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Guest Barrack Road

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im sweet today, pussys

You were in bed by 1, you tart


I went to bed at 3, you mong

I distinctly remember you being at your place before 01:30, scabbypants


I was, i was in my house at 1 15 to be exact. if i had of stayed any longer i wouldnt of got a taxi, smart move on my part, eh davidenkó

You fucking ponce, when I was your age, New Years Eve was classed as a washout if you got home before lunchtime. Walking home is part of the night. I remember one NYE walking home from Chapel House to Lemington via Elswick*




*Admittedly that means fuck all to anyone not from round here.


WOAW you are hardcore, you walked home :icon_lol:


So the little girl was in bed by 01:15, not 01:00.


I'm terribly sorry.

Its okay dave, dont make the same mistake again, now if you dont mind burgers need to be flipped, enjoy your day love xx

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  • 1 month later...
I feel awful today like.


Went out and ended up in Shindig, got home at 6 this morning (much to her displeasure).


Can't hack it any more. :(


Christ, is it still going? I had my education in dance music and gurners down that place many moons ago. Doubt i could hack it either these days tbh.

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Guest LeazesLad
I feel awful today like.


Went out and ended up in Shindig, got home at 6 this morning (much to her displeasure).


Can't hack it any more. :(

26 I think I was when I noticed I couldn't dee all night drinking anymore. It's not as much the drink it's the drink x lack of sleep.


Am fucked as well proper late neet had about 3 hours kip, and lots to drink, am so tired now but can't sleep even though I'd love to.

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  • 1 month later...


So fucked, had about 8 different kinds of drink last night, big mistake, look like I've been 12 roonds with Drago, taak aboot the green eyed monster. I'm gonna restrict mesel to 20 units a month now.

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So fucked, had about 8 different kinds of drink last night, big mistake, look like I've been 12 roonds with Drago, taak aboot the green eyed monster. I'm gonna restrict mesel to 20 units a month now.


That's about 7 pints of stella, so less than 2 pints a week, 1/4 pint a day. I can't see you sticking to that somehow. May as well give up all together.

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It was a bit of a struggle to have a sober matchday yesterday but I was so pleased when I woke up this morning feeling great. Got loads done today as well. :razz:

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got in at 06:00, had to get a train back from Bournemouth at 09:00, cleaner was buzzing around when I got in around noon and she only left half an hour ago. So I've had no sleep, now I'm starving and I'm gonna have to go get something, then I've got work at 18:30 tonight :razz:


I had a Dhansak last night that let me touch the face of God, who proceeded to punt me in the gut via my arsehole as a retort.

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You've been hammering it lately haven't you Stevie?

Binge drinking mate, am not like Rab C Nesbitt normally one night drinking a week, occsionally two.

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