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France gets tough...


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Leazes, you ever going to acceptibly explain how intellect and doing good are bad things, or just continue to look the hick?


such as ?


don't bother saying we should pander to muslims if that is what you mean. Just like now you admit I was right all along about the Halls and Shepherd running the football club, you will say in 20 years time "Leazes was right, again"


I won't even bother mentioning going soft on terrorist scumbags and those who abuse our troops on British soil which has been said already




freedom of speech...you don't like it fuck off to Pakistan


I'm British lad. I like it here which is why I want to preserve our traditions instead of these cunts you are defending .....



traditions like freedom of speech? Fact is LM that freedom is there to protect the very things you don't want to hear, especially those you don't want ot hear. If freedom of speech was only to protect the widely held and generally accepted public opinion it would be nothing more than a propaganda law. However (and thankfully) thats not what it is, it is there to protect the views that aren't popular and (get this, this is where i agree with you) sometimes the views that aren't correct , like the people protesting the soldiers. Those "scumbags" are wrong in their opinion however they aren't afoul of the law, and it is for this reason you have to stomach their disgraceful display.....stiff upper lip and all that.

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ah. Tell me what you mean by "doing good" because I think "do gooders" are idiotic, naive, stupid ignorant cunts.

Right, so the moniker, "do-gooder" bears zero connection to what you're trying to describe. Like calling a car "whip".


I see doing good as most other people do, being kind to your fellow man, not breaking the laws of the land, finishing your greens and stuff like that.


The people you seem to be describing are what I'd call Neanderthal xenophobes, racists, chavs, some of the boarding school crowd, some of the yolkels. But that's what I'd call them, not do-gooders


you still haven't explained how being an intellectual is a bad thing by the by.

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So, Leazes's response to my well-reasoned and logical posts was "you're a yank, fuck off." Brilliant :D Your response to try to prove you aren't just a bitter, uneducated xenophobe with an inexplicable grudge against anyone not English is "well you're not from my country so nothing you say could possibly be accurate." Jog on you old loon :wank:


Listen to you you sad old man. "Those who support Muslims" "those with Muslim sympathies" etc etc. Haven't you got that not all of us are bombers yet? Or is that what your "vast life experience" has shown you? If so, I wonder what you were doing experiencing terrorist training camps, since that's the only place on Earth you could've "experienced" the nonsense you're spouting. What does that say for your sympathies? Get used to us Leazes, we're here to stay.


As for spelling, well, when you live and work here, went to school here, lost points for using the "wrong" spelling of words, you learn to adapt. So I see your "born and bred" comment Stevie and I won't dispute the "bred" part. We are what we are.

Like color instead of colour? If that was me I would go all Hungerford on that school. You didn't complain??? They aren't even a proper fuckin country, and they're saying your spelling English versions of words wrong. Remind them they'd be speaking Kraut or Jap if it wasn't for us, I wouldn't care most proper people know fuck all about their history, while I've read our history is high on their educational agenda, as it should be for the whole world, and they're telling you, you're spelling words incorrectly in authentic English. What a fuckin wank country.


Americans are jealous as fuck of our history and traditions. Fact. Because they have no history of their own, they are only 200-odd years old ffs.



you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)



Americans are jealous as fuck of British traditions and history. Fact.



what book you read that in then?


my highly regarded life experience has lead me to believe you have no idea what you talking about


haha. Hundreds of Americans I have met bonny lad. They are jealous as fuck of our traditions and history. Fact.



where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history

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ah. Tell me what you mean by "doing good" because I think "do gooders" are idiotic, naive, stupid ignorant cunts.

Right, so the moniker, "do-gooder" bears zero connection to what you're trying to describe. Like calling a car "whip".


I see doing good as most other people do, being kind to your fellow man, not breaking the laws of the land, finishing your greens and stuff like that.


The people you seem to be describing are what I'd call Neanderthal xenophobes, racists, chavs, some of the boarding school crowd, some of the yolkels. But that's what I'd call them, not do-gooders


you still haven't explained how being an intellectual is a bad thing by the by.


