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Fuckin third world economic refugee Croat cunt. I wouldn't trust none of those slavic cunts, you can see in their eyes they are evil people, Croatians/Serbians all the same they are savages


Tbf I have done some pretty dodgy stuff in but even Serbs stop short of breaking up a family.


Croats fucking wouldn't though. Sorry to hear what you're going through lads.

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Was she shagging that greaseball then Parky, is that where it all stemmed from?


Yes, unfortunately.


Motherfucker, I hate shit like this. Sorry to hear that mate, I think I'd probably end up in jail if wor lass ever pulled that sort of shit on me, especially when there's kids involved.


I think about it everyday, but the downside is losing access to the bairn.


As in, not allowed to see her or the fact he/she is in Jormany? Has she moved that shitbag in then?


...as in if I beat his brains out Mrs P will tell everyone inc (Parky Jnr) that I'm a nutter etc and use it to keep me away. He's moved to Denmark for 3 months...The upshot of which was she told me last week she was going to visit him at which point I started booking flights.

Fuckin third world economic refugee Croat cunt. I wouldn't trust none of those slavic cunts, you can see in their eyes they are evil people, Croatians/Serbians all the same they are savages and it's the same all the way to India from there. Look what happened at Vukovar the cunts. They are robots, same as the Russians as well. She needs bitch slapping, maybe this is a shit thing to say but it's better to find out her true colours while you're still a young virile lad than if you got to 40 having wasted the best years of your life with someone who does this with nothing more than a ecomomic asylum seeker from a former war ravaged bandit country. It's worse breaking your leg than being mentally tortured, but I hope this is the way you feel in two or three months...




Sorry to derail the thread, but am I the only one this sort of shit offends? Youre a scary man Stevie

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Only just ventured into this thread, sorry to hear about both of you. Im sure things will work out for the best in the long run though.


Oh and cheers for telling me about the Trent lads, twice Ive called in and been stood on me todd :D

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I agree with KD, but we all know Stevie's a bigoted tosser so there's not much point in having out in Parky's thread.





You and Stevie? :D


You and your lad :rolleyes:


Can people please stop interfering and just let KD bite, FFS

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Only just dropped in to this thread. Assumed from the title it was the usual Parky clipping from the Telegraph.


Sorry to hear about what's happened, same to Jimbo. Good luck guys.



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Only just dropped in to this thread. Assumed from the title it was the usual Parky clipping from the Telegraph.


Sorry to hear about what's happened, same to Jimbo. Good luck guys.




Thanks for your kind thoughts K.




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You have my Sympathy, I've learned this year that women are snakes!


I was caught doing something I shouldnt have (not cheating) on nye 2008 and was thrown out on New years day. I tried to win her round for months with long emails phone calls, offerings to nice meals, walks and other stuff.

Whilst never really replying much, she always insinuated that one day we would get back together, even asking me to select a list of restaurants she likes and she would choose one, only for me to rack my brains and for her to turn round and say she wasnt up to eating in public once I'd chosen.


Eventually she deicieded after 6 months of me trying she couldn't forgive me. I mean If she had have said in Jan there was no way back I would have accepted it - I just feel like she always knew I didnt stand a chance but strung me along for months, and bearing in mind I was with her 6 years and went through some shit together like her dads death and stuff


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