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The great cold snap of 2009/2010

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I was wondering how long it would take for someone dense to say how can we have global warming when it's -9 ootside. Oh dear.


Weather and climate are two separate things. You can have cold weather outside it's got nothing to do with the climate. The climate is studied over a long period of time, and over that period the temperature can go up and down, but the climate is studied over decades, and what is undeniable is that climate change has occured over the last 100 years, and has accelerated over the last 20 years, so the median temperature of the planet is nearly 1 degree c hotter than it was 100 years ago. What causes that is still inconclusive although it's more than likely a direct cause of man made emissions. I don't see how that is difficult to understand?


Bollocks imo

How have you come to reach that opinion, what factors do you think caused it and why?


Since 2007, no scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion on this.


Scientist have used complicated sums and interpreted huge amounts of data and agree...


IPCC released a summary of the Fourth Assessment Report. According to this summary, the Fourth Assessment Report finds that human actions are "very likely" the cause of global warming, meaning a 90% or greater probability.


Can't wait to see what evidence the insider has. Perhaps he should pass it on to the Royal Society as they seem to have missed it.

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I was wondering how long it would take for someone dense to say how can we have global warming when it's -9 ootside. Oh dear.


Weather and climate are two separate things. You can have cold weather outside it's got nothing to do with the climate. The climate is studied over a long period of time, and over that period the temperature can go up and down, but the climate is studied over decades, and what is undeniable is that climate change has occured over the last 100 years, and has accelerated over the last 20 years, so the median temperature of the planet is nearly 1 degree c hotter than it was 100 years ago. What causes that is still inconclusive although it's more than likely a direct cause of man made emissions. I don't see how that is difficult to understand?


Bollocks imo

How have you come to reach that opinion, what factors do you think caused it and why?


Since 2007, no scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion on this.


Scientist have used complicated sums and interpreted huge amounts of data and agree...


IPCC released a summary of the Fourth Assessment Report. According to this summary, the Fourth Assessment Report finds that human actions are "very likely" the cause of global warming, meaning a 90% or greater probability.


Can't wait to see what evidence the insider has. Perhaps he should pass it on to the Royal Society as they seem to have missed it.


Why bother, they'd just hide it.

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There is a reason why the phrase was changed from Global Warming to Climate Change, so your average Joe Pubic wouldn't have a Daily Mail induced spak attack when it gets a bit frosty. The concept of Global Warming allows for extremes of weather.


Whether it is man made or not, I think is up to any individual to decide but don't think there is truly enough to KNOW either way, and wonder if we ever will know. Personally I maintain a little healthy skepticism, and I am currently working on the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme, the UK Govt's major world first initiative to improve energy efficiency and thereby reduce CO2 emissions.


Improving energy efficiency will save everyone money as well as improve the management of finite resources and increase the harvesting of (near) infinite resources. Sensible management of resources is important for its own ends, that is what keeps me motivated in the face of both JP as well as the response to and actions of an industry that is now entrenched regardless. The leverage applied may or may not be real, the benefits are plainly obvious.


Moving from 'mitigation' to adaptation, if we decide to adapt our infrastructure for extremes of weather then we are into risk management, and you have to properly weigh up the risks against the cost of action and inaction. A nightmare when you consider what is at stake and the potential cost of both activities in the face of being 'wrong'. Would you prefer to have a hospital that is more expensive but guaranteed to always be open or a cheaper option that may close if we hit 40 degrees? To me that's a no brainer, but I'm not faced with the challenge of paying for it or keeping my seat.


And back to conspiracy theories, even if the 'NWO' wanted to use this agenda as a tool for One World Government it looks as though China is telling the NWO to go fuck themselves, for now anyway. I do believe we need a significant and effective world council to manage 'all-earth affairs' however while all nations are acting as or striving to become corporations we're pretty much locked in to the forthcoming cluster-fuck be it with or without extremes of weather.


Possibly wrong thread.

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Pigs? ;)


Pigs are as man-made as chickens, cows and sheep.


I read a stat that claimed that before farming took off about 10k years ago humans and "our" animals made up 0.98% of vertebrates. Now that figure is 98%.


They're a derivative of wild boar.....


Yes but a couple of thousand wild boars running around the forests of England domesticated into a few million pigs is human intervention


And wild boars still exist and still fart :icon_lol:

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And wild boars still exist and still fart ;)


Compared to pigs its a fart in a hurricane.


pig farts are very little compared to cow farts. Your pig fart might fill a coconut. Your cow fart, well....watermelon at least.


Sea level pressure, obv.

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The climate has been changing since before mankind existed. But now that it's happening when mankind does exist, let's blame mankind, and tax him ;)

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Well I've now been sat on a plane for the past three and a half hours going nowhere because we had a light snow shower in Belfast and they closed the runway. Looks like I'm going to miss my connecting flight now.

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Frickin pansies! Last night's low was somewhere around -30 C. ;)

No one notices or cares about America though, it's just there, we know nothing about it and don't intend to.


Sadly the snow is receeding today :icon_lol: I think that's it for this year.

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Anyone else been out taking photos in it?

Tempted to go to Tynemouth and take a few but it's a bit chilly for my liking. ;)


Wor lass took the walk from Cullercoats to Tynemouth and got some lush photos at 8am yesterday morning. She got the Nikon D3000 for christmas so I'll try and hoy a few of hers up.

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Frickin pansies! Last night's low was somewhere around -30 C. ;)

No one notices or cares about America though, it's just there, we know nothing about it and don't intend to.


Sadly the snow is receeding today :angry: I think that's it for this year.


Sooner it goes the better. The ice that formed on my roof evidently got under a loose tile and expanded the gap. Now the thaw has set in I have a lovely leaking bathroom ceiling.


Joy! <_<


On the plus side it's leaking all down one wall and has got under the tiles and lifted and warped them from the wall. Will need replacing which should be covered as secondary damage under the insurance.


Had been meaning to get the bathroom re-tiled soon anyway :icon_lol:

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Snow's completely gone more or less this morning.


Not by a long shot. The road is now clear, but our paths are at around 18" and where we have been clearing the side of the roads are around 2ft.

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She got the Nikon D3000 for christmas so I'll try and hoy a few of hers up.




Thats the same as I'm using. Only had a few weeks as well. Still only got the kit lens (18-55mm), though I've just bought a polarising filter. Looking to buy a decent telephoto and macro lens. Just not yet. Only just getting into photography.

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She got the Nikon D3000 for christmas so I'll try and hoy a few of hers up.




Thats the same as I'm using. Only had a few weeks as well. Still only got the kit lens (18-55mm), though I've just bought a polarising filter. Looking to buy a decent telephoto and macro lens. Just not yet. Only just getting into photography.


I knew someone had mentioned it so thought I'd hoy a few samples of it up.

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