The funny thing is, "do gooder" usually means someone's naive views are particularly impractical.


On every issue it's the likes of Leazes and Stevie who's solution is completely impractical (ban free speech and certain items of clothing, send 2,000,000 British protesters to other countries, Nuke Israel, restrict international spelling conventions etc).

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ah. Tell me what you mean by "doing good" because I think "do gooders" are idiotic, naive, stupid ignorant cunts.

Right, so the moniker, "do-gooder" bears zero connection to what you're trying to describe. Like calling a car "whip".


I see doing good as most other people do, being kind to your fellow man, not breaking the laws of the land, finishing your greens and stuff like that.


The people you seem to be describing are what I'd call Neanderthal xenophobes, racists, chavs, some of the boarding school crowd, some of the yolkels. But that's what I'd call them, not do-gooders


you still haven't explained how being an intellectual is a bad thing by the by.


The funny thing is, "do gooder" usually means someone's naive views are particularly impractical.


On every issue it's the likes of Leazes and Stevie who's solution is completely impractical (ban free speech and certain items of clothing, send 2,000,000 British protesters to other countries, Nuke Israel, restrict international spelling conventions etc).


Is that list in order?

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ah. Tell me what you mean by "doing good" because I think "do gooders" are idiotic, naive, stupid ignorant cunts.

Right, so the moniker, "do-gooder" bears zero connection to what you're trying to describe. Like calling a car "whip".


I see doing good as most other people do, being kind to your fellow man, not breaking the laws of the land, finishing your greens and stuff like that.


The people you seem to be describing are what I'd call Neanderthal xenophobes, racists, chavs, some of the boarding school crowd, some of the yolkels. But that's what I'd call them, not do-gooders


you still haven't explained how being an intellectual is a bad thing by the by.


The funny thing is, "do gooder" usually means someone's naive views are particularly impractical.


On every issue it's the likes of Leazes and Stevie who's solution is completely impractical (ban free speech and certain items of clothing, send 2,000,000 British protesters to other countries, Nuke Israel, restrict international spelling conventions etc).


Is that list in order?


Reverse order I think. The 'color' thing REALLY annoys the opponents to doing good.

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So, Leazes's response to my well-reasoned and logical posts was "you're a yank, fuck off." Brilliant :D Your response to try to prove you aren't just a bitter, uneducated xenophobe with an inexplicable grudge against anyone not English is "well you're not from my country so nothing you say could possibly be accurate." Jog on you old loon :wank:


Listen to you you sad old man. "Those who support Muslims" "those with Muslim sympathies" etc etc. Haven't you got that not all of us are bombers yet? Or is that what your "vast life experience" has shown you? If so, I wonder what you were doing experiencing terrorist training camps, since that's the only place on Earth you could've "experienced" the nonsense you're spouting. What does that say for your sympathies? Get used to us Leazes, we're here to stay.


As for spelling, well, when you live and work here, went to school here, lost points for using the "wrong" spelling of words, you learn to adapt. So I see your "born and bred" comment Stevie and I won't dispute the "bred" part. We are what we are.

Like color instead of colour? If that was me I would go all Hungerford on that school. You didn't complain??? They aren't even a proper fuckin country, and they're saying your spelling English versions of words wrong. Remind them they'd be speaking Kraut or Jap if it wasn't for us, I wouldn't care most proper people know fuck all about their history, while I've read our history is high on their educational agenda, as it should be for the whole world, and they're telling you, you're spelling words incorrectly in authentic English. What a fuckin wank country.


Americans are jealous as fuck of our history and traditions. Fact. Because they have no history of their own, they are only 200-odd years old ffs.



you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)



Americans are jealous as fuck of British traditions and history. Fact.



what book you read that in then?


my highly regarded life experience has lead me to believe you have no idea what you talking about


haha. Hundreds of Americans I have met bonny lad. They are jealous as fuck of our traditions and history. Fact.



where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history


ah. don't jump to conclusions.....


