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Parents applying to the school must sign a form agreeing to the discipline policy, including corporal punishment.[5]


The school makes use of corporal punishment whenever it is required. This is inflicted privately in an office by a senior member of staff. Offences thus punished include swearing, fighting, vandalism, disrespect and cheating. Instead of expelling or withdrawing disruptive students, corporal punishment is seen as a final and complete punishment that is administered promptly. A wooden paddle is used to smack the student once or twice on the behind. The smacking must be carried out by a member of staff of the same sex as the student. The school says the student will be smacked only after a calm discussion and when he or she is ready to submit to it willingly. This retains the sense of dignity and justice for both student and teacher. According to the school, many students are thankful and satisfied after being paddled, as it brings an air of finality to the incident



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Paul Rupert Downton (born 4 April 1957 in Farnborough, Kent) is a former English cricketer who played in 30 Tests and 28 ODIs from 1977 to 1989.


He was a wicket-keeper and a useful batsman in the lower middle-order. He played his county cricket for Kent and Middlesex.


He attended Sevenoaks Prep School, Sevenoaks School and the University of Exeter. His cricket career ended when he suffered a freak eye injury in which a bail lodged in his eye when he was standing up to the stumps. He subsequently became a stock broker at Cazenove & Co.


Paul now lives in Sevenoaks in Kent with his wife Ali Downton. They have two children; Phoebe, born 1987 and Jonty, born 1989. both are now studying at the University of Exeter.


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Christ the King School

Christ the King School is a Roman Catholic parochial school in Seattle, Washington, USA, teaching children from preschool through eighth grade.


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Sports available at Christ the King include soccer, cross country, basketball, volleyball and track and field.


Clubs and activities


Christ the King has numerous clubs and activities, including band, Fiddle Kids, Irish Dance, MathCounts, Safety Patrol and Student Council.


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:( :(

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Elvish Linguistic Fellowship

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The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship (E. L. F.) is an international organization devoted to the scholarly study of the invented languages of J. R. R. Tolkien, headed by Carl F. Hostetter. It was founded by Jorge Quiñónez in 1988 as a Special Interest Group of the Mythopoeic Society. The E. L. F. publishes two print journals, Vinyar Tengwar, edited by Hostetter, and Parma Eldalamberon, edited by Christopher Gilson; an online journal, Tengwestië, edited by Hostetter and Patrick H. Wynne; and it also sponsors the Lambengolmor mailing list.


In 1992, Christopher Tolkien appointed an editorial group consisting of the chief editors and scholars of the E.L.F. to order, edit, and then publish his father's writings concerning his invented languages, working from photocopies of the materials sent to them over the course of the next decade and from notes taken by the group's members in the Bodleian and Marquette University Tolkien manuscript archives. It was agreed by all parties that the best way to do this was chronologically, as Tolkien's writings are often enough fully explicable only in light of his earlier writings, and often enough are dependent on those earlier writings for their context (both in internal and external terms). This main course of publication is being carried out in the journal Parma Eldalamberon. There are, however, some writings that are largely independent, and/or whose context has been sufficiently established by Christopher Tolkien's own chronological publication efforts in The History of Middle-earth, and so do not have to be presented in the normal chronological flow of the larger project. Such materials are being published in the journal Vinyar Tengwar. Members of this team are: Christopher Gilson, Carl F. Hostetter, Arden R. Smith, Bill Welden, and Patrick H. Wynne.



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ZFC International


ZFC International is a rap group consisting of 3 teenage boys that originated in Wylie,TX. The lead singer, Zachary Mader, came up with the idea while remembering someone singing, "To the window, to the kitchen, to the kitchen!" Although they have not been heard of, they hope to have their first album, "ZFC Int'll Airport by this fall.


