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James Bulger murderer Jon Venables returned to prison


One of James Bulger's killers has been returned to prison after he breached the terms of his release.


Jon Venables, 27, is back in jail after being released on life licence in 2001.


He was detained with his friend Robert Thompson for the horrific murder of the three-year-old toddler in Bootle, Liverpool, in 1993.


The Ministry of Justice said: "We can confirm that Jon Venables has been recalled to custody following a breach of licence conditions."


Details of the nature of the breach were not released.


Both Thompson and Venables were given new identities when they were released after serving eight years for the little boy's murder.


On February 13, 1993, they abducted James from a shopping centre in Bootle and killed him on a railway line.


The toddler's battered body was found by children playing on a freight railway line near Walton Lane police station, Liverpool.


The two 10-year-old killers were arrested days later and became the youngest to be charged with murder in the 20th Century.


Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/8546528.stm


So let me get this right.. they were given new identities, the cost of which was footed by us, the taxpayer and the MoJ thinks it's in the best interests of all to disclose the fact that one of them (with their secret identity) has been banged up again?


Surely it'd have been in the best interests of all not to mention the connection to his former life? What the fuck have we paid for if not?

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James Bulger murderer Jon Venables returned to prison


One of James Bulger's killers has been returned to prison after he breached the terms of his release.


Jon Venables, 27, is back in jail after being released on life licence in 2001.


He was detained with his friend Robert Thompson for the horrific murder of the three-year-old toddler in Bootle, Liverpool, in 1993.


The Ministry of Justice said: "We can confirm that Jon Venables has been recalled to custody following a breach of licence conditions."


Details of the nature of the breach were not released.


Both Thompson and Venables were given new identities when they were released after serving eight years for the little boy's murder.


On February 13, 1993, they abducted James from a shopping centre in Bootle and killed him on a railway line.


The toddler's battered body was found by children playing on a freight railway line near Walton Lane police station, Liverpool.


The two 10-year-old killers were arrested days later and became the youngest to be charged with murder in the 20th Century.


Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/8546528.stm


So let me get this right.. they were given new identities, the cost of which was footed by us, the taxpayer and the MoJ thinks it's in the best interests of all to disclose the fact that one of them (with their secret identity) has been banged up again?


Surely it'd have been in the best interests of all not to mention the connection to his former life? What the fuck have we paid for if not?



You don't say ?


I thought all these ideoligical left wing intellectual do gooders said that they can be taught the error of their ways ?


We won't even talk about the cost of keeping them alive, very much a moot point, evil pair of cunts. Hanging is too good for them. Despite what the left wing intellectual do gooders try to tell you, they will always be evil cunts and a danger to the public.

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It would have been in our best interests to have them put down tbh.


Put them on a plane to Baghdad and arrange for some fanatics to hold them for ransom or behead them.


The human rights brigade would continue to protest from a safe distance

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You don't say ?


I thought all these ideoligical left wing intellectual do gooders said that they can be taught the error of their ways ?


We won't even talk about the cost of keeping them alive, very much a moot point, evil pair of cunts. Hanging is too good for them. Despite what the left wing intellectual do gooders try to tell you, they will always be evil cunts and a danger to the public.


cheap though and as such preferable IMO

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James Bulger murderer Jon Venables returned to prison


One of James Bulger's killers has been returned to prison after he breached the terms of his release.


Jon Venables, 27, is back in jail after being released on life licence in 2001.


He was detained with his friend Robert Thompson for the horrific murder of the three-year-old toddler in Bootle, Liverpool, in 1993.


The Ministry of Justice said: "We can confirm that Jon Venables has been recalled to custody following a breach of licence conditions."


Details of the nature of the breach were not released.


Both Thompson and Venables were given new identities when they were released after serving eight years for the little boy's murder.


On February 13, 1993, they abducted James from a shopping centre in Bootle and killed him on a railway line.


The toddler's battered body was found by children playing on a freight railway line near Walton Lane police station, Liverpool.


The two 10-year-old killers were arrested days later and became the youngest to be charged with murder in the 20th Century.


Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/8546528.stm


So let me get this right.. they were given new identities, the cost of which was footed by us, the taxpayer and the MoJ thinks it's in the best interests of all to disclose the fact that one of them (with their secret identity) has been banged up again?


Surely it'd have been in the best interests of all not to mention the connection to his former life? What the fuck have we paid for if not?



You don't say ?


I thought all these ideoligical left wing intellectual do gooders said that they can be taught the error of their ways ?