They are jealous of our history and traditions. Fact

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So, Leazes's response to my well-reasoned and logical posts was "you're a yank, fuck off." Brilliant :D Your response to try to prove you aren't just a bitter, uneducated xenophobe with an inexplicable grudge against anyone not English is "well you're not from my country so nothing you say could possibly be accurate." Jog on you old loon :wank:


Listen to you you sad old man. "Those who support Muslims" "those with Muslim sympathies" etc etc. Haven't you got that not all of us are bombers yet? Or is that what your "vast life experience" has shown you? If so, I wonder what you were doing experiencing terrorist training camps, since that's the only place on Earth you could've "experienced" the nonsense you're spouting. What does that say for your sympathies? Get used to us Leazes, we're here to stay.


As for spelling, well, when you live and work here, went to school here, lost points for using the "wrong" spelling of words, you learn to adapt. So I see your "born and bred" comment Stevie and I won't dispute the "bred" part. We are what we are.

Like color instead of colour? If that was me I would go all Hungerford on that school. You didn't complain??? They aren't even a proper fuckin country, and they're saying your spelling English versions of words wrong. Remind them they'd be speaking Kraut or Jap if it wasn't for us, I wouldn't care most proper people know fuck all about their history, while I've read our history is high on their educational agenda, as it should be for the whole world, and they're telling you, you're spelling words incorrectly in authentic English. What a fuckin wank country.


Americans are jealous as fuck of our history and traditions. Fact. Because they have no history of their own, they are only 200-odd years old ffs.



you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)



Americans are jealous as fuck of British traditions and history. Fact.



what book you read that in then?


my highly regarded life experience has lead me to believe you have no idea what you talking about


haha. Hundreds of Americans I have met bonny lad. They are jealous as fuck of our traditions and history. Fact.



where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history


ah. don't jump to conclusions.....


They are jealous of our history and traditions. Fact


Most I've met both here and over there are fascinated by our history, but the same people also think they are truly gods chosen people, with a beleif that as a nation they have a divine right to behave in any way they please towards any other nation or state to suit there own ends and to fuck with the consequences. Which is a bit ironic, when you consider George Bush senior trained, financed and armed Osama Bin Laden in Soviet occupied Afghanistan in the 1980s. Talk about chickens coming home to roost. We're paying a very high price for foreign policy mistakes of the 20th century. Maybe a different way of thinking is needed in the 21st?..."Those who learn nothing from history are destined to repeat its mistakes" as a wise man once said....

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So, Leazes's response to my well-reasoned and logical posts was "you're a yank, fuck off." Brilliant :D Your response to try to prove you aren't just a bitter, uneducated xenophobe with an inexplicable grudge against anyone not English is "well you're not from my country so nothing you say could possibly be accurate." Jog on you old loon :wank:


Listen to you you sad old man. "Those who support Muslims" "those with Muslim sympathies" etc etc. Haven't you got that not all of us are bombers yet? Or is that what your "vast life experience" has shown you? If so, I wonder what you were doing experiencing terrorist training camps, since that's the only place on Earth you could've "experienced" the nonsense you're spouting. What does that say for your sympathies? Get used to us Leazes, we're here to stay.


As for spelling, well, when you live and work here, went to school here, lost points for using the "wrong" spelling of words, you learn to adapt. So I see your "born and bred" comment Stevie and I won't dispute the "bred" part. We are what we are.

Like color instead of colour? If that was me I would go all Hungerford on that school. You didn't complain??? They aren't even a proper fuckin country, and they're saying your spelling English versions of words wrong. Remind them they'd be speaking Kraut or Jap if it wasn't for us, I wouldn't care most proper people know fuck all about their history, while I've read our history is high on their educational agenda, as it should be for the whole world, and they're telling you, you're spelling words incorrectly in authentic English. What a fuckin wank country.