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mmmmmm lemons




Eliza Tibbets (1825 - 1898), along with her husband Luther C. Tibbets, is known as the founder of the citrus production industry in California.[1] In 1873 she convinced William Saunders,[2] Superintendent of the fledgling Bureau of Agriculture, to make her a test grower for his new seedless oranges from Bahia, Brazil.[3] By planting and nurturing the orange trees that Saunders sent her, Tibbets revolutionized the citrus industry.[4] Introduction of these oranges, later called the Washington Navel Orange, proved to be the most successful experiment of Saunders’ tenure,[5] and one of the outstanding events in the economic and social development of California.[6] For the next 60 years and more, a great industry was built up from the two small trees planted by Eliza Tibbets.[7].................................

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This one is still the daddy..... :(


Gropecunt Lane


Gropecunt Lane (pronounced /ˈɡroʊpkʌnt ˈleɪn/) was a street name found in English towns and cities during the Middle Ages, believed to be a reference to the prostitution centred on those areas; it was normal practice for a medieval street name to reflect the street's function or the economic activity taking place within it. Gropecunt, the earliest known use of which is in about 1230, appears to have been derived as a compound of the words grope and cunt.[1] Streets with that name were often in the busiest parts of medieval towns and cities, and at least one appears to have been an important thoroughfare.


Although the name was once common throughout England,[2] changes in attitude resulted in its being replaced by more innocuous versions such as Grape Lane. Gropecunt was last recorded as a street name in 1561.


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gropecunt_Lane

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"Gropecunt, the earliest known use of which is in about 1230, appears to have been derived as a compound of the words grope and cunt." Well thanks for that. :(

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Tickle Cock Bridge


Tickle Cock Bridge is a pedestrian underpass in Castleford, England, under a railway line originally built by the York and North Midland Railway between York and Normanton. The thoroughfare, built in 1890, now connects the town's main residential area with the Carlton Lanes Shopping Centre, and is used by 50,000 pedestrians each week. The original Victorian structure, described by the shopping centre's manager as "small, narrow, very low and gloomy" and "frightening to walk through", was replaced in 2008 as part of an urban regeneration scheme.[1]


The replacement bridge was initially renamed Tittle Cott. After a protest organised by a local over-50s group, Wakefield Council reversed its decision and a plaque bearing the original name, Tickle Cock, was installed.


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tickle_Cock_Bridge

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* October 17—The Adige River overflows its banks, flooding the church of St. Zeno and damaging the walls of Verona.

* The plague hits Rome, and its victims included Pope Pelagius II.


[edit] Asia


* China: The Chen Dynasty ends; Jiankang (Nanjing), the last of the Southern dynasties, is completely destroyed; China is reunited under the Sui Dynasty.

* The Chinese scholar-official Yan Zhitui makes the first reference to the use of toilet paper in human history.

This event has been wiped from the history books :(

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Buck's fascia

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Buck's fascia


The penis in transverse section, showing the blood vessels.

Latin fascia penis

Buck's fascia is a layer of deep fascia covering the penis.[1]


It is also known as the "deep fascia of the penis".[2][3]


It is also sometimes simply called the "fascia of the penis", and the Terminologia Anatomica is simply "fascia penis".


Some sources call it the "deep perineal fascia" but other sources use the term "Gallaudet's fascia" for the deep fascia of the perineum. [4] Some sources state that it is a "continuation" of the deep perineal fascia.[5]


Buck's fascia is continuous with the external spermatic fascia in the scrotum and the suspensory ligament of the penis.


The deep dorsal vein of the penis is inside Buck's fascia, but the superficial dorsal veins of the penis are in the superficial (Dartos) fascia immediately under the skin.


It is named after Gurdon Buck


Controlled Bleeding is an experimental band originally formed in Boston around 1978 by Paul Lemos, Jack Salerno and Dave Southerland. Later, returning to Massapequa, New York, Lemos joined forces with old school chums, Gary Pecorino and Tony Meola in the first recorded version of the band, creating instrumental music that has been described as a collision between The Ramones and The Mahavishnu Orchestra. Their blazing performances at CBGB's and Stony Brook University in the early '80s, along with various demos, were collected on a long out of print Dutch LP issued under the name BODY SINK.


