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Jesus got hammered

Monkeys Fist

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From today's Torygraph;

"A nail dating from the time of Christ's crucifixion has been found at a remote fort believed to have once been a stronghold of the Knights Templar.

The four-inch long nail is thought to be one of thousands used in crucifixions across the Roman empire.


Archaeologists believe it dates from either the first or second century AD.


The nail was found last summer in a decorated box in a fort on the tiny isle of Ilheu de Pontinha, just off the coast of Madeira.


Pontinha was thought to have been held by the Knights Templar, the religious order that was part of the Christian forces which occupied Jerusalem during the Crusades in the 12th century.


The knights were part of the plot of Dan Brown's best-selling novel, The Da Vinci Code.


Bryn Walters, an archaeologist, said the iron nail's remarkable condition suggested it had been handed with extreme care, as if it was a relic.


"It dates from the first to second centuries," he told the Daily Mirror.


While one would expect the surface to be "pitted and rough" he said on this nail the surface was smooth.


That suggested that many people had handled it over the centuries, with the acid on their hands giving it a "peculiar finish".


Christopher Macklin of the Knights Templar of Britannia said the discovery was "momentous".


He said the original Knights Templar may have thought it was one of the nails used in Christ's crucifixion.


The nail was found together with three skeletons and three swords.


One of the swords had the Knight Templar's cross inscribed on it."


Has Dan Brown got a new book coming out I wonder?

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Radiometric dating for something metal is not accurate enough for something as young as that to be able to say "first or second century" - wishful thinking bollocks.

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I think religious relics are fascinating even if it is a load of bollocks (which the evidence usually points towards).

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I think religious relics are fascinating even if it is a load of bollocks (which the evidence usually points towards).


It's interesting how a bit of faith can make you want to believe - I remember the Turin Shroud being in the news when I was about 10 (and still believed) and someone saying the image could have been produced by a micro-second burst of radiation caused by him being reanimated - I remember thinking "that makes sense".


You also get some matter of fact bollocks associated with them which you are expected to accept so easily - I remember being told how 3 crosses were found and they knew one was Christ's so they identified the right one by laying some cripple on them until of course one of them healed him. A good example of something where you'd expect more people to go "hang on...." but they don't.

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Religion is all about believing stuff despite rather than because of the evidence though ;)



Of course - I just find it daft that given that they then try and apply a bit of science as in the shroud - either take it at face value or don't.



It's much like the creation - don't try and apply God to evolution = it doesn't fit.

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Religion is all about believing stuff despite rather than because of the evidence though ;)



Of course - I just find it daft that given that they then try and apply a bit of science as in the shroud - either take it at face value or don't.



It's much like the creation - don't try and apply God to evolution = it doesn't fit.


Yeah we came from monkeys apparently...lol

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Would it be great if it all turned out to be true, well yes.


Would it though?


Would you really like "eternal" life in heaven?


They've always been a bit vague on the details (understandably) so to crave a concept like that, though understandable as opposed to "70 years then you die", has always seemed strange to me.

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Dan Brown has ironically done more to discredit this sort of stuff than anyone else. I think the Vatican must be delighted in the success of his books since any mention of events associated with the Knights Templar are now dismissed as 'all that Dan Brown type of shite'.


Shame really.

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Dan Brown has ironically done more to discredit this sort of stuff than anyone else. I think the Vatican must be delighted in the success of his books since any mention of events associated with the Knights Templar are now dismissed as 'all that Dan Brown type of shite'.


Shame really.


Kaballah=Templars+Bavaria+Vatican=Hitler+SkullandBones-Bloodpillar11=Einstien^6+9/11=Bear Stearns (The Bear Star) +11+33=Jacko.

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Dan Brown has ironically done more to discredit this sort of stuff than anyone else. I think the Vatican must be delighted in the success of his books since any mention of events associated with the Knights Templar are now dismissed as 'all that Dan Brown type of shite'.


Shame really.

They built some lovely churches as well.

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Dan Brown has ironically done more to discredit this sort of stuff than anyone else. I think the Vatican must be delighted in the success of his books since any mention of events associated with the Knights Templar are now dismissed as 'all that Dan Brown type of shite'.