Americans are jealous as fuck of our history and traditions. Fact. Because they have no history of their own, they are only 200-odd years old ffs.



you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)



Americans are jealous as fuck of British traditions and history. Fact.



what book you read that in then?


my highly regarded life experience has lead me to believe you have no idea what you talking about


haha. Hundreds of Americans I have met bonny lad. They are jealous as fuck of our traditions and history. Fact.



where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history


ah. don't jump to conclusions.....


They are jealous of our history and traditions. Fact


not jumping to conclusions...just because you put FACT behind everything doesn't prove anything .....FACT


I grew up 5 min from the border near niagara falls, I grew up playing hockey lacrosse soccer and basketball in the states getting billeted with hundreds of families during my time there. As an adult I've travelled extensively in the US, up and down the eastern seaboard into the south, I lived for 8 months in vermont I've gone climbing throught utah wyoming washington and idaho and I can say with 100% certainty that you are wrong. .......FACT

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American tourists in the UK think our culture, heritage, and monarchy are quaint. Which is actually a bit insulting and patronising, but fair enough.


When I've been to America or met Americans professionally, not once has any of them shown any jealousy of the British; not surprising since they are probably the most insular, arrogant and egotistical nation on the planet. Besides which, most Americans actually share a common heritage with us and other and other great European countries by definition.

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you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)

The ones who aren't jealous of this country, only aren't because of ignorance. As for us speaking Kraut :wank::D we fought them on our own for 3 years, if we hadn't I'm not getting involved in a race issue, but I would guess black people like you wouldn't even exist now, so it's not just black Americans, or Americans it's black people worldwide who owe this country an untold debt from now till judgement day.


This sums up the unbelievable degrees of ignorance in North America, they kicked your arses out, they???? Oh dear. Just oh dear. English kicking English arses? They :rolleyes:


where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history

Firstly America has no history or heritage, none. You could name any country in Europe they'd have a far richer heritage than them, they are like Hoffenheim, someone rich buys them from nothing and they tell people they'll sweep all before them, they have no history, and the bits I don't know about will be wank.


America knows more about us than we know about them, that's a fact, I couldn't tell you 10 cities in North America, I could tell you 400 in Europe. They study our history, we don't study their's and I guarantee more yanks have visited Britain than English people have visited North America. It's a pathetic 57 variety continent of greed, when I think about them I can't tell you how grateful I am to have been born in this country.

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you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)

The ones who aren't jealous of this country, only aren't because of ignorance. As for us speaking Kraut :wank::D we fought them on our own for 3 years, if we hadn't I'm not getting involved in a race issue, but I would guess black people like you wouldn't even exist now, so it's not just black Americans, or Americans it's black people worldwide who owe this country an untold debt from now till judgement day.


This sums up the unbelievable degrees of ignorance in North America, they kicked your arses out, they???? Oh dear. Just oh dear. English kicking English arses? They :rolleyes:


where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history

Firstly America has no history or heritage, none. You could name any country in Europe they'd have a far richer heritage than them, they are like Hoffenheim, someone rich buys them from nothing and they tell people they'll sweep all before them, they have no history, and the bits I don't know about will be wank.


America knows more about us than we know about them, that's a fact, I couldn't tell you 10 cities in North America, I could tell you 400 in Europe. They study our history, we don't study their's and I guarantee more yanks have visited Britain than English people have visited North America. It's a pathetic 57 variety continent of greed, when I think about them I can't tell you how grateful I am to have been born in this country.


Howay Stevie, you're letting personal prejudice get away with objectivity there. Without US intervention in WWII we would have lost the war, or at the very least it would have been a protracted stalemate. I doubt many historians would disagree with that.


American education is naturally Americancentric. They learn very little about UK history but lots about the American war of independance etc. Talking of which, I'd also say that the founding of America (Wahington, Lincoln etc) is more inspiring to me than anything from our own history. Pity so many modern Americans have forgotten lessons from their own past now though.

