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Bugger bugger buggering bugger!!!!

Monkeys Fist

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Shit day- grafting from 5:30am- 2:30.

Then met a client , having been told more work was on the offing, only to walk into a shitstorm of politics between clients arguing over who is responsible for different parts of the same building- acting like fucking bairns.

Then a phone call from Mrs. Fist.

Water pissing through the kitchen ceiling and down dining room wall.

Turned out to be a leak in the feed pipe to cistern.

As Mrs. Fist is preggers, she couldn't bend down far enough to turn mains off, so arrive home to a power shower on the kitchen.




And 4-feckin-2!!




Beers are calling.




That is all. Monkey gibber over.

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Its your own fault.


If you'd kept your pants zipped she could've had the pipes fixed by the time you got home.


If she'd had her pipes fixed, she wouldn't have got pregnant in the first place :)


Bad luck, Mr F. One of those days.

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