Pecorino and Lemos would soon part ways due to musical differences over the presence of the three hundred pound scat singing eccentric that is Joe Papa. (Papa answered an ad for a singer in a local music paper, since the group was getting frustrated by the lack of response to their instrumental exercises). With the addition of Chris Moriarty on drums and a few other players, the band continued briefly, but soon imploded after their first disastrous show with the new expanded line up.


Frustrated working with others, Lemos soon started venting his inner poisons through solo experiments in pure screaming cacophony, first documented on the SWALLOWING SCRAP METAL cassette compilation issued in 1982. After receiving encouraging response to these first noise experiments, Lemos recruited Moriarty and Papa once more and soon embarked on a violent creative course that resulted in cassette releases on early noise labels like BROKEN FLAG, XXX, and SWINGING AXE. The band's classic first album, KNEES AND BONES which now stands as one of the earliest documents of American power electronics, was issued in 1983.


Through the course of the next few years, the group would issue a number of varied releases, moving away from pure noise into more textural areas. Albums like BODY SAMPLES, CURD, SONGS FROM THE DRAIN, and CORE capture the group's raw, increasingly sophisticated aesthetic, blending elements of noise, prog rock, sacred music and musique concrète into something that was very much their own.


Although most of their music has been fiercely experimental, Controlled Bleeding did work with WaxTrax! and Roadrunner Records, issuing a handful of very visible, intensely rhythmic records. Recordings like TRUDGE and PENETRATION document this period and have dated surprisingly well. Unfortunately, these more commercial endeavors never sat well with Lemos, and he soon moved away from the commercial marketplace almost entirely, issuing dark sonic experiments like those found on the group's best works, THE DROWNING, INANITION, and THE POISONER CDs. Moriarty would soon leave the fold to pursue his own music in Body Clock, while, Lemos and Papa would continue developing music of mournful, spiritual depth (MUSIC FOR STOLEN ICON ll, GOLGOTHA CDs).


Although various side projects came and went through the years (Joined at the Head, Fat Hacker, In Blind Embrace, and Skin Chamber), Controlled Bleeding still exists and will issue some massive ARCHIVE projects in 2007, and possibly a new album early in 2008. An eight CD BOX set will appear from the Hong Kong based label ULTRA MAIL PROD, containing material from the early days in Boston (1977) to the present, and a five LP BOX set from Germany's VINYL ON DEMAND label will gather old and brand new music from the vaults. Also in the works is a CD reissue of the long out of print KNEES AND BONES.


Meanwhile, Lemos and Papa, along with RUINS drummer Tatsuya Yoshida, have immersed themselves in the free jazz madness that is THE BREASTFED YAK. Their debut CD, GET YOUR GREASY HEAD OFF THE SHAM, was released by Birdman Records a few years ago and remains one of the most completely OUT musical experiences you are bound to encounter. Bleeding fans generally despise it, but Lemos feels it's his finest work to date... (All of the band's current releases will soon be available on iTunes).


Controlled Bleeding's sound is confusingly varied from album to album and has contained elements of dub, free jazz, noise, prog, sacred music, dark ambient, classical and musique concrète. To their own detriment, the group has never cared much about generating or maintaining an audience, but just sort of does whatever inspires them in the moment.


[edit] Discography

Wall of China Love Letters (SoupTime, 1981)

Lung Ties (as Body Sink), (Eksakt Records, 1985)

Body Samples (Dossier, 1985)

Knees & Bones (Psychout Productions, 1985)

Between Tides (Multimood, 1986)

Core (Subterranean Records, 1986)

Curd (Dossier, 1986)

Halved (split LP with Maybe Mental) (Placebo Records, 1986)

Headcrack (Sterile Records, 1986)

Music From The Scourging Ground (Sub Rosa,1987)

Songs From The Drain (Dossier, 1987)

Music For Guilded Chambers (Sub Rosa, 1988)

Songs From The Ashes (C'est La Mort, 1989)

The Fodder Song (Wax Trax, 1989)

Songs From The Grinding Wall (Wax Trax, 1989)

Gag (Materiali Sonori, 1990)

Hog Floor (A Fractured View) (Subterranean Records, 1990)