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you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)

The ones who aren't jealous of this country, only aren't because of ignorance. As for us speaking Kraut :wank::D we fought them on our own for 3 years, if we hadn't I'm not getting involved in a race issue, but I would guess black people like you wouldn't even exist now, so it's not just black Americans, or Americans it's black people worldwide who owe this country an untold debt from now till judgement day.


This sums up the unbelievable degrees of ignorance in North America, they kicked your arses out, they???? Oh dear. Just oh dear. English kicking English arses? They :rolleyes:


where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history

Firstly America has no history or heritage, none. You could name any country in Europe they'd have a far richer heritage than them, they are like Hoffenheim, someone rich buys them from nothing and they tell people they'll sweep all before them, they have no history, and the bits I don't know about will be wank.


America knows more about us than we know about them, that's a fact, I couldn't tell you 10 cities in North America, I could tell you 400 in Europe. They study our history, we don't study their's and I guarantee more yanks have visited Britain than English people have visited North America. It's a pathetic 57 variety continent of greed, when I think about them I can't tell you how grateful I am to have been born in this country.



American history is basically a cavalcade of genocide from the native Americans through to Vietnam and now Iraq. If they aren't bombing or killing they aren't happy it seems.

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you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)

The ones who aren't jealous of this country, only aren't because of ignorance. As for us speaking Kraut :wank::D we fought them on our own for 3 years, if we hadn't I'm not getting involved in a race issue, but I would guess black people like you wouldn't even exist now, so it's not just black Americans, or Americans it's black people worldwide who owe this country an untold debt from now till judgement day.


This sums up the unbelievable degrees of ignorance in North America, they kicked your arses out, they???? Oh dear. Just oh dear. English kicking English arses? They :rolleyes:


where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history

Firstly America has no history or heritage, none. You could name any country in Europe they'd have a far richer heritage than them, they are like Hoffenheim, someone rich buys them from nothing and they tell people they'll sweep all before them, they have no history, and the bits I don't know about will be wank.


America knows more about us than we know about them, that's a fact, I couldn't tell you 10 cities in North America, I could tell you 400 in Europe. They study our history, we don't study their's and I guarantee more yanks have visited Britain than English people have visited North America. It's a pathetic 57 variety continent of greed, when I think about them I can't tell you how grateful I am to have been born in this country.



American history is basically a cavalcade of genocide from the native Americans through to Vietnam and now Iraq. If they aren't bombing or killing they aren't happy it seems.


Ironic coming from a Brit living in Germany. B)

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How does "France gets tough" lead to a World War 2 debate?


Surely there's no intersection on that Venn diagram :wank:


As far as the OP goes, I would support a ban on the Burqa, Niquab and other full body and face coverings in public places, as it happens. At some point, you have to defend our secular freedoms. Use the excuse of 'security threat' if necessary.

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you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)


The ones who aren't jealous of this country, only aren't because of ignorance. As for us speaking Kraut :wank::D we fought them on our own for 3 years, if we hadn't I'm not getting involved in a race issue, but I would guess black people like you wouldn't even exist now, so it's not just black Americans, or Americans it's black people worldwide who owe this country an untold debt from now till judgement day.


This sums up the unbelievable degrees of ignorance in North America, they kicked your arses out, they???? Oh dear. Just oh dear. English kicking English arses? They :rolleyes:


do you know something I don't? I am the whitest thing since sliced bread Stevie......and yes "they" as in the patriots (their word), if you make a distinction at one point it has to carry over Stevie.



where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history


Firstly America has no history or heritage, none. You could name any country in Europe they'd have a far richer heritage than them, they are like Hoffenheim, someone rich buys them from nothing and they tell people they'll sweep all before them, they have no history, and the bits I don't know about will be wank.


