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France gets tough...


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Firstly, I disagree with your assertion that they're there to defend my way of life.


And sceondly, what would you do if you were in their situation? Would you face them on the battlefield where you'd get slaughtered? Or would you adopt other tactics to give yourself a chance of success?


of course they are there to defend your way of life, the interests of the UK and its shores. What else do you think they are there to do ?


I would not go and live in a country and bomb or demonstrate against their way of life, forces, laws and traditions. End of story. Their "tactics" as you put it, are cowardly and beneath contempt.


Who's done that?


The London Bombers were born in Leeds and Bradford.


bet the parents wern't tho..............



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Why do you keep associating highly trained professional British soldiers and Special Forces with scumbags who don't have the balls to fight in the open and deliberately bomb innocent civilians going about their daily life ?


Contradiction in terms in bold.


I really thought you had more sense than that :icon_lol:

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Can I just interject by pointing out how utterly ridiculous the term "do-gooder" is? :icon_lol: Kneejerk Daily Mail-speak of the lowest order.





I dunno... they come on our forums, restricting our freedom of speech... :rolleyes:

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Firstly, I disagree with your assertion that they're there to defend my way of life.


And sceondly, what would you do if you were in their situation? Would you face them on the battlefield where you'd get slaughtered? Or would you adopt other tactics to give yourself a chance of success?


of course they are there to defend your way of life, the interests of the UK and its shores. What else do you think they are there to do ?


I would not go and live in a country and bomb or demonstrate against their way of life, forces, laws and traditions. End of story. Their "tactics" as you put it, are cowardly and beneath contempt.


Who's done that?


The London Bombers were born in Leeds and Bradford.


bet the parents wern't tho..............




No, but their parents didn't radiicalise them. That was Abdullah el-Faisal....but he was born Trevor William Forest who had evangelical Christian parents and was part of the salvation army until he was 16.


These christian churches shouldn't be allowed should they?

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Firstly, I disagree with your assertion that they're there to defend my way of life.


And sceondly, what would you do if you were in their situation? Would you face them on the battlefield where you'd get slaughtered? Or would you adopt other tactics to give yourself a chance of success?


of course they are there to defend your way of life, the interests of the UK and its shores. What else do you think they are there to do ?


I would not go and live in a country and bomb or demonstrate against their way of life, forces, laws and traditions. End of story. Their "tactics" as you put it, are cowardly and beneath contempt.


Who's done that?


The London Bombers were born in Leeds and Bradford.


bet the parents wern't tho..............




No, but their parents didn't radiicalise them. That was Abdullah el-Faisal....but he was born Trevor William Forest who had evangelical Christian parents and was part of the salvation army until he was 16.


These christian churches shouldn't be allowed should they?

Send them back!

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Firstly, I disagree with your assertion that they're there to defend my way of life.


And sceondly, what would you do if you were in their situation? Would you face them on the battlefield where you'd get slaughtered? Or would you adopt other tactics to give yourself a chance of success?


of course they are there to defend your way of life, the interests of the UK and its shores. What else do you think they are there to do ?


I would not go and live in a country and bomb or demonstrate against their way of life, forces, laws and traditions. End of story. Their "tactics" as you put it, are cowardly and beneath contempt.


Who's done that?


The London Bombers were born in Leeds and Bradford.


bet the parents wern't tho..............




No, but their parents didn't radiicalise them. That was Abdullah el-Faisal....but he was born Trevor William Forest who had evangelical Christian parents and was part of the salvation army until he was 16.


These christian churches shouldn't be allowed should they?




so he was born to good god fearing parents and the evil, wicked religion which deifies a medievel paedophile warlord corrupted him into becoming a monster?


you'll not win many arguments with reasoning like that my friend!!



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Firstly, I disagree with your assertion that they're there to defend my way of life.


And sceondly, what would you do if you were in their situation? Would you face them on the battlefield where you'd get slaughtered? Or would you adopt other tactics to give yourself a chance of success?


of course they are there to defend your way of life, the interests of the UK and its shores. What else do you think they are there to do ?


I would not go and live in a country and bomb or demonstrate against their way of life, forces, laws and traditions. End of story. Their "tactics" as you put it, are cowardly and beneath contempt.


Who's done that?


The London Bombers were born in Leeds and Bradford.


bet the parents wern't tho..............




No, but their parents didn't radiicalise them. That was Abdullah el-Faisal....but he was born Trevor William Forest who had evangelical Christian parents and was part of the salvation army until he was 16.


These christian churches shouldn't be allowed should they?




so he was born to good god fearing parents and the evil, wicked religion which deifies a medievel paedophile warlord corrupted him into becoming a monster?


you'll not win many arguments with reasoning like that my friend!!




