve a lot of famous mountains and mountain top finishes, something Wiggins isnt the best at when under pressure.


I also beleive Cav etc are clean. Who I am suspicious about is Froome & Rogers. The Froome situation is laughable to be honest. He was never a GC contendor at Barloworld (His previous team) he was an OK time trailist c30-40placeings. I went to watch Sky in the Giro d'Italia in 2010 in Amsterdam. Froome was up against Wiggins (He won the prolouge), Evans, Millar etc some of the best time trailists in the world and was placed about 35th. A year later he is suddenly 2nd in the Vuelta and pushing Wiggins for leadership? Not only that, but on some of the steepest climbs in the Vuelta EVER! He then does the same in the Tour & Vuelta again! No progression, just a rocket of progression that stinks of doping. He didnt start training until April / May this season due to a blood infection, funny how he had to have some sort of blood tranfusion! So May training then suddenly his pushing for GC in the Tour? Feck off!


I dont think there is systamtic doping in Sky as there has been in previous teams in the past. The fact that they said they would vet EVERYONE who entreed the team and if they had anything to do with doping they wouldnt be allowed in, well, like you say what about Gert Leinders? Why hasnt anyone pressed Sky about this matter? It was mentioned during the Tour, then left alone? It needs pressing and people should have answers.


The Lance situation is a dissapointing one. NOBODY apart from Gustav Erik Larsson of Vacansoleil-DCM. He is ranked about 160th in the World. Why hasnt Wiggins said anything? This is where you can make all sorts of assumptions. Wiggins said after controlling a stage in this years Dauphine "It felt like we were the old US Postal Team". Would you really want to be associated with a team that everyone single one has now been done with doping offences?


The peloton needs someone like Wiggins et al to speak out about Lance IMO but they are worried about Sponsorship etc. IMO They would attract more if they knew the leader or someone like WIggins spoke out! Wiggins had a rant in the Tour which was similar to a Lance rant and since then people are getting suspicious. IMO Wiggins is clean. However he has a responsibility being a GC contender (and winner) now of taking questions like that afer years of people like Lance doping.


The Media (well Jurnos) need to take a hard stance too. US Postal and Lance in particular would vet all the jurnos in the media centre at the Tour. If they didnt like them or didnt want them there they would eject them! Sky are doing something similar. Before every press conference with Wiggins at the Tour (When he was in yellow) they said "Any doping questions will be ignored" Why didnt they go "Ok" get up and all walk out? If they cannot ask their questions, fuck em. Why should we give you and the Cathword Murdoch limelight.

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Yep, thats pretty much spot on what I feel. I've loved the sport for years but it's so hard to believe what you are seeing.


Wiggins deserved his win, but he did have the perfect course for him and no Contador or Schleck to deal with.

With Evans out of any form and being pulled along by by far the strongest team it was all set up for him.

Froome was so ridiculous I must admit some part of me would be very amused if he never won a GT after his performance for Wiggin over the this year and last.


I see today Mcquaid and Verbruggen are suing Kimmage for libel, unreal. I only hope they get taken down with Armstrong and they get someone in charge who is serious about cleaning up the sport.

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Yep, thats pretty much spot on what I feel. I've loved the sport for years but it's so hard to believe what you are seeing.


Wiggins deserved his win, but he did have the perfect course for him and no Contador or Schleck to deal with.

With Evans out of any form and being pulled along by by far the strongest team it was all set up for him.

Froome was so ridiculous I must admit some part of me would be very amused if he never won a GT after his performance for Wiggin over the this year and last.


I see today Mcquaid and Verbruggen are suing Kimmage for libel, unreal. I only hope they get taken down with Armstrong and they get someone in charge who is serious about cleaning up the sport.


Aye when really Kimmage should be applauded for some much he has done for the sport in terms of anti-doping.


I also read today that Verbruggen isnt going to take action against Hamilton in stuff he said in his book. Says it all really!

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Is Kimmage's book worth a read?


Aye, its a cracker, I saw him in Dublin airport not long after it had come out and I got him to sign it :D


Gemmill, if you're about this weekend and fancy watching some Road racing. The World Championships are on at the moment, Mens Elite is Sunday and Womens is Saturday, should be a good watch.


Other Cycling reads too which are canny.


Shades of Light & Dark - Bjarne Riis

How I won the yellow jumper - Ned Boulting

Bad Blood - Jeremey Whittle

The Death of Marco Pantani - Matt rendall

In Pursuit of Glory - Bradley Wiggins

Boy Racer - Mark Cavendish

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Nice one mate, cheers for the book recommendations, will check them out. I'm already booked in for the stuff on the telly this weekend - nothing planned and my lass is bizarrely up for watching it too, which is canny! Should be good.


My lass is even on about getting herself a bike. :lol: The problem is how easy the blokes on the Telly make it look - in reality, when she faces her first slight incline, she'll turn around, come home, and want to take her bike to the tip. :lol:

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