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Funny pictures thread


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on purpose id imagine


no... i just don't see what i'm suppsoed to be seeing. Lady no 5 is the one sticking her head in the picture between 4 and 6 yeah? (6 being the one in the cerise top).


Does your girlfriend know you are gay?


Are you going to point out what I'm supposed to be looking at?


Far left, lass, you might need to alter the contrast on your monitor :good:


nah he saw her first time and is now not sure whats hes looking for

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on purpose id imagine


no... i just don't see what i'm suppsoed to be seeing. Lady no 5 is the one sticking her head in the picture between 4 and 6 yeah? (6 being the one in the cerise top).


Does your girlfriend know you are gay?


Are you going to point out what I'm supposed to be looking at?


Far left, lass, you might need to alter the contrast on your monitor :)


Didn't need to alter the contrast, I can see her - but what's wrong with her? Looks perfectly normal to me like... :good:

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He fucking knows that man, hes just being a bell


KD for once in your retarded fucking life, don't think that everyone is out to be difficult just cos it's you.


There's 6 lasses in a photo - so what?

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And the award for ruining a perfectly good joke goes to ......................


What's the fucking joke you total fucking nob?

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There's nowt wrong with her daft lad, but usually you dont notice she is there when you first look at the pic. As was noted by the 5 in my office (yes, I show my whole office this thread when its updated :good: )

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Well JawDs 5 office mates got it. As did you.


I didn't get a joke from it at all - it's a picture of 6 lasses, one happens to be black. Hardly brick-shitting material is it?

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Craig you were being a bell, you know dam well what was meant to be wrong with the photo and are only kidding yourself if you think otherwise. :good:

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Craig you were being a bell, you know dam well what was meant to be wrong with the photo and are only kidding yourself if you think otherwise. :good:


Afraid not - from the outset I saw all 6 lasses. For it to be 'brick-shitting' I was expecting one of them to have something abnormal if you looked closely. I don't consider one black lass (whos top you can clearly see) to be what would make me shit bricks.

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Craig you were being a bell, you know dam well what was meant to be wrong with the photo and are only kidding yourself if you think otherwise. :good:


Afraid not - from the outset I saw all 6 lasses. For it to be 'brick-shitting' I was expecting one of them to have something abnormal if you looked closely. I don't consider one black lass (whos top you can clearly see) to be what would make me shit bricks.


You just proved it tbh :)

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Besides, if I was picking gnat shit out of pepper, I'd have picked on the picture of the kid with downs - don't find that particularly funny either but i got the reference.

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Craig you were being a bell, you know dam well what was meant to be wrong with the photo and are only kidding yourself if you think otherwise. :lol:


Afraid not - from the outset I saw all 6 lasses. For it to be 'brick-shitting' I was expecting one of them to have something abnormal if you looked closely. I don't consider one black lass (whos top you can clearly see) to be what would make me shit bricks.


You just proved it tbh ;)


If she was wearing a dark top, I'd have understood it. I was expecting one of them to have a cock growing out of an armpit or something. It did actually cross my mind that you might be making out out that her hand looks white as you can only see the palm.


It's shit man, I didn't get the reference, I looked past the fact that it was a black lass in a dark photo as it didn't match up to the reference in the footnote. Live with it man :rolleyes:

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I thought that was the funniest :lol: And i work with kids with LD


Maybe if you had a relative with Downs, you wouldn't find it so funny.

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The kids I work with often pull tricks like this, pretending they 'dont get' things when they quite obviously do. Then we all roll around laughing and call them silly billys and give them the attention they were craving.




But then they all have mental health problems.

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Im really struggling to "get" these shitbrix ones like :lol: Must be having a slow day. I did spot the puking kid though ;)

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