All that handling snakes lark does their heads in apparently. That and the starched white cotton panties.

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Firstly, I disagree with your assertion that they're there to defend my way of life.


And sceondly, what would you do if you were in their situation? Would you face them on the battlefield where you'd get slaughtered? Or would you adopt other tactics to give yourself a chance of success?


of course they are there to defend your way of life, the interests of the UK and its shores. What else do you think they are there to do ?


I would not go and live in a country and bomb or demonstrate against their way of life, forces, laws and traditions. End of story. Their "tactics" as you put it, are cowardly and beneath contempt.


Who's done that?


The London Bombers were born in Leeds and Bradford.


bet the parents wern't tho..............




No, but their parents didn't radiicalise them. That was Abdullah el-Faisal....but he was born Trevor William Forest who had evangelical Christian parents and was part of the salvation army until he was 16.


These christian churches shouldn't be allowed should they?




so he was born to good god fearing parents and the evil, wicked religion which deifies a medievel paedophile warlord corrupted him into becoming a monster?


you'll not win many arguments with reasoning like that my friend!!




All that handling snakes lark does their heads in apparently. That and the starched white cotton panties.




You seem to know all about it Parky! Personal experience perhaps?.............



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Leazes, I see you've chosen to ignore the examples given of British soldiers murdering civilians.

Might've known you'd mention something twisted like this. You'll be mentioning food getting shipped to England in the 1840's next.


He said that the British army hadn't murdered innocent civilians, I provided an example of where they did. Their own civilians I hasten to add.



why are you so anti british


It's amazing isn't it. Imagine living here and not supporting great British traditions like the murder of civilians, torture and the erosion of rights.


...oops hang on, I've got it wrong there. What I meant was we're proud to be British when we DON'T do those things and kick off big style when it happens....rather than sweep it under the carpet and pretend only the baddies do it.


so when are you plotting the next shopping centre bombing Patel ?


Patel is a Hindu name, not a Muslim one, you dullard. Just goes to show how thick you are. You probably think everyone from the subcontinent is a 'paki' and anyone from east of there (that is, anyone with 'slanty eyes') is a 'chinky.' Welcome to the 21st century, Leazes. Maybe if you and those like you actually tried to learn something about the people who make up an ever-rising proportion of your country instead of closing your mind and wishing for them to be sent back, you'd see that Britain may be different now, but no worse for it.

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Leazes, I see you've chosen to ignore the examples given of British soldiers murdering civilians.

Might've known you'd mention something twisted like this. You'll be mentioning food getting shipped to England in the 1840's next.


He said that the British army hadn't murdered innocent civilians, I provided an example of where they did. Their own civilians I hasten to add.



why are you so anti british


It's amazing isn't it. Imagine living here and not supporting great British traditions like the murder of civilians, torture and the erosion of rights.


...oops hang on, I've got it wrong there. What I meant was we're proud to be British when we DON'T do those things and kick off big style when it happens....rather than sweep it under the carpet and pretend only the baddies do it.


so when are you plotting the next shopping centre bombing Patel ?


Patel is a Hindu name, not a Muslim one, you dullard. Just goes to show how thick you are. You probably think everyone from the subcontinent is a 'paki' and anyone from east of there (that is, anyone with 'slanty eyes') is a 'chinky.' Welcome to the 21st century, Leazes. Maybe if you and those like you actually tried to learn something about the people who make up an ever-rising proportion of your country instead of closing your mind and wishing for them to be sent back, you'd see that Britain may be different now, but no worse for it.


I don't actually give a flying fuck if it is a Hindu or a Muslim name. Why are you so knowledgeable, does it have anything to do with your sympathies ? You ought to wake up, the use of the word "paki" [not that I have ever used it on here or in real life anyway] is no different to the use of the word "brit", "limey", "taff", "jock" etc etc.......its people like you who attempt to say that it is because you are, yes, a do gooder left wing pc correct pillock.


The population of my country will in the not too distant future hit the 70 million mark, and yes you are quite right when I say this is becoming a dangerous level which is part of the reason I say what i say along with an ever increasing amount of pillocks like you who think they can tell me what I can and can't say in my own country.

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Leazes, I see you've chosen to ignore the examples given of British soldiers murdering civilians.

Might've known you'd mention something twisted like this. You'll be mentioning food getting shipped to England in the 1840's next.


He said that the British army hadn't murdered innocent civilians, I provided an example of where they did. Their own civilians I hasten to add.



why are you so anti british


It's amazing isn't it. Imagine living here and not supporting great British traditions like the murder of civilians, torture and the erosion of rights.


...oops hang on, I've got it wrong there. What I meant was we're proud to be British when we DON'T do those things and kick off big style when it happens....rather than sweep it under the carpet and pretend only the baddies do it.


so when are you plotting the next shopping centre bombing Patel ?