America knows more about us than we know about them, that's a fact, I couldn't tell you 10 cities in North America, I could tell you 400 in Europe. They study our history, we don't study their's and I guarantee more yanks have visited Britain than English people have visited North America. It's a pathetic 57 variety continent of greed, when I think about them I can't tell you how grateful I am to have been born in this country.


hahahaha......i'm not even sure what to say to this last bit, so i'll just say that I wasn't trying to say anything about the quality of British heritage or history which i thought was pretty clear in my post, i was stating the fact that LM and yourself apparently are mistaken in thinking that americans are in any way jealous of your heritage....I think renton in the post under yours states it better than i have or can

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How does "France gets tough" lead to a World War 2 debate?


Surely there's no intersection on that Venn diagram :wank:


Cause some mjuppet always says how America saved us etc...

i never said they saved you i said it is their opinion that they saved you.

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you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)

The ones who aren't jealous of this country, only aren't because of ignorance. As for us speaking Kraut :wank::D we fought them on our own for 3 years, if we hadn't I'm not getting involved in a race issue, but I would guess black people like you wouldn't even exist now, so it's not just black Americans, or Americans it's black people worldwide who owe this country an untold debt from now till judgement day.


This sums up the unbelievable degrees of ignorance in North America, they kicked your arses out, they???? Oh dear. Just oh dear. English kicking English arses? They :rolleyes:


where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history

Firstly America has no history or heritage, none. You could name any country in Europe they'd have a far richer heritage than them, they are like Hoffenheim, someone rich buys them from nothing and they tell people they'll sweep all before them, they have no history, and the bits I don't know about will be wank.


America knows more about us than we know about them, that's a fact, I couldn't tell you 10 cities in North America, I could tell you 400 in Europe. They study our history, we don't study their's and I guarantee more yanks have visited Britain than English people have visited North America. It's a pathetic 57 variety continent of greed, when I think about them I can't tell you how grateful I am to have been born in this country.


Howay Stevie, you're letting personal prejudice get away with objectivity there. Without US intervention in WWII we would have lost the war, or at the very least it would have been a protracted stalemate. I doubt many historians would disagree with that.


American education is naturally Americancentric. They learn very little about UK history but lots about the American war of independance etc. Talking of which, I'd also say that the founding of America (Wahington, Lincoln etc) is more inspiring to me than anything from our own history. Pity so many modern Americans have forgotten lessons from their own past now though.

As Parky rightly pointed out America have little heritage or historical significance, they are a colony of the United Kingdom which went bad nothing more nothing less, and have largely had a classless history since. The founding of America is more inspiring to you than anything from our own history, it says more about you than anything else to be honest. A desperate attempt to appear contrary nothing more nothing less. I promise you it is not understating your statement this by saying, it is like being more inspired by the merger of Wigan County, Wigan United, Wigan Town and Wigan Borough to form Wigan Athletic in 1932, than the history of Real Madrid.


American students (apparently) study British history in great depth, I couldn't even tell you what year America was even formed, or how many stars and stripes are on their flag and for what reason they are there.


As for the war, what did America do?? Sent over 2m troops to assist our 4m plus, and laden us with debt by supplying us with arms which we were still paying for 50 years later despite giving away all our secrets and technological advances (50 years more advanced than them stupid yank cunts) for fuck all. The krauts would never have taken us, America won fuck all, The Soviet Union is a country if any we owe a debt to by keeping them busy on the other side.

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ah. Tell me what you mean by "doing good" because I think "do gooders" are idiotic, naive, stupid ignorant cunts.

Right, so the moniker, "do-gooder" bears zero connection to what you're trying to describe. Like calling a car "whip".


I see doing good as most other people do, being kind to your fellow man, not breaking the laws of the land, finishing your greens and stuff like that.


The people you seem to be describing are what I'd call Neanderthal xenophobes, racists, chavs, some of the boarding school crowd, some of the yolkels. But that's what I'd call them, not do-gooders


you still haven't explained how being an intellectual is a bad thing by the by.


it is when it is borne out of naivety and becomes a totally idealistic view.

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ah. Tell me what you mean by "doing good" because I think "do gooders" are idiotic, naive, stupid ignorant cunts.