Shame really.

They built some lovely churches as well.


It's where they built them that is intresteeeing.

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Dan Brown has ironically done more to discredit this sort of stuff than anyone else. I think the Vatican must be delighted in the success of his books since any mention of events associated with the Knights Templar are now dismissed as 'all that Dan Brown type of shite'.


Shame really.


Kaballah=Templars+Bavaria+Vatican=Hitler+SkullandBones-Bloodpillar11=Einstien^6+9/11=Bear Stearns (The Bear Star) +11+33=Jacko.



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Dan Brown has ironically done more to discredit this sort of stuff than anyone else. I think the Vatican must be delighted in the success of his books since any mention of events associated with the Knights Templar are now dismissed as 'all that Dan Brown type of shite'.


Shame really.


Kaballah=Templars+Bavaria+Vatican=Hitler+SkullandBones-Bloodpillar11=Einstien^6+9/11=Bear Stearns (The Bear Star) +11+33=Jacko.





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Anyone see that (fairly) recent programme on the Turin Shroud? Suggests that the bit of it they carbon dated was from a Medieval repair to the shroud rather than the original. Doubt if they'll allow anyone access to another bit of it like.

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Anyone see that (fairly) recent programme on the Turin Shroud? Suggests that the bit of it they carbon dated was from a Medieval repair to the shroud rather than the original. Doubt if they'll allow anyone access to another bit of it like.


They didn't reveal all the dead sea scroll did they?? Nag Hamedi ftw.. ;)

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Anyone see that (fairly) recent programme on the Turin Shroud? Suggests that the bit of it they carbon dated was from a Medieval repair to the shroud rather than the original. Doubt if they'll allow anyone access to another bit of it like.


Yeah i saw that, certainly some doubt but it was some housewife from the mid-west who was behind it all so it made me sceptical.

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Dan Brown has ironically done more to discredit this sort of stuff than anyone else. I think the Vatican must be delighted in the success of his books since any mention of events associated with the Knights Templar are now dismissed as 'all that Dan Brown type of shite'.


Shame really.


Kaballah=Templars+Bavaria+Vatican=Hitler+SkullandBones-Bloodpillar11=Einstien^6+9/11=Bear Stearns (The Bear Star) +11+33=Jacko.






If you cube a pythagorean triangle you get a precessional number. Pythagoras was a phoney.

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Anyone see that (fairly) recent programme on the Turin Shroud? Suggests that the bit of it they carbon dated was from a Medieval repair to the shroud rather than the original. Doubt if they'll allow anyone access to another bit of it like.


Aye. The church were gutted when the original carbon dating was done like. They won't allow it to be repeated now.

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Anyone see that (fairly) recent programme on the Turin Shroud? Suggests that the bit of it they carbon dated was from a Medieval repair to the shroud rather than the original. Doubt if they'll allow anyone access to another bit of it like.


Yeah i saw that, certainly some doubt but it was some housewife from the mid-west who was behind it all so it made me sceptical.

I think I saw a different one then but the main bit was based on some spectrum analysis which showed part of the cloth was different and was (most probably) a very skillful repair. The guy in it wasn't coming at it from the point of view that it proved anything, just that it brought into question the validity of the carbon dating. Personally I think it's obviously a fake as (like loads of these things) it first appeared over 1000 years after Jesus is supposed to have died anyway.

Edited by alex
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Lets face it there is reasonable doubt that Jesus didn't exist at all.


It's also funny how religion will use science to back up their beliefs when it suits but are happy to ignore it most the time.

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Lets face it there is reasonable doubt that Jesus didn't exist at all.


It's also funny how religion will use science to back up their beliefs when it suits but are happy to ignore it most the time.

Be funny if arguably the most influential person of all time never even existed. I reckon that would sum the whole sorry species up tbh.

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Lets face it there is reasonable doubt that Jesus didn't exist at all.


It's an interesting argument to use to maybe wind people up but it should make them question the sources as well.


I tend to think he did - more because of the existence of the cult that followed rather than because of any direct documentary eveidence such as the gospels.

Edited by NJS
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