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Islam4UK banned under terror laws


A radical Islamist group that planned a march through Wootton Bassett will be banned under counter-terrorism laws, Home Secretary Alan Johnson has said.


Members of Islam4UK had planned the march through the Wiltshire town to honour Muslims killed in the Afghanistan conflict.


The government had been considering outlawing the group, which is said to have extremist links.


Earlier this week, Gordon Brown said plans for the march were "disgusting".

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what is ironic is people like yourself who defend the rights of gays and muslims that don't stop to think what muslims will do to you if you are gay. The same thing goes for women who defend muslims "rights" that are too thick to realise that if muslims have their way women themselves would be 2nd class citizens.


Astounding stupidity.


Double irony bypass.


You want us to ignore the rights of muslims....because they ignore the rights of others...because they're barbaric....while we're enlightened....and we respect the rights of others.




Your views are so flawed as to be a worse threat to personal freedom and liberty than those you claim to abhor.


Really ? Do you support the demonstrations against British troops on the streets of Britain ie in Wootton Basset for instance ?

What "rights" are you talking about here. Those fuckers are a disgrace. If they feel so strongly about the countries where our troops are based then they can fuck off there and fight them....in a fair war too with uniforms and show themselves. Cowardly cunts.


I don't know enough about the protests to say if i support it or not. A quick glance at a report tells me they're protesting British presence in Afghanistan and not "British Troops" so it's clear you don't know enough to say why you're against it either.


I 100% support their right to protest though. Because I treasure the right to free speech in this country.


If you don't, then why don't you move to Pakistan where they don't tolerate such things.


because I'm English, not pakistani.


anti-British troop demonstrations not welcome on British soil. Sorry, but you are wrong. If you want to live in a country, abide by its laws and don't demonstrate for changing them, or fuck off.


Your original post was about restricting the rights of muslims (very generally) because they don't deserve the same rights we enjoy...whereby we treat everyone fairly and equally.


When I pointed out the glaring contradiction in that you completely changed the subject to whether or not I agree with a specific protest you personally disagree with. You recommended that the British Muslims involved move to Afghanistan and take up arms against their own government and it's armed forces. So you're using this forum in order to call muslims to Jihad because you're uncomfortable with their peaceful form of protest. Which I find incredible. Is that serious or are you joking?


In the end you've lost the plot and made a vague claim about someone breaking some unspecified law in an attempt to make some change to some law that you fail to identify. Who has broken the law? Protesting against which law? If you don't start making sense and more accurately stating your point along with the individuals/instances you're referring to then I'm not interested in getting into one of your baseless slagging matches. If you want to state the facts behind what's made you so angry and why, I'd enjoy debating them with you.


Angry ?


You are joking.


My point made in the above post about these cowards that don't have the balls to stand up and put a uniform on stands


There is no point "debating" when I know I am right.


In a few decades time, you will sit back and say that Leazes was right. But won't admit it. Just like you all know I was right about the Shepherd and Halls and the running of this football club. I make no apologies for bringing this up in this thread, but I am right.


At least Fop would make a fist of it :icon_lol:

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Aye, you've got happy face in the corner with that one. I can't think of two known truths that go together as good as those two. Hand in hand from a logical perspective. It's the as though the shepherd and hall era was like a gentle allegory of early 21st century geopolitics.






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Islam4UK banned under terror laws


A radical Islamist group that planned a march through Wootton Bassett will be banned under counter-terrorism laws, Home Secretary Alan Johnson has said.


Members of Islam4UK had planned the march through the Wiltshire town to honour Muslims killed in the Afghanistan conflict.


The government had been considering outlawing the group, which is said to have extremist links.


Earlier this week, Gordon Brown said plans for the march were "disgusting".



well they must have been up to no good to get banned


does this justify LM's position?



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So what do you think of muslims who would execute gays ?


What do you think of Westerners who would do the same and say it's in the name of their religion too? I can name you a few if you like.


And what do you think of the protesters who are happy to "protest" against British Troops on safe British soil but don't have the balls to put a uniform on and take on British Soldiers face to face ?


I am not surprised at all that none of the muslim sympathisers in this thread have not yet answered this.


I realise you will probably opt out of this or put a daft smiley as a reply.


Are you really so fucking stupid you don't understand what you're saying, or are you just being deliberately dense? What you are doing here is criticising people who are making a peaceful protest against something they do not believe is right...by saying that instead, they should do what the real terrorists do and take up arms against Britain. So you are simultaneously calling Islam backwards with your anti-gay anti-women rhetoric and then criticising its adherents for doing something the "modern" and "democratic" way, suggesting they should instead retreat to the stereotype of violence that they are so often tarred with as it is. Congratulations, Sheikh Leazes. You are doing the terrorists' recruiting work for them. Allah akbar.


There's no winning with a dopey, doddering old cunt like you evidently and honestly I don't think you even know what you are arguing. Whenever anyone refutes something you say or even proposes an alternative viewpoint, you change your focus and throw up some of your usual bullshit, either about the Halls and Shepherd or about your personal dislike for the poster.



there is no winning with a brainwashed pc correct wanker like you either son.


You have zero understanding of terrorism, how it works, the security services and the job they do. Fuck all. You're a total tosser.


