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Scrap that last question, i was so curious i had to look it up! I've answered my own questions :icon_lol:



Snus is smokefree, spitfree tobacco that comes in small pouches, which can be placed under the upper lip. (YUK)! :wub:


(sorry, I dont fancy that myself, but if it works for you and stops you smoking, all well and good)



No, snus is pasteurized, and it doesn’t require spitting or chewing (At least thats something)! ;)

Wasn't there something like that available here about 20 years ago?

Can't for the life of me remember the brand name, but they dropped like a stone after mouth cancer scares?

Skol Bandits? :D Remember them?

Anyway, has anyone tried them things that vaporise tabacco and aren't supposed to carcinogenic (sp?) I assumed it's the same idea as the ones for smurking durp.


I've heard of them and would like to try it! Is Nicotine itself a Carcinogen though, I thought that was unclear still.

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I don't know. The ones for grass heat the substance so it's hot enough to vapourise but not hot enough to combust. Other than that all I've seen is the ads for these claiming they're safe and that you can legally 'smoke' them in public places. I reckon the pub landlord would still hoy you out if you tried like.

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Last time I tried to quit I used nicotine gum with varying results, I thought the Nicorette stuff was shite but the Nicotinell gum was a real help. I would try quitting again but I've still got a few cartons to get through.

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Quit around this time last year largely due to constant nagging of my immediate family. Used Chantix for a couple of months, found it aggravated my depression greatly, but stayed on it long enough to stop.


Picked it back up again around last August. In general, I felt a lot better- no more coughing when I laugh really hard, no waking up in the morning with my head full of congestion and my throat full of phlegm, etc. Bad part of it was though without all the stimulating nicotene, I swear, it felt like I never really fully was awake. Even after being up for hours. Found on a couple of late-night emergency calls from my work, I really had trouble waking up enough to diagnose issues.


I really wanted to quit again, but couldn't do without the nicotine. What could I do?




Worked brilliantly so far.


I love snuff in the morning. Really clears the head also means I smoke less during the day.

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Skoal Bandits and Snus are quite different in that the tobacco is processed completely differently although cosmetically, they do look similar. Taste is MUCH different, and as has been noted, no spitting required (although when I first started, I found myself getting the hiccups quite a lot and I rarely have the hiccups).


It's definitely not as satisfying as having a smoke; I tell people who ask it's sorta like the difference between masturbating and having sex. Cigarettes being the sex, obviously.


Patches and gum had absolutely no effect on me when I tired to quit previously other than the patches gave me a rash. Chantix worked well, but after a week, it significantly increased the level of my depression, so for those of you who need to quit but can't, maybe replacing your delivery method is the answer.

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