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Lagos Dump Dwellers Programme

Rob W

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Anyone catch this instead of the talking heids last night?


Excellent documentary


Not the usual "look at these poor black folk forced to live on the Lagos dump" stuff but an indepth look at what was a really vibrant community


mind the young thief who was bound up like a chicken with the Boss Man yelling "you know what we do to thieves and robbers around here? We BURN them.." in the lad's face must have been truly thankful the TV crew were there - he got off with Lifetime banishment (yes, I know, from the Dump.......)


It was all very Dickensian but really positive

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"I tell you - only wise men make it in Lagos! you learn a lot here. When man goes somewhere else people say "He a Lagos man, we will learn something different from him""


and isn't THAT the truth


Dr Olafu Bensuala, President Director for Bank of Nigeria

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I have a friend who grew up in Benin and later lived and worked in lagos and decided he needed a better life to provide for himself and his family.

So he made a plan, and it took 6 years of working 14 hour days, sleeping rough and bedding down on floors of anyone who would give him shelter. He eventually raised enough money to travel here and get basic accommodation and a work visa just outside london. He has spent the last 13 years getting educated to degree level whilst becoming a british citizen, I helped him study for it- I certainly couldn't have passed that exam the questions are totally inane. He now has a good job in the public sector and is getting married soon.


From where he was born to where he is now is amazing. He travelled back to Nigeria last year for the first time with his fiancee, and she was brought to tears to see the way he grew up. It was a lawless, vigilante, self regulating society of people, filled with propaganda about the western world's 'witchcraft' and trickery used to force upon them the lifestyle they have.


His achievement is purely through hard work and dedication and I can homestly say I don't think I could have had the strength and courage of my convictions to go through everything he has to be where he is today. I am majorly proud of him.

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Guest Barrack Road

Just watched it on BBCi. Good show that like, just goes to show the power of the Premiership when they're talking about putting bets on and how overrated Arsenal are in the middle of rubbish tips in Nigeria. Still even though it seems a gruesome existence working and living on a rubbish tip scavenging it seems to work for them, but my overriding feeling was how the fuck could they live with the smell all the time. That bloke who makes a living by collecting cows blood and boiling it for £20 a week ;) I can think of better ways of living personally. All in all though the programme left you thinking these people are enjoying their lives despite conditions that would drive some of us to suicide, there's an amazing respectful order on the tip, and that bloke who brokers the deal for the cows it's like he'd won the lottery when he got his money (£30). On the tip there's a barbers, a restaurant, a bar, a bookies it's like a living town, looking forward to the next one next Thursday. That bloke who saved up 15,000 Naira to record his song, he should've fucking kept it <_< was like a black S-Club 7.

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