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HTML Editor with WYSIWYG


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Sure I've asked before but couldn't find it.


I have next to no HTML code experience. But, I maintain my own business website. In the past I have done this using MS Front Page. It had a pretty good WYSIWYG editor and it enabled me to edit pages, add images, add tables and so on. Front page is no longer available. Ive since tried coffee cup HTML editor but what you do in the visual editor doesnt stay the same (alignment particularly) in the preview.


So, what I'm after is a pretty decent editor where I can make my changes visually rather than in code.


Any suggestions?

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Goto Adobe.com and download the trial version of Dreamweaver which gives you the full thing for 30 days then give me a shout. ;)


Front Page may have added a load of extra gumph into your webpages which isnt required though so they could be worth tidying up in Dreamweaver first.

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I've also used Dreamweaver and would recommend it. It also, iirc, has the advantage of looking the same on various browsers whereas I seem to remember stuff created in FrontPage looking a bit odd occasionally if you weren't using IE.

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i used to use frontpage and can't really argue with the boys for Dreamweaver being the best. From memory though I think it was quite expensive and more importantly extremely complicated for what I needed.


I got this one instead which is dead dimple to design and import to your website.


Worth having a peep

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  wykikitoon said:
Dreamweaver is mint. Its EASY to use too :icon_lol:


Daft thing is I only ever use it in Code view so I might as well be using friggin Notepad ;)


Really need to start using it as it as WYSIWYG and then tweaking the code afterwards!

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