Patel is a Hindu name, not a Muslim one, you dullard. Just goes to show how thick you are. You probably think everyone from the subcontinent is a 'paki' and anyone from east of there (that is, anyone with 'slanty eyes') is a 'chinky.' Welcome to the 21st century, Leazes. Maybe if you and those like you actually tried to learn something about the people who make up an ever-rising proportion of your country instead of closing your mind and wishing for them to be sent back, you'd see that Britain may be different now, but no worse for it.


I don't actually give a flying fuck if it is a Hindu or a Muslim name. Why are you so knowledgeable, does it have anything to do with your sympathies ? You ought to wake up, the use of the word "paki" [not that I have ever used it on here or in real life anyway] is no different to the use of the word "brit", "limey", "taff", "jock" etc etc.......its people like you who attempt to say that it is because you are, yes, a do gooder left wing pc correct pillock.


The population of my country will in the not too distant future hit the 70 million mark, and yes you are quite right when I say this is becoming a dangerous level which is part of the reason I say what i say along with an ever increasing amount of pillocks like you who think they can tell me what I can and can't say in my own country.


Fuck off Ghandi!
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Why are you so knowledgeable, does it have anything to do with your sympathies ?


Just about sums you up - knowledge of any kind, especially of the wider world is mistrusted and abused.

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Why are you so knowledgeable, does it have anything to do with your sympathies ?


Just about sums you up - knowledge of any kind, especially of the wider world is mistrusted and abused.

Seriously though, that's a new low even for Leazes. Knowing that Patel isn't a Muslim name means you're a terrorist sympathiser. :icon_lol:

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Why are you so knowledgeable, does it have anything to do with your sympathies ?


Just about sums you up - knowledge of any kind, especially of the wider world is mistrusted and abused.

Seriously though, that's a new low even for Leazes. Knowing that Patel isn't a Muslim name means you're a terrorist sympathiser. :icon_lol:



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Why are you so knowledgeable, does it have anything to do with your sympathies ?


Just about sums you up - knowledge of any kind, especially of the wider world is mistrusted and abused.


Well, you admitted you don't like the monarchy, institutions, police etc etc.........what exactly DO you like, apart from having sympathies for anyone who isn't british and appear to be totally unaware of the dangers of an expanding population - yet you say you are "worldly wise". You also bracketed British Special Forces with terrorists that blow up shopping centres and aeroplanes. Staggering.


I've seen a fair bit of the world myself too NJS, which is why I am not ignorant of human nature. Its got nothing to do with not giving a shit if someone is muslim or hindu, which I don't.

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Why are you so knowledgeable, does it have anything to do with your sympathies ?


Just about sums you up - knowledge of any kind, especially of the wider world is mistrusted and abused.

Seriously though, that's a new low even for Leazes. Knowing that Patel isn't a Muslim name means you're a terrorist sympathiser. :icon_lol:


ah, I've upset you dear :icon_lol:

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Why are you so knowledgeable, does it have anything to do with your sympathies ?


Just about sums you up - knowledge of any kind, especially of the wider world is mistrusted and abused.

Seriously though, that's a new low even for Leazes. Knowing that Patel isn't a Muslim name means you're a terrorist sympathiser. :icon_lol:


ah, I've upset you dear :rolleyes:

It'd take an awful lot more than that, my little honeybunch. Just kicking back with a Woo Woo and enjoying the show. :icon_lol:

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Why are you so knowledgeable, does it have anything to do with your sympathies ?


Just about sums you up - knowledge of any kind, especially of the wider world is mistrusted and abused.

Seriously though, that's a new low even for Leazes. Knowing that Patel isn't a Muslim name means you're a terrorist sympathiser. :icon_lol:


ah, I've upset you dear ;)

It'd take an awful lot more than that, my little honeybunch. Just kicking back with a Woo Woo and enjoying the show. :rolleyes:


less of the sweet talk and stick to the topic :icon_lol:

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Leazes, I see you've chosen to ignore the examples given of British soldiers murdering civilians.

Might've known you'd mention something twisted like this. You'll be mentioning food getting shipped to England in the 1840's next.


He said that the British army hadn't murdered innocent civilians, I provided an example of where they did. Their own civilians I hasten to add.

I'm sorry for that remark, it's a lot easier to be cheeky than to say something intelligent, it is for me anyway. You say you're not anti-British, I'm not anti-Irish, I just find 90% of what you say about the UK is negative. For all our problems, we're a great fuckin country, I think most of the world thinks we're a slightly negative influence in the world. My thoughts are we've done more good, and perhaps more bad than any country in the history of mankind.

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