Edit. To amplify a point that I have made about 3 times at least, which you clearly haven't read or don't understand [for someone so clever as you :icon_lol: ] terrorists do not take up arms against Britain. They are cowardly fucks who haven't got the balls to show themselves in a uniform and stand up in a fair fight. These protestors know nobody can touch them or they wouldn't be so brave either. And you for defending them are from the same mould. What a shower of wankers.

Edited by LeazesMag
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Think it's stupid and pointless (and possibly even counter-active) banning the group who wanted to do the demo mind. Just a PR exercise by the Government.

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To amplify a point that I have made about 3 times at least, which you clearly haven't read or don't understand [for someone so clever as you :icon_lol: ] terrorists do not take up arms against Britain. They are cowardly fucks who haven't got the balls to show themselves in a uniform and stand up in a fair fight. These protestors know nobody can touch them or they wouldn't be so brave either. And you for defending them are from the same mould. What a shower of wankers.

I think they never actually wanted the protest to go ahead. They've had the go ahead for at least one before (in London) which they cancelled. It's all about publicity imo. That said, I think they should be allowed to protest if they like, but not in Wooton Bassett (sp?).

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So what do you think of muslims who would execute gays ?


What do you think of Westerners who would do the same and say it's in the name of their religion too? I can name you a few if you like.


And what do you think of the protesters who are happy to "protest" against British Troops on safe British soil but don't have the balls to put a uniform on and take on British Soldiers face to face ?


I am not surprised at all that none of the muslim sympathisers in this thread have not yet answered this.


I realise you will probably opt out of this or put a daft smiley as a reply.


Are you really so fucking stupid you don't understand what you're saying, or are you just being deliberately dense? What you are doing here is criticising people who are making a peaceful protest against something they do not believe is right...by saying that instead, they should do what the real terrorists do and take up arms against Britain. So you are simultaneously calling Islam backwards with your anti-gay anti-women rhetoric and then criticising its adherents for doing something the "modern" and "democratic" way, suggesting they should instead retreat to the stereotype of violence that they are so often tarred with as it is. Congratulations, Sheikh Leazes. You are doing the terrorists' recruiting work for them. Allah akbar.


There's no winning with a dopey, doddering old cunt like you evidently and honestly I don't think you even know what you are arguing. Whenever anyone refutes something you say or even proposes an alternative viewpoint, you change your focus and throw up some of your usual bullshit, either about the Halls and Shepherd or about your personal dislike for the poster.



there is no winning with a brainwashed pc correct wanker like you either son.


You have zero understanding of terrorism, how it works, the security services and the job they do. Fuck all. You're a total tosser.


Edit. To amplify a point that I have made about 3 times at least, which you clearly haven't read or don't understand [for someone so clever as you :icon_lol: ] terrorists do not take up arms against Britain. They are cowardly fucks who haven't got the balls to show themselves in a uniform and stand up in a fair fight. These protestors know nobody can touch them or they wouldn't be so brave either. And you for defending them are from the same mould. What a shower of wankers.



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Edit. To amplify a point that I have made about 3 times at least, which you clearly haven't read or don't understand [for someone so clever as you :icon_lol: ] terrorists do not take up arms against Britain. They are cowardly fucks who haven't got the balls to show themselves in a uniform and stand up in a fair fight. These protestors know nobody can touch them or they wouldn't be so brave either. And you for defending them are from the same mould. What a shower of wankers.


Since they don't involve a uniform amd a "fair fight", does that mean that covert ops such as those done by the SAS are cowardly terrorism?

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Edit. To amplify a point that I have made about 3 times at least, which you clearly haven't read or don't understand [for someone so clever as you :icon_lol: ] terrorists do not take up arms against Britain. They are cowardly fucks who haven't got the balls to show themselves in a uniform and stand up in a fair fight. These protestors know nobody can touch them or they wouldn't be so brave either. And you for defending them are from the same mould. What a shower of wankers.


Since they don't involve a uniform amd a "fair fight", does that mean that covert ops such as those done by the SAS are cowardly terrorism?


do you find SAS or SBS blokes planting bombs and killing innocent civilians ?


Give over man. Stop defending these wankers and support your own troops instead.

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Edit. To amplify a point that I have made about 3 times at least, which you clearly haven't read or don't understand [for someone so clever as you :icon_lol: ] terrorists do not take up arms against Britain. They are cowardly fucks who haven't got the balls to show themselves in a uniform and stand up in a fair fight. These protestors know nobody can touch them or they wouldn't be so brave either. And you for defending them are from the same mould. What a shower of wankers.


Since they don't involve a uniform amd a "fair fight", does that mean that covert ops such as those done by the SAS are cowardly terrorism?


do you find SAS or SBS blokes planting bombs and killing innocent civilians ?


Give over man. Stop defending these wankers and support your own troops instead.


Yes they do. Many tiimes now and in history. If you honestly think British forces have clean hands then you're even dafter than I thought.


I don't support British troops - there hasn't been any "war" since 1945 that I would have supported - they'all been unjustified, imperialistic bollocks and being honest any fucker who signs up when conscription isn't in force gets no sympathy from me if they die.

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