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Smokers unite and take over 2.

Park Life

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"Perhaps it's possible for the government to ramp up the pressure to the point where smokers can be literally terrorised into breaking their addiction against their will. So this becomes a question for society: what level of terror are we willing to inflict on smokers in order to force them to stop? Is the goal really worth the oppression that would be required to have any real effect? And if the current level of official hostility against smokers is having no effect, what does it say about us that we support it irrespectively? Is it simply that expressing our displeasure at smokers makes people feel better about themselves?


Still, all this misses the real issue. Smoking remains legal, and raises a staggering £10bn every year for the treasury — more than four times what the NHS spends on smoking-related illnesses. No matter what level of misery the government inflicts on smokers through sanctions, controls, rules and propaganda, nothing compares to the suffering this level of taxation, often on the poorest in society – causes. This level of taxation can only happen because tobacco is addictive and the demand isn't influenced by price. If the government quadrupled the price in one go that would be a serious shock that would impact demand – but they don't do it that way.The price creeps up so slowly that individuals don't notice how much more of their income is being extracted from them, until they realise it's taking it all, paying for £10bn-worth of public sector employees."



Leave us alone. :lol:




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I've been completely smoke free for 4 months now. The 3 or so years before that I smoked very little. The Government didnt have to terrorise me into giving up though! I didnt like the palpitations I was getting and the slightly phlegmy throat I was getting in the mornings....the onset of COPD I suspect. But in saying all that I am not hostile to anyone who does smoke. Infact I think smokers get a really shitty deal now.

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An Indonesian tobacco company has agreed to pay the medical expenses of a man who lost six teeth when a cigarette he was smoking exploded.


The cigarette blew up in Andi Susanto's mouth while he was riding his motorcycle in Bekasi, near Jakarta.


He lost six teeth and received 51 stitches.


Mr Susanto told Metro TV in an interview from his hospital bed that cigarette producer PT Nojorono Tobacco Indonesia was paying for his medical treatment.


"The company's officials have talked to my family and we agreed to settle it amicably, as an out-of-court settlement," he said through bandaged lips.


"They will pay all the medical expenses."


The cause of the explosion remains unknown.


Mr Susanto said he wasn't chewing anything when he lit the Clas Mild cigarette, and didn't notice anything strange about its odour, colour or taste.


The victim, who has been smoking since primary school, said he was shocked by the incident.


"It had been always fine. The incident was all so unexpected," said the 31-year-old, who works as a security guard.


He admitted that he was traumatised by the incident and would try to quit smoking.


Tulus Abadi, from the Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation, said there was only a small chance the explosion was triggered by the ingredients of the cigarette.


"From around 4,000 chemical substances found in a cigarette, there is one substance that is identical to a substance used to formulate rocket fuel," Tulus told The Jakarta Post, referring to methanol.


"But although it exists in cigarettes, I think the amount is too small to trigger an explosion."


Muhammad Warsianto, NTI's senior adviser, confirmed that its products, branded as Clas Mild, did not contain any explosive materials.


Mr Warsianto said the company assisted with the medical bill as a form of sympathy to "a loyal customer".


Guess he wasn't smoking Silk Cut.

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An Indonesian tobacco company has agreed to pay the medical expenses of a man who lost six teeth when a cigarette he was smoking exploded.

That's kind of them :lol:

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An Indonesian tobacco company has agreed to pay the medical expenses of a man who lost six teeth when a cigarette he was smoking exploded.

That's kind of them :lol:


......and a free packet of fireworks. :lol:

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Im an ex-smoker. Aye, the worst kind ;) But, for me stopping smoking in some pubs was wrong. Stopping smoking in CIU clubs was criminal. That probably seen of more old blokes than it saved.

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Quit around this time last year largely due to constant nagging of my immediate family. Used Chantix for a couple of months, found it aggravated my depression greatly, but stayed on it long enough to stop.


Picked it back up again around last August. In general, I felt a lot better- no more coughing when I laugh really hard, no waking up in the morning with my head full of congestion and my throat full of phlegm, etc. Bad part of it was though without all the stimulating nicotene, I swear, it felt like I never really fully was awake. Even after being up for hours. Found on a couple of late-night emergency calls from my work, I really had trouble waking up enough to diagnose issues.