We won't even talk about the cost of keeping them alive, very much a moot point, evil pair of cunts. Hanging is too good for them. Despite what the left wing intellectual do gooders try to tell you, they will always be evil cunts and a danger to the public.


OK, I'll bite. I haven't got the answers for what should happen to these two, but I guess now it makes you a left wing intellectual do gooder if you feel uneasy about society executing ten year old children? ;)


Regardless, answering Craig's point, it seems bizarre they've released this information, can't see what public good it will do at all.

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You don't say ?


I thought all these ideoligical left wing intellectual do gooders said that they can be taught the error of their ways ?


We won't even talk about the cost of keeping them alive, very much a moot point, evil pair of cunts. Hanging is too good for them. Despite what the left wing intellectual do gooders try to tell you, they will always be evil cunts and a danger to the public.


cheap though and as such preferable IMO


It's not remotely cheap though, unless you want to dispense of normal justice on your rush to the gallows. I've also always thought that the State killing people because it's a cheap option is a pretty dubious argument anyway.

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James Bulger murderer Jon Venables returned to prison


One of James Bulger's killers has been returned to prison after he breached the terms of his release.


Jon Venables, 27, is back in jail after being released on life licence in 2001.


He was detained with his friend Robert Thompson for the horrific murder of the three-year-old toddler in Bootle, Liverpool, in 1993.


The Ministry of Justice said: "We can confirm that Jon Venables has been recalled to custody following a breach of licence conditions."


Details of the nature of the breach were not released.


Both Thompson and Venables were given new identities when they were released after serving eight years for the little boy's murder.


On February 13, 1993, they abducted James from a shopping centre in Bootle and killed him on a railway line.


The toddler's battered body was found by children playing on a freight railway line near Walton Lane police station, Liverpool.


The two 10-year-old killers were arrested days later and became the youngest to be charged with murder in the 20th Century.


Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/8546528.stm


So let me get this right.. they were given new identities, the cost of which was footed by us, the taxpayer and the MoJ thinks it's in the best interests of all to disclose the fact that one of them (with their secret identity) has been banged up again?

Surely it'd have been in the best interests of all not to mention the connection to his former life? What the fuck have we paid for if not?


The Ministry of Justice "confirmed". That means the story was already out. There would be no point in denying it, if the truth is already out there. Quite how the truth got out is another matter - I'd guess it is down to one of his relatives selling the news to a rag.

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I always thought 10 was too young to write people off but then again I couldn't imagine 10 year olds wanting to kill.


However I'd compare them with the two kids in Doncaster where it was horrible parents that produced them - I don't believe in inherent evil.



As for this revelation it shows what I've always thought - the police are always willing tp breach confidentiality for a few quid from a tabloid.


As for wanting to hang 10 year olds - barbarism at its finest - in fact I'd consider locking people who suggest it up as they are obviously twisted.

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I think it's probably something pretty minor (since it's 'breach of licence conditions') and, as has been suggested, some corrupt plod has seen a chance to make some money out of it.

Edited by alex
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It doesn't really matter what's been done and to what level, our taxes have paid for their anonymity regardless of whether we feel it was a right or wrong thing to do.


Even by confirming the reports, the MoJ are invalidating anonymity as they're making a public link between his past and present identities. Surely anonymity means that no link will ever be publically made?


I'm indifferent to them as individuals. What they did was henious and even at 10 years old, they would understand the sheer horror of what they were doing. But at the same time their upbringing has to be seriously brought into question. What the fuck were two 10 year olds doing playing truant and how come their school and families were seemingly unaware that they were?


It's a tragedy all round IYAM.

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some corrupt plod has seen a chance to make some money out of it.


Surely not? :icon_lol:


Don't see the need for the adjective tbh

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As for wanting to hang 10 year olds - barbarism at its finest - in fact I'd consider locking people who suggest it up as they are obviously twisted.



I think the likes of Armchair Pundit definitely need locking up, who by his own admission would derive pleasure from carrying out such an act. I'm also quite concerned by the suggestion that he currently works for the NHS.

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As for wanting to hang 10 year olds - barbarism at its finest - in fact I'd consider locking people who suggest it up as they are obviously twisted.



I think the likes of Armchair Pundit definitely need locking up, who by his own admission would derive pleasure from carrying out such an act. I'm also quite concerned by the suggestion that he currently works for the NHS.


You don't think he was taking the piss?

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As for wanting to hang 10 year olds - barbarism at its finest - in fact I'd consider locking people who suggest it up as they are obviously twisted.



I think the likes of Armchair Pundit definitely need locking up, who by his own admission would derive pleasure from carrying out such an act.