Right, so the moniker, "do-gooder" bears zero connection to what you're trying to describe. Like calling a car "whip".


I see doing good as most other people do, being kind to your fellow man, not breaking the laws of the land, finishing your greens and stuff like that.


The people you seem to be describing are what I'd call Neanderthal xenophobes, racists, chavs, some of the boarding school crowd, some of the yolkels. But that's what I'd call them, not do-gooders


you still haven't explained how being an intellectual is a bad thing by the by.


The funny thing is, "do gooder" usually means someone's naive views are particularly impractical.


On every issue it's the likes of Leazes and Stevie who's solution is completely impractical (ban free speech and certain items of clothing, send 2,000,000 British protesters to other countries, Nuke Israel, restrict international spelling conventions etc).



nobody can go through life doing as they please. You have free speech but with it comes certain types of disciplines and responsibilities. These scumbags are out of line behaving as they do towards British troops on British soil. Back where we started. If their loyalties lie elsewhere, then lets not be 2 faced about it and fuck off.

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ah. Tell me what you mean by "doing good" because I think "do gooders" are idiotic, naive, stupid ignorant cunts.

Right, so the moniker, "do-gooder" bears zero connection to what you're trying to describe. Like calling a car "whip".


I see doing good as most other people do, being kind to your fellow man, not breaking the laws of the land, finishing your greens and stuff like that.


The people you seem to be describing are what I'd call Neanderthal xenophobes, racists, chavs, some of the boarding school crowd, some of the yolkels. But that's what I'd call them, not do-gooders


you still haven't explained how being an intellectual is a bad thing by the by.


The funny thing is, "do gooder" usually means someone's naive views are particularly impractical.


On every issue it's the likes of Leazes and Stevie who's solution is completely impractical (ban free speech and certain items of clothing, send 2,000,000 British protesters to other countries, Nuke Israel, restrict international spelling conventions etc).



nobody can go through life doing as they please. You have free speech but with it comes certain types of disciplines and responsibilities. These scumbags are out of line behaving as they do towards British troops on British soil. Back where we started. If their loyalties lie elsewhere, then lets not be 2 faced about it and fuck off.



freedom of speech is freedom of speech thats the fucking point!!!!

you can disagree with it but, as long as it doesn't cross laws that protect against hate, you have to put up with it

sorry it's a rough old world, thought someone with your life experience would know that

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you really are a deluded old fuck


i'm not even american, although some may argue it may only be a matter of time....but I digress, the americans are anything but jealous of the Brits.

The only bit of history that most americans would deem worthy of even mentioning would be how they kicked your asses out of the colonies.....(maybe you've heard of a little song called the star spangled banner) and everything thats happened since then (in their eyes) is just further proof that they are the mightiest country in the world. Then of course is the widely held opinion (by americans) that if it wasn't for them (Stevie) you would be speaking German..... :):)

LM you really have no clue about anything yet you have cast in stone opinions about everything...fucking classic :)

The ones who aren't jealous of this country, only aren't because of ignorance. As for us speaking Kraut :wank::D we fought them on our own for 3 years, if we hadn't I'm not getting involved in a race issue, but I would guess black people like you wouldn't even exist now, so it's not just black Americans, or Americans it's black people worldwide who owe this country an untold debt from now till judgement day.


This sums up the unbelievable degrees of ignorance in North America, they kicked your arses out, they???? Oh dear. Just oh dear. English kicking English arses? They :rolleyes:


where did you meet these yanks.....on british soil while they wandered around and saw the sights?


of course they said that and meant i'm sure but lets face facts the VAST majority of americans have never been to the UK (their loss) never will go to the UK and the only exposure they've ever had to the UK is in AMERICAN history books, what do you suppose they say in those books?


certainly not that the UK is superior in culture and history

Firstly America has no history or heritage, none. You could name any country in Europe they'd have a far richer heritage than them, they are like Hoffenheim, someone rich buys them from nothing and they tell people they'll sweep all before them, they have no history, and the bits I don't know about will be wank.


