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NUFC Pictures - from days of old.


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4 minutes ago, thebrokendoll said:


do you know when that photo is dated from?

there's no advertising hoardings round the pitch, my earliest memories are of being in the popular side in 67/68ish towards the gallowgate corner. no real memories now of the matches, can remember at times being freezing cold and bored, sure I'd sit with me legs underneath the boards chucking peanuts at pigeons on the cinder track.   :)

It's pre 1972 before the work started on the East Stand. Not sure the exact date.  

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5 minutes ago, Tdansmith said:

It's pre 1972 before the work started on the East Stand. Not sure the exact date.  



just a bit surprised by the lack of advertising, sure it was about when I was a mini kid! looks like patches of snow on the pitch there which would suggest the photo was taken when the season was active.

needs a proper old cunt like @Toonpack who'll be aware of when advertising first became a thing in football grounds.

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Couldn't give a year, but now you mention it, remember (for some reason) a Stan Seymour Sports board on popular side, there must have been others but don't recall them. Early 70's I'd guess.


None at Gallowgate (I used to go down the very front and never any in front of us) or Leazes or old stand side as I recall, maybe they were just put out opposite the cameras (all two of them) if game was on shoot 🤷‍♂️

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42 minutes ago, Toonpack said:

Couldn't give a year, but now you mention it, remember (for some reason) a Stan Seymour Sports board on popular side, there must have been others but don't recall them. Early 70's I'd guess.


None at Gallowgate (I used to go down the very front and never any in front of us) or Leazes or old stand side as I recall, maybe they were just put out opposite the cameras (all two of them) if game was on shoot 🤷‍♂️


I reckon it must've been a bit earlier than that but acknowledge that with age can come wisdom. (sometimes)

can you remember when the football was actually a pig's bladder?

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10 hours ago, thebrokendoll said:


I reckon it must've been a bit earlier than that but acknowledge that with age can come wisdom. (sometimes)

can you remember when the football was actually a pig's bladder?

My first game was in 1969 and didn't go regularly unti 71/72.


And for accuracy (clever shite):


The football was never just a pigs bladder, the bladder was within a laced leather case (aka a caser) which was dubbined to preserve it, it also meant that when it was wet the thing was slippier than a bar of soap (yes we had soap in those days).

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31 minutes ago, Toonpack said:

My first game was in 1969 and didn't go regularly unti 71/72.


And for accuracy (clever shite):


The football was never just a pigs bladder, the bladder was within a laced leather case (aka a caser) which was dubbined to preserve it, it also meant that when it was wet the thing was slippier than a bar of soap (yes we had soap in those days).

And you used that soap religiously every last Sunday of the month wether you needed to or not.

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29 minutes ago, Toonpack said:

My first game was in 1969 and didn't go regularly unti 71/72.


And for accuracy (clever shite):


The football was never just a pigs bladder, the bladder was within a laced leather case (aka a caser) which was dubbined to preserve it, it also meant that when it was wet the thing was slippier than a bar of soap (yes we had soap in those days).


I think I remember them as caseys rather than casers, but aye, I remember putting dubbin on them..was the inner still a pigs bladder by the late 60s/early 70s? I thought more a thick balloon type material, generally orange or maybe it was pink. I do remember there was an art to folding the flap over and preventing the sir leaking with the lace, again mind I'm dragging up memories here which should be long lost to the ravages of the thc mentioned in the 'vape' thread yesterday!  :lol:

anyway.... I'm genuinely interested now as to when advertising hoardings were common place round the side of the pitch at sjp. they were definitely there when I was a nipper in the mid 70s in the leazes as they were an obstacle (along with the line of coppers) which needed to be hurdled to run on the pitch at the end of the match. common place in those days by enthusiastic kids! they can clearly be seen in the photos just prior to the pitch invasion against forest.

gonna have to give me old man (87 now) a ring this morning, see what he reckons.  :)

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google reckons the very first perimeter hoardings appeared at the '66 world cup...





this article reckons advertising was about in the 30s but appears to confirm perimeter stuff to the 60s...




I appear to have become slightly obsessed with this, apologies gentlemen!  :)

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29 minutes ago, thebrokendoll said:


I think I remember them as caseys rather than casers, but aye, I remember putting dubbin on them..was the inner still a pigs bladder by the late 60s/early 70s? I thought more a thick balloon type material, generally orange or maybe it was pink. I do remember there was an art to folding the flap over and preventing the sir leaking with the lace, again mind I'm dragging up memories here which should be long lost to the ravages of the thc mentioned in the 'vape' thread yesterday!  :lol:

anyway.... I'm genuinely interested now as to when advertising hoardings were common place round the side of the pitch at sjp. they were definitely there when I was a nipper in the mid 70s in the leazes as they were an obstacle (along with the line of coppers) which needed to be hurdled to run on the pitch at the end of the match. common place in those days by enthusiastic kids! they can clearly be seen in the photos just prior to the pitch invasion against forest.

gonna have to give me old man (87 now) a ring this morning, see what he reckons.  :)


Definitely none in Gallowgate that I recall, ran on the pitch at the end of a match v Coventry to grab some grass from the pitch, which I stuck on the programme to send to my uncle in NZ (we used to send him the Pink every week). Up the little concrete wall and over the cinder track, didn't have any obstacles.


All I remember of the game was Bill Glazier was in nets for Cov, but he was there 64-75 so that's a canny span, but I migrated from down the front to further back as I got older/taller, so maybe 71 -ish

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12 hours ago, Tdansmith said:

Antwerp away 1994






anybody remember or actually have any of these?......




they had a big article in the one which followed on from the game in royal antwerp with lots of photos of our supporters that night. theres one taken of some supporters who'd encroached in to the crumbling roped off upper portion of the terrace and im sat there plain as day in me red ralph lauren jacket.

i'd love to get me hands on it again.....

not that im a vain cunt or anything mind!  :lol:

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26 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

I had some, aye. I think they've long since been hoyed out though. 


when we moved house at the beginning of the year I was sorting through the cupboard under the stairs and found these. I've never really been a programme buyer but for whatever reason I did actually buy a fair few during the 83/84 promotion season. there's most of the home programmes including keegan's farewell game against liverpool. bit disappointed there's not more of the away games ones there actually as I don't think I missed an away game that season.

the oxford one is from 1990, it was my daughter's first ever match, she was 7 weeks old!  :lol:



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