Phlegm Bag Spattered (Dark Vinyl Records, 1990)

Trudge (Wax Trax, 1990)

Golgotha (Staalplaat, 1991)

Bladder Bags And Interludes (Vanilla Records, 1992)

Penetration (Third Mind Records, 1992)

Pets For Meat / The Gylsboda Snake (Musical Tragedies, 1994)

Songs From The Vault (Dark Vinyl Records, 1994)

The Drowning (Dark Vinyl Records, 1994)

Dub Songs From A Shallow Grave (Nuclear Blast, 1995)

Inanation (Hypnotic, 1996)

Songs from the Shadows (as In Blind Embrace), (Death Factory, 1996)

Night Shadows (split LP with Dive) (Fast forward Recordings, 1996)

Gilded Shadows (Hypnotic, 1997)

The Poisoner (Soleilmoon, 1997)

Our Journey's End (Materiali Sonori, 2000)

Can You Smell The Rain Between (Tone Casualties, 2000)

Shanked And Slithering (Hospital Recordings, 2005)

Songs From A Sewer of Dreams (Vinyl On Demand, 2007)

Before the Quiet (MVD Audio, 2008)

In Blind Embrace: Songs From the Shadows (MVD Audio, 2008)

The Birds and The Bees

Gibbering Canker-Opera Slaves (Studies in Meditation and Evisceration) Volume One (Ultra Mail Production, 2009)

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stumbled tbh


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Tea bag (sexual act)

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A woman performing fellatio on a man's scrotum


To tea bag is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth of a sexual partner. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea when it is done in a repeated in-and-out motion. As a form of non-penetrative sex, it can be done for its own enjoyment or as foreplay before other activities, such as oral sex.


The practice has also been mimicked in online video games, as a practical joke, and in hazing incidents. The scrotum only touches the face or head in some of these instances, though sometimes more activity is involved. The activity has become more prominent in the media, and the term is used to ridicule those in the Tea Party movement.





[edit] Oral sex


Along with the penis, the scrotum is sensitive and considered to be an erogenous zone. This makes varying degrees of stimulation an integral part of oral sex for many men.[1] It is an activity used within the context of BDSM and male dominance, with a dominant man tea bagging his submissive partner as a variation of facesitting or to inflict erotic humiliation. Although it may be unappealing to some, it does not need to be physically harmful or uncomfortable for the individual performing the oral stimulation.[2]


Its gain in prominence has been attributed to its depiction in the film Pecker, which was released in 1998.[3] It has since become popular enough with couples to be discussed during an episode of Sex and the City.[4] Sex experts have praised various techniques that the performer can use during fellatio to increase their partner's pleasure. These include gently sucking and tugging on the scrotum, use of lips to ensure minimal contact with their teeth, and different body positions.[5][6] Callers on the Howard Stern Show show once debated whether or not licking and fondling is considered tea bagging.[7] It has also been recommended as a form of foreplay or safer sex.[8][9]


According to columnist Dan Savage, the person's whose scrotum is being stimulated is known as 'the teabagger' and 'the teabaggee' is the one giving the stimulation: "A teabagger dips sack; a teabaggee receives dipped sack."[10]

[edit] Ridicule


Tea bagging is not always carried out consensually such as when it is done as a practical joke.[3] It has been used during hazing or bullying incidents with reports including groups holding down victims while the perpetrator "shoved his testicles in [the victim's] face"[11] or puts his "crotch to his head."[12][13]


The act has become popular in multiplayer first person shooter video games, most notably the Halo series. This is executed by the player who just killed an enemy running over to his corpse (if any) and repeatedly crouching in his opponent's face. This is done to imply domination or humiliation.[12] Although it is generally considered bad sportsmanship, its use is widespread throughout amateur and professional gaming.[14]


In 2009, the Tea Party movement was formed by anti-tax activists protesting against United States tax and spending policies. The activists referenced the Boston Tea Party protests for their name. The appellation "tea bagger" emerged, prompting puns by both commentators and protesters based on its sexual connotation.[15]

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