America knows more about us than we know about them, that's a fact, I couldn't tell you 10 cities in North America, I could tell you 400 in Europe. They study our history, we don't study their's and I guarantee more yanks have visited Britain than English people have visited North America. It's a pathetic 57 variety continent of greed, when I think about them I can't tell you how grateful I am to have been born in this country.


Howay Stevie, you're letting personal prejudice get away with objectivity there. Without US intervention in WWII we would have lost the war, or at the very least it would have been a protracted stalemate. I doubt many historians would disagree with that.


American education is naturally Americancentric. They learn very little about UK history but lots about the American war of independance etc. Talking of which, I'd also say that the founding of America (Wahington, Lincoln etc) is more inspiring to me than anything from our own history. Pity so many modern Americans have forgotten lessons from their own past now though.

As Parky rightly pointed out America have little heritage or historical significance, they are a colony of the United Kingdom which went bad nothing more nothing less, and have largely had a classless history since. The founding of America is more inspiring to you than anything from our own history, it says more about you than anything else to be honest. A desperate attempt to appear contrary nothing more nothing less. I promise you it is not understating your statement this by saying, it is like being more inspired by the merger of Wigan County, Wigan United, Wigan Town and Wigan Borough to form Wigan Athletic in 1932, than the history of Real Madrid.


American students (apparently) study British history in great depth, I couldn't even tell you what year America was even formed, or how many stars and stripes are on their flag and for what reason they are there.

As for the war, what did America do?? Sent over 2m troops to assist our 4m plus, and laden us with debt by supplying us with arms which we were still paying for 50 years later despite giving away all our secrets and technological advances (50 years more advanced than them stupid yank cunts) for fuck all. The krauts would never have taken us, America won fuck all, The Soviet Union is a country if any we owe a debt to by keeping them busy on the other side.


How can you comment on the founding fathers and the birth one of the world's first truly secular states (and only remaining super power) when you admit you've never been there and are completely ignorant of its history? As for WW2, I'm still waiting for that reference on how Japan could have reached Chicago immediately after pearl harbour if they had put their minds to it.....


Regardless, you've clearly got a chip on your shoulder regarding the US (and most other countires come to that) so this is pointless. But whatever your view on the States, its just daft not to recognise what an important and influential country it is.

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ah. Tell me what you mean by "doing good" because I think "do gooders" are idiotic, naive, stupid ignorant cunts.

Right, so the moniker, "do-gooder" bears zero connection to what you're trying to describe. Like calling a car "whip".


I see doing good as most other people do, being kind to your fellow man, not breaking the laws of the land, finishing your greens and stuff like that.


The people you seem to be describing are what I'd call Neanderthal xenophobes, racists, chavs, some of the boarding school crowd, some of the yolkels. But that's what I'd call them, not do-gooders


you still haven't explained how being an intellectual is a bad thing by the by.


The funny thing is, "do gooder" usually means someone's naive views are particularly impractical.


On every issue it's the likes of Leazes and Stevie who's solution is completely impractical (ban free speech and certain items of clothing, send 2,000,000 British protesters to other countries, Nuke Israel, restrict international spelling conventions etc).



nobody can go through life doing as they please. You have free speech but with it comes certain types of disciplines and responsibilities. These scumbags are out of line behaving as they do towards British troops on British soil. Back where we started. If their loyalties lie elsewhere, then lets not be 2 faced about it and fuck off.



freedom of speech is freedom of speech thats the fucking point!!!!

you can disagree with it but, as long as it doesn't cross laws that protect against hate, you have to put up with it

sorry it's a rough old world, thought someone with your life experience would know that


indeed, its a rough old world, your idealistic and stupid view that we can all live together in a multicultural society is bollocks, if you can't respect the flag of the country that you live in, fuck off to one where you do.


Do you seriously think you can go through life without accepting certain responsibilities and disciplines in your behaviour [see the spelling ... :wank: ]


What a fucking pleb.

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