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Geordie Thermometer

Monkeys Fist

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The Geordie Temperature Scale (Celsius):


10 degrees - Southerners turn on the heating - Geordies plant gardens.


4 degrees - Southerners shiver uncontrollably - Geordies sunbathe.


1 degrees - Southern cars will not start - Geordies drive with the windows down.


-6 degrees - Southerners wear coats, gloves and wool hats - Geordies throw on a T-shirt (girls start wearing mini-skirts instead of bikinis).


-10 degrees - Southern landlords turn up the heating - Geordies have the last BBQ before it gets cold.


-17 degrees - Southerners begin to evacuate - Geordies go swimming in the North Sea.


-25 - Southerners cease to exist - Geordies throw on a lightweight jacket.


-60 degrees - Polar bears wonder if it's worth it - Geordie boy scouts start wearing long trousers.


-75 degrees - Santa Claus abandons the North Pole - Geordies put on their long johns.


-113 degrees - alcohol freezes - Geordies get frustrated because the pubs are shut.


-182 degrees - Microbial life starts to disappear - The cows on Newcastle Town Moor complain of farmers with cold hands


-273 degrees - All atomic motion stops - Geordies start to stamp their feet and blow on their hands.


-295 degrees - Hell freezes over - Sunderland qualify for Europe

Edited by Monkeys Fist
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