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  On 09/10/2021 at 21:27, Andrew said:

I have both of those on my board as it happens :lol:


both are fucking brilliant


Ah nice! 

im probably going to order the NUX pedal anyway I suppose! 

having said that the Caverns is better for clean tones but a new drive can never hurt 

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  On 11/10/2021 at 19:03, Tom said:

The NUX came today. 

Very nice, really good for the price.



How much was it in the UK? For the equivalent of £40 over here I still can't believe how good it is tbh, doesn't work with the Kraken cause thats just silly amounts of gain but on either of the the Sheriff channels, especially with my single coil guitars its just great.

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Guitar guitar do it for £32, but it was like £5 delivery and wouldn’t come for about 5 days so I got it off Amazon prime for £40. 

Thought I may as well. 

To quite Buzzcocks, it’s pua creamy as fuck


(Ps it gets on beautifully with the caverns)

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Don't know much about it tbh bar it being a Dumble style overdrive. Big fan of the Zen Drive though which falls in similar territory, and there's fuck all to that (like most analog pedals) and really no reason why a mass produced version at £40 quid would be any worse than a £200 "boutique" effort some cunt like me has thrown together in his shed, bar the "buying local and supporting small businesses" rhetoric.

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I like my Blastronaut produced Zen Drive. 👍


I've got a Vertex Steel String - I know Mason is a bellend :lol: and claimed Nux had ripped him off without even checking if its the same circuit - which is weird. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I can't work out how to get a good sound out of it. 


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I’m getting a lot of nice tones out of the NUX but still need to figure it out.


Lots and lots of nice tones but I also stacked it ahead of the MXR Dookie and it improved the latter, already mint pedal, massively. 

no brainer for £40 

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I've got no fucking clue who Mason is but if he's upset about the Nux pedal I'm gonnae go out on a limb and guess he's taken swapped the "voice" control on the Zen Drive, swapped it for a fixed value and claimed it as an original idea. Seems to be how the whole "boutique" pedal scene goes.


Glad to hear the Zen Drive is still holding up though @Gemmill. On the off-chance of any issues down the line just give me a shout for a repair or a replacement. 


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  On 11/10/2021 at 20:22, Tom said:

I’m getting a lot of nice tones out of the NUX but still need to figure it out.


Lots and lots of nice tones but I also stacked it ahead of the MXR Dookie and it improved the latter, already mint pedal, massively. 

no brainer for £40 



Fuck, I got a weird reuqest to build an MXR dookie not so long ago and after a bit of research had to turn it down. Frighteningly over-engineered for what it is (technically) but seriously hits the nail on the head phonically. Still weirdly intruiged by this pedal and you've just reminded me to dig into a bit more.

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  On 11/10/2021 at 22:26, Tom said:



Im not sure anyone had any among the guitar lads. There’s been some nice chairs on display mind.



Ha. Funny that, I used to think the overwhelming majority of guitar players were insufferable pricks. Took me until my mid 30s to realise that was probably all just projection. 


On a different note, dunno you remember the chat about the Germanium transistors in your Fuzz Factory (think it was Soviet military spec 308V). Sadly my guy has packed it in and shut his shop so I'm no longer getting them for 80p a pop. Get the feeling I was his only customer tbh. Good news is he put me in contact with his supplier so I'm now getting them even cheaper, just having to buy in bulk direct from Russia. 

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I still love that pedal but it just shows you what can be done when you pick up something like the NUX Steel Singer.


Im still getting fresh great tones out of it, that filter dial is versatile!

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Harley Benton have launched a load of new stuff this last of weeks. Full mini pedal line at less than £20 a pedal, updates on the fusion line of guitars.


the specs are absolutely mental and they’re less than £400. 

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  On 15/10/2021 at 22:18, Andrew said:

Harley Benton have launched a load of new stuff this last of weeks. Full mini pedal line at less than £20 a pedal, updates on the fusion line of guitars.


the specs are absolutely mental and they’re less than £400. 



I was just about to chime in with this bit you beat me to it. Definitely worth a punt those. 


A lot of "boutique" pedal builders are like the DFS of the guitar world. "Give us a grand up front and it will be ready in 12 weeks. Those cushions on the display model are a £500 optional extra and take an extra fortnight". 



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If you’ll indulge a few daft questions lads, Fist Jnr. was given this the other day…


It’s a 3/4 size Squier Showmaster. ( at least I think it’s 3/4). 

Some really basic questions- I know the knob nearest the pick-ups is a volume control, what does the other one do? 
Also, the little switch above them has 5 positions- any ideas? :lol:


I think, too, that the plate below the pick ups has a hole for a tremolo arm, will any old one fit or does it need to be specific to the guitar? 

( He fucking loves it btw, and has been practicing everyday since he got it). 

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Yass! Love the reverse headstock.


Assuming your not on the wind up, to cut a long story short the five way switch selects which combination of the three pickups you're using and the extra control is a tone control that essentially rolls off treble.


Not sure about the bar tbh, some of them slot in and click and others screw into place.


Only other advice I've got: get Fist Jr a copy of Ride the Lightning if you haven't already.



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That’ll be a screw in trem bar for a Squier but in all honesty a trem bar will do him no good for a long while so I’d leave it :lol: 


I think it’s a full size guitar too.


Make sure he has a tuner btw!

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Cheers lads, not on the wind -up, I genuinely didn’t know what they did. :lol:

( presumably the different pick-ups give different sounds/tones?) 

I think you’re probably right, too Tom- I think it is full size. 

Got the fender tuner app at the moment- is there an actual, physical one he needs? 

He’s had lessons on and off since primary school, but the teacher he had there put him off with the songs he had him learn. 
Since he started High school he’s got right back in to it and the teacher gives them a new tune every week or two. He’s still very much a beginner but he’s picking it up very quickly. 


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The ones closer to the neck will be warmer tones, the nearer the bridge is harsher sounding.


An app will do for sure! I’m just old now :lol:


If he kind of knows what he’s doing he’ll have a blast on an electric!

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