I really wanted to quit again, but couldn't do without the nicotine. What could I do?




Worked brilliantly so far.

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Quit around this time last year largely due to constant nagging of my immediate family. Used Chantix for a couple of months, found it aggravated my depression greatly, but stayed on it long enough to stop.


Picked it back up again around last August. In general, I felt a lot better- no more coughing when I laugh really hard, no waking up in the morning with my head full of congestion and my throat full of phlegm, etc. Bad part of it was though without all the stimulating nicotene, I swear, it felt like I never really fully was awake. Even after being up for hours. Found on a couple of late-night emergency calls from my work, I really had trouble waking up enough to diagnose issues.


I really wanted to quit again, but couldn't do without the nicotine. What could I do?




Worked brilliantly so far.


Is that snuff? Chewing tobacco? ;) I found the Nicotine Inhalator works well for me. I dont use it much just the odd occassion I feel the need for siomething, especially with a drink or if my mates are puffing away around me, I dont feel so left out!

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Scrap that last question, i was so curious i had to look it up! I've answered my own questions :D



Snus is smokefree, spitfree tobacco that comes in small pouches, which can be placed under the upper lip. (YUK)! :icon_lol:


(sorry, I dont fancy that myself, but if it works for you and stops you smoking, all well and good)



No, snus is pasteurized, and it doesn’t require spitting or chewing (At least thats something)! ;)

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Scrap that last question, i was so curious i had to look it up! I've answered my own questions :D



Snus is smokefree, spitfree tobacco that comes in small pouches, which can be placed under the upper lip. (YUK)! :icon_lol:


(sorry, I dont fancy that myself, but if it works for you and stops you smoking, all well and good)



No, snus is pasteurized, and it doesn’t require spitting or chewing (At least thats something)! ;)

Wasn't there something like that available here about 20 years ago?

Can't for the life of me remember the brand name, but they dropped like a stone after mouth cancer scares?

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Scrap that last question, i was so curious i had to look it up! I've answered my own questions :D



Snus is smokefree, spitfree tobacco that comes in small pouches, which can be placed under the upper lip. (YUK)! :icon_lol:


(sorry, I dont fancy that myself, but if it works for you and stops you smoking, all well and good)



No, snus is pasteurized, and it doesn’t require spitting or chewing (At least thats something)! ;)

Wasn't there something like that available here about 20 years ago?

Can't for the life of me remember the brand name, but they dropped like a stone after mouth cancer scares?


I'm not sure, I think that involved a chewing tobacco.


I've been reading about this Snus on Wikipedia, though of course not sure if its all accurate. Maybe they should make it legal again here.



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Scrap that last question, i was so curious i had to look it up! I've answered my own questions :icon_lol:



Snus is smokefree, spitfree tobacco that comes in small pouches, which can be placed under the upper lip. (YUK)! :wub:


(sorry, I dont fancy that myself, but if it works for you and stops you smoking, all well and good)



No, snus is pasteurized, and it doesn’t require spitting or chewing (At least thats something)! ;)

Wasn't there something like that available here about 20 years ago?

Can't for the life of me remember the brand name, but they dropped like a stone after mouth cancer scares?

Skol Bandits? :D Remember them?

Anyway, has anyone tried them things that vaporise tabacco and aren't supposed to carcinogenic (sp?) I assumed it's the same idea as the ones for smurking durp.

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Scrap that last question, i was so curious i had to look it up! I've answered my own questions :icon_lol:



Snus is smokefree, spitfree tobacco that comes in small pouches, which can be placed under the upper lip. (YUK)! :wub:


(sorry, I dont fancy that myself, but if it works for you and stops you smoking, all well and good)



No, snus is pasteurized, and it doesn’t require spitting or chewing (At least thats something)! ;)

Wasn't there something like that available here about 20 years ago?

Can't for the life of me remember the brand name, but they dropped like a stone after mouth cancer scares?

Skol Bandits? :D Remember them?

Anyway, has anyone tried them things that vaporise tabacco and aren't supposed to carcinogenic (sp?) I assumed it's the same idea as the ones for smurking durp.

Skol Bandits! That's them!

Went the way of Skol Lager- thankfully.

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