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Hidden Treasures

Park Life

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Your hidden treasures


If a Superman comic can fetch $1.5m - as one did recently at an auction in the US - then how much could the toys, records and furniture in your house be worth? Emine Saner puts a price on some unlikely collectors' items




A Beano back number


During the war, the only American comics that made it to the UK were brought by US sailors docking at Southampton, who would swap them for sweets and cigarettes. Sadly, that means the chances of finding a comic in your attic to rival the 1938 issue of Action Comics No 1 (the first Superman cartoon), which sold recently for a record-breaking $1.5m, is remote. Nonetheless, says comic expert and auctioneer Malcolm Phillips: "Any British comics from the war years are very collectable. There would be a lot of propaganda in them aimed at children, which was very interesting. You'd get a picture of Hitler hanging by a rope, dead."


Phillips is well placed to judge. In 2004, he sold a copy of the first Dandy from 1937 for £20,350. "What was rare about it was it came with its original free gift – a whistle," says Phillips.


A Beano from the early 40s could go for up to £40, and special issues can be double or treble that. In a pile of 50s comics, Malcolm always looks for issue 452 – the comic in which Dennis the Menace makes his first appearance.


It isn't just comics either. Phillips recently auctioned an almost complete year of Melody Makers from 1963, which includes its first Beatles cover."We are inundated with people wanting to sell stuff, but we turn a lot of it away," he says. Most comics from the 70s onwards, in good condition, are still only worth a few pounds.



"There is a massive market for 20th-century toys," says antiques expert and TV presenter Jonty Hearnden. Indeed, last month a collection of toy cars fetched £100,000 at auction. Anyone who has ever watched an antiques show will know that collectors prize mint condition, but even if you weren't one of those odd children who never took their robots or Batman models out of their original boxes, there is a chance your old toys could still be worth something.




I reckon most people have summat in the loft. ;)

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I've got a few Eurovision bits and bobs that idiots would pay decent money for if I sold them. But I won't, because I'm an idiot too. ;)


What kind of money are we talking?

Edited by Park Life
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My younger brother has thousands and thousands of pounds worth of marvel and the like comic books neatly covered and stored away, Been collecting them since he was quite young. He plans on leaving them to his best friend as we just "Don't understand him".

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I've got a few Eurovision bits and bobs that idiots would pay decent money for if I sold them. But I won't, because I'm an idiot too.


What kind of money are we talking?


Oh, nothing ridiculous like the article mentions, at least in isolation - £50 to £100 per item, that kind of thing. Cumulatively it's not a bad rainy day fund to have at your (semi-)disposal though, assuming no drop-off in the propensity of the aforementioned pink pounders to waste their money on useless rubbish. ;)

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Once CDs and DVDs are worth something I'll be richer than chamillionaire.


:nufc: My parents actually have a Betamax and some Tapes in the Attic :icon_lol:

Daddy's 'special' tapes?



Aye :icon_lol: , Mind you knowning my Daddy its probably just episodes of Minder or a copy of every which way but loose he never returned to the hire store.


Dad used to get sooo excited about certain things that came on the TV and get me to watch them too with major enthusiasm, like Red Dwarf, Quantum Leap, Smokey and the Bandit, Hooper, Cannonball Run (guess daddy was a Burt Reynolds Fan) oh and anything, absolutely anything with bugs bunny in it.


Actually can anyone remember who their parents had Crushes on? My Dad had a thing for Jaclyn Smith from Charlies Angels and Dolly Parton. Dunno Who My Mum liked, I'll have to have a think about that, don't think she ever said anyone was cute.

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I never saw a complete episode of Wonder Woman either, always had to go to the toilet.

Odd that.



You obviously needed bigger sofa cushions when you were growing up, Or you coulda recorded it on your betamax to watch back later in private ;)

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Dont think Ma Fist would've been too happy with jizz stained sofa cushions.

And we were posh- we had VHS.


Ma Fist- " Why are you recording Wonder Woman our Monkey?"

Me. -"So I can have a wank later over her Wonder Tits ,Ma"



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Dont think Ma Fist would've been too happy with jizz stained sofa cushions.

And we were posh- we had VHS.


Ma Fist- " Why are you recording Wonder Woman our Monkey?"

Me. -"So I can have a wank later over her Wonder Tits ,Ma"




lol takes us straight back to the corporal punishment thread ;)

So Ma Fist wasn't a force to be reckoned with! Most of my friends mum's were the ones who wore the trousers at home including mine, there were few kids whose dads were actually in the boss' boots. Usually the kids who were born with a silver spoon though, bigger job - bigger the man I suppose. To this dad my dad wouldn't back chat my mum for fear or coporal punishment himself :icon_lol: No balls my dad. His favourite saysing " you know me princess, anything for a quiet life" Usually just out of earshot of 'er indoors.

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My younger brother has thousands and thousands of pounds worth of marvel and the like comic books neatly covered and stored away, Been collecting them since he was quite young. He plans on leaving them to his best friend as we just "Don't understand him".


Unless they're rare, mint condition and/or complete runs he won't get anywhere near their initial value.


Mam and Dad have got a few bits and pieces they've have valued but I've inherited my Dad's approach to clutter. Once it's of little or no use I bin it or sell it there and then.


My Mam has, on many an occasion, gone fucking spare at my dad for selling a set of plates he found in the attic that clearly hadn't been touched in years because "they might be of use some day"

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