I totally agree and I'd be delighted to do it myself.

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James Bulger murderer Jon Venables returned to prison


One of James Bulger's killers has been returned to prison after he breached the terms of his release.


Jon Venables, 27, is back in jail after being released on life licence in 2001.


He was detained with his friend Robert Thompson for the horrific murder of the three-year-old toddler in Bootle, Liverpool, in 1993.


The Ministry of Justice said: "We can confirm that Jon Venables has been recalled to custody following a breach of licence conditions."


Details of the nature of the breach were not released.


Both Thompson and Venables were given new identities when they were released after serving eight years for the little boy's murder.


On February 13, 1993, they abducted James from a shopping centre in Bootle and killed him on a railway line.


The toddler's battered body was found by children playing on a freight railway line near Walton Lane police station, Liverpool.


The two 10-year-old killers were arrested days later and became the youngest to be charged with murder in the 20th Century.


Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/8546528.stm


So let me get this right.. they were given new identities, the cost of which was footed by us, the taxpayer and the MoJ thinks it's in the best interests of all to disclose the fact that one of them (with their secret identity) has been banged up again?


Surely it'd have been in the best interests of all not to mention the connection to his former life? What the fuck have we paid for if not?



You don't say ?


I thought all these ideoligical left wing intellectual do gooders said that they can be taught the error of their ways ?


We won't even talk about the cost of keeping them alive, very much a moot point, evil pair of cunts. Hanging is too good for them. Despite what the left wing intellectual do gooders try to tell you, they will always be evil cunts and a danger to the public.


OK, I'll bite. I haven't got the answers for what should happen to these two, but I guess now it makes you a left wing intellectual do gooder if you feel uneasy about society executing ten year old children? :icon_lol:


Regardless, answering Craig's point, it seems bizarre they've released this information, can't see what public good it will do at all.


They release it so that people can waste time and attention babbling about it. In other news big tit ex Z list popstar discovers choclate log cake.

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As for wanting to hang 10 year olds - barbarism at its finest - in fact I'd consider locking people who suggest it up as they are obviously twisted.



I think the likes of Armchair Pundit definitely need locking up, who by his own admission would derive pleasure from carrying out such an act. I'm also quite concerned by the suggestion that he currently works for the NHS.


Lol, I said nothing about hanging 10 year olds. I don't see why hanging a murderer would be something to be sad about though, I'm fully supportive of a return of the death sentence. I think one of the biggest problems this country has is that there's fuckwits willing to stick up for the 'rights' of criminals rather than the victims.

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Lol, I said nothing about hanging 10 year olds. I don't see why hanging a murderer would be something to be sad about though, I'm fully supportive of a return of the death sentence. I think one of the biggest problems this country has is that there's fuckwits willing to stick up for the 'rights' of criminals rather than the victims.


I think nearly of all of the civilised world have stopped now though so it would very hard to go back - I can't see how anywhere with the death penalty looks more civilised or has any better crime rates as a consequence.


Something like 95% of murder are heat of the moment jobs - I can't see how a "deterrent" would stop that or be appropriate in many cases (though I acknowledge theres a few where I understand the appetite).

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I do think sentences in this country are a joke like. Especially once they're reduced for 'good behaviour'. Good behaviour should result in serving the sentence you were given whereas getting into bother should see it extended. Wtf you're supposed to do with a couple of 10 year olds who kill a toddler is beyond me like.

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Wtf you're supposed to do with a couple of 10 year olds who kill a toddler is beyond me like.


I suppose this was a test for the rehabilitaion side of things rather than the punishment one - maybe this breach shows they failed in that but we won't know until there's more details.


You also have to consider mental illness in some cases - I read something in The Guardian saying Sutcliffe shouldn't get out because of his hate crimes against women but someone replied that its a question for his doctors now and not for the law in the strictest sense. Basically he shouldn't have been tried as "sane" which I think has confused the process now.

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Wtf you're supposed to do with a couple of 10 year olds who kill a toddler is beyond me like.


I suppose this was a test for the rehabilitaion side of things rather than the punishment one - maybe this breach shows they failed in that but we won't know until there's more details.


You also have to consider mental illness in some cases - I read something in The Guardian saying Sutcliffe shouldn't get out because of his hate crimes against women but someone replied that its a question for his doctors now and not for the law in the strictest sense. Basically he shouldn't have been tried as "sane" which I think has confused the process now.

I suppose locking up two kids their age for a long time for having done something like they did and so on will always test any system, no matter how good it is. It's such a rare event. You can't see either of them going through life without having 'problems'.

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