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For those who fear losing everything.

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Yeah, realistically speaking though id rather live a happy life to 90 than die in my own shit on the toilet at 40. But hey, if you think thats cool . . . .


The peoples princess lived a fairly clean life and died at 27 gawd bless her :huh:


RIP Jade, you make me proud to be a human.

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All worked out great for Jimi didnt it :huh: Hendrix, Morrison, Presley, Cobain, I could go on



erm.......Cobain died from a shotgun blast to the head/face area......surely no one on here is recommending that

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All worked out great for Jimi didnt it :huh: Hendrix, Morrison, Presley, Cobain, I could go on



erm.......Cobain died from a shotgun blast to the head/face area......surely no one on here is recommending that


In moderation.

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Sorry to drag this thread back on topic but Parky and Jimbo - hope things work out in the best way they can for everyone, whatever that might be. Can't imagine what it must be like having to be apart from your kids in the process, but I hope you're both keeping strong.

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The whole everything in moderation argument doesnt wash with me. Working in mental health ive seen more than a few people who have lifelong illnesses now from using certain drugs just once or twice. The mind is a fragile organ and there is no way of knowing what or how much it can manage. Id rather not take the risk



fwiw everything in moderation is just a rationalization, take ownership of that joint or line or capsule IMO


however, we have had certain certain drugs branded as BAD by arms of various governments without really knowing. McGill university has just started to do experimentations with Psyllocibin, in a blind study 50 people were given the drug and 50 more were given a placebo. Nearly all the people given the psyllocibin reported having a religious like experience whose effects lasted far after the drug would have left their bodies.


All I'm saying is if someone used LSD once or twice, or mushrooms once or twice, of smoked a joint once or twice....and completely lost the plot, there is a good chance there was a preexisting problem with the wiring...IMO


The Nancy Reagan era delineation of what drugs are bad and what are acceptable needs to be edited......again, IMHO


I will always fondly remember those mushroom tea weekends and how relaxing and revealing they were. IMO LSD isn't really good for you, but a light shroom tea taken with friends is splendid.

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The whole everything in moderation argument doesnt wash with me. Working in mental health ive seen more than a few people who have lifelong illnesses now from using certain drugs just once or twice. The mind is a fragile organ and there is no way of knowing what or how much it can manage. Id rather not take the risk



fwiw everything in moderation is just a rationalization, take ownership of that joint or line or capsule IMO


however, we have had certain certain drugs branded as BAD by arms of various governments without really knowing. McGill university has just started to do experimentations with Psyllocibin, in a blind study 50 people were given the drug and 50 more were given a placebo. Nearly all the people given the psyllocibin reported having a religious like experience whose effects lasted far after the drug would have left their bodies.


All I'm saying is if someone used LSD once or twice, or mushrooms once or twice, of smoked a joint once or twice....and completely lost the plot, there is a good chance there was a preexisting problem with the wiring...IMO


The Nancy Reagan era delineation of what drugs are bad and what are acceptable needs to be edited......again, IMHO


I will always fondly remember those mushroom tea weekends and how relaxing and revealing they were. IMO LSD isn't really good for you, but a light shroom tea taken with friends is splendid.



agreed...and sorry for the highjack (thanks catmag), hope things work out for you PL and Jimbo

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Sorry to drag this thread back on topic but Parky and Jimbo - hope things work out in the best way they can for everyone, whatever that might be. Can't imagine what it must be like having to be apart from your kids in the process, but I hope you're both keeping strong.



Thanks for your kind words. I know already how hard it will be, sometimes when we are playing together and laughing I am already fearing the silence there will be when I'm back in England. Without a doubt this will be the hardest test I have ever faced and I must re-learn who I am and try and find some hapiness again.

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Sorry to drag this thread back on topic but Parky and Jimbo - hope things work out in the best way they can for everyone, whatever that might be. Can't imagine what it must be like having to be apart from your kids in the process, but I hope you're both keeping strong.



Thanks for your kind words. I know already how hard it will be, sometimes when we are playing together and laughing I am already fearing the silence there will be when I'm back in England. Without a doubt this will be the hardest test I have ever faced and I must re-learn who I am and try and find some hapiness again.


I honestly can't imagine how that must feel. I feel like it would kill me to be forced apart from my son. I admire your strength and focus and truly hope you find the happiness that you deserve.


And on a lighter note - get yourself to the pub when you get home. I'll buy you a pint :huh:

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Sorry to drag this thread back on topic but Parky and Jimbo - hope things work out in the best way they can for everyone, whatever that might be. Can't imagine what it must be like having to be apart from your kids in the process, but I hope you're both keeping strong.



Thanks for your kind words. I know already how hard it will be, sometimes when we are playing together and laughing I am already fearing the silence there will be when I'm back in England. Without a doubt this will be the hardest test I have ever faced and I must re-learn who I am and try and find some hapiness again.

That is heartbreaking man!

I sincerely hope both you and Jimbo find a way to cope.

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Bored? try drugs, they'll perk you right up! :huh:


For someone who obviously thinks of himself as intelligent and mature, you sound very juvenile with the "drugs are kool" shit.


People in prisons and charvas on council estates do coke and pills ffs. Are they cool?


I know you're not being serious and you're just trying to goad KD, but you're much more boring than you claim he is when you prattle on like this.

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Bored? try drugs, they'll perk you right up! :huh:


For someone who obviously thinks of himself as intelligent and mature, you sound very juvenile with the "drugs are kool" shit.


People in prisons and charvas on council estates do coke and pills ffs. Are they cool?


I know you're not being serious and you're just trying to goad KD, but you're much more boring than you claim he is when you prattle on like this.

Chill out man.

Skin up.

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