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is there a thread for this ?


I'll start one off.


There was an American lady called Alice

Who used a dynamite stick as a phallus


They found her vagina

In North Carolina

And part of her arsehole in Dallas

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Isn't that a limerick?


A joke is - berb :D


yep its a limerick. And ? :wank:


Therefore it must be the etc because a limerick isn't a joke.


A joke is:

The husband reluctantly agreed to play in the couples alternate shot tournament at his club. He teed off on the first hole, a par four, and blistered a drive 300 yards down the middle of the fairway. The husband said to his wife, 'Just hit it toward the green, anywhere around there will be fine.'

The wife proceeded to shank the ball deep into the woods. Undaunted, the husband said 'that's ok and spent the full five minutes looking for the ball. He found it just in time, but in a horrible position. He played the shot of his life to get the ball within two feet of the hole. He told his wife to knock the ball in. His wife then proceeded to knock the ball off the green and into a bunker. Still maintaining composure, the husband summoned all of his skill and holed the shot from the bunker. He took the ball out of the hole and while walking off the green, put his arm around his wife and calmly said, 'Honey, that was a bogey and that's ok, but I think we can do better.' To which she replied, 'Listen dear, don't yell at me, only 2 of those 5 shots were mine!'


Sorry I was just confused.


By the way what is?

Mary had a little horse

It's nose was short and blunt.

Every time Mary went to ride it

It kicked her in the ....

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Isn't that a limerick?


A joke is - berb :D


yep its a limerick. And ? :wank:


Therefore it must be the etc because a limerick isn't a joke.


A joke is:

The husband reluctantly agreed to play in the couples alternate shot tournament at his club. He teed off on the first hole, a par four, and blistered a drive 300 yards down the middle of the fairway. The husband said to his wife, 'Just hit it toward the green, anywhere around there will be fine.'

The wife proceeded to shank the ball deep into the woods. Undaunted, the husband said 'that's ok and spent the full five minutes looking for the ball. He found it just in time, but in a horrible position. He played the shot of his life to get the ball within two feet of the hole. He told his wife to knock the ball in. His wife then proceeded to knock the ball off the green and into a bunker. Still maintaining composure, the husband summoned all of his skill and holed the shot from the bunker. He took the ball out of the hole and while walking off the green, put his arm around his wife and calmly said, 'Honey, that was a bogey and that's ok, but I think we can do better.' To which she replied, 'Listen dear, don't yell at me, only 2 of those 5 shots were mine!'


Sorry I was just confused.


By the way what is?

Mary had a little horse

It's nose was short and blunt.

Every time Mary went to ride it

It kicked her in the ....


pedantic bastard :rolleyes:

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is there a thread for this ?


I'll start one off.


There was a young lady called Alice

Who used dynamite as a phallus

They found her vagina

In North Carolina

And part of her arsehole in Dallas

Like it. Scans better now like :wank:

Edited by alex
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  • 3 months later...

A fleeing Taliban, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghan desert when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the oasis, only to find a little old Jewish man at a small stand, selling ties..


The Taliban asked, "Do you have water?"



The Jewish man replied, "I have no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They are only £5."


The Taliban shouted,


"Idiot! I do not need an over-priced tie. I need water! I should kill you, but I must find water first!


"OK," said the old Jewish man, "It does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie and that you hate me. I will show you that I am bigger than that. If you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a lovely restaurant. It has all the ice cold water you need. Shalom."


Cursing, the Taliban staggered away over the hill.


Several hours later he staggered back, almost dead & said


"Your fucking brother won't let me in without a tie!"





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