Meenzer 15871 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 Why are fat people abused? Shouted at, spat at and even attacked, overweight people are campaigning for laws to protect them. Why is "fattism" seen by many as an acceptable prejudice? "You big fat pig" is all Marsha Coupe heard before she was kicked in the stomach and punched in the face. The 53-year-old businesswoman says she was sitting in an almost empty train carriage in the early evening when she was kicked, punched and shouted at for taking up two seats. Her attacker was pulled off by another passenger and restrained, but got off at the next stop before the police arrived. It might surprise some people that the person doing the kicking and punching was a middle-aged woman, who was also travelling alone. But it might not stun those who are already significantly overweight. "Fat people are fair game for everyone," says Ms Coupe, who weighs 22 stone (139kg). "Yes, I've had beer cans thrown at me by youngsters, but the abuse doesn't just come from the obvious places. "The normal rules about behaviour, respect and common courtesy don't apply to us." The rise of what could be called "fattism" is being met with a backlash from those who are affected, triggering a nascent rights movement. The unprovoked attack was not an isolated incident, say weight equality campaigners. And when it comes to verbal attacks, they are part of daily life for some of the overweight. From people commenting on the contents of their shopping trolleys to shouting abuse at them in the street. Why are many folk so intolerant of fat people? Discrimination on other grounds is widely frowned upon, so why is weight different? It all comes down to control, says Susie Orbach, psychologist and author of Fat is a Feminist Issue. She believes the prejudice runs through our society. Often the assumption is that overweight people have lost their self-control. That frightens society because there is so much emphasis on being slim, she says. "Often it's not the larger person's excess weight that is the problem, it's the other people's obsession with being thin. "Most people want to be slim, but this perceived physical perfection is difficult to hold on to and they fear losing control of it. Women and men can be on diets their whole lives and it's utterly miserable. "They project that fear and unhappiness on to people who are bigger and that often translates into abuse and attacks. It's a way of people disassociating themselves from what they fear the most - getting fat." Psychologist Ros Taylor agrees. "There is true aggression towards overweight people and it comes down to fear and a complete lack of understanding of the issue. "People think 'I can control what I put in my mouth so why can't they'. But we're not all the same, we don't all start from the same point." The perception that excess weight is largely down to a lack of self-control annoys many overweight people. They say it results in them being associated with laziness and greed, neither of which people like. "I'm a qualified fitness trainer and healthier than a lot of my slimmer friends, but all these people see is that I'm larger and jump to conclusions," says Kathryn Szrodecki, who is 18 stone (114kg) and campaigns on behalf of overweight people. "We're simply not all built to be slim, our genetic make-ups are all different." Another reason for people's intolerance is the "mass-moral outrage" whipped up by the media and the government over the issue of weight, say campaigners. They question much of the information and "scare stories" surrounding increasing obesity, but they don't doubt the everyday consequences of them for larger people. "The government and the press have created an atmosphere where people think they have a legitimate right to go up to an overweight person and tell them how to live their lives," says Ms Coupe. "To them we are all the anonymous pictures of fat people they see in the papers and are the cause of all society's ills, as well as a drain on the NHS. We deserve what we get. We're not people with feelings." Some health professionals agree the handling of the obesity issue has increased negative attitudes towards fat people. "It's created a huge social stigma," says Dr Ian Campbell, a specialist at the Overweight Clinic at University Hospital in Nottingham and honorary medical director of the charity Weight Concern. "The result is the people who need the most help don't seek it. They are left feeling guilty and undeserving." Campaigners agree, saying the constant bashing fat people receive in the press and in their everyday lives makes them stay in doors and retreat from society. But the issue of control also throws up other questions. Can people control their dislike of fat people? In some ways no, says Dr Campbell. Research has repeatedly shown that people respond positively to what they think are good looks and negatively to undesirable features - like extra weight. "It's innate in people to dislike what they see as a lack of attractiveness," he says. "It makes them think such people are worthy of derision. Very young kids have been shown to have a bias against their overweight peers." One study in America found attitudes towards overweight people are more negative than other types of stigma often seized on by children, such as wearing glasses or having a physical disability. That doesn't mean they can't control their actions toward overweight people. But the more fat people are portrayed as social pariahs, the more justified people feel in attacking them. "Society's increasing hatred of fat and obsession with thin is creating appalling prejudice," says Ms Orbach. "It is allowing people to feel justified about abusing fat people. "Every overweight person has become the person we must not be." Ms Coupe says the pressure to be thin is the only reason she can think of for her attack. "I can only imagine this woman did what she did because she has been on a diet for most of her life and resents it. She probably hated me because I have accepted my weight and am happy with it." I'd be the first to admit I have inherent flashes of prejudice whenever I see someone grossly overweight, despite being a former fattie myself (albeit never properly obese), and I do find incidents like the one described to be fundamentally deplorable, but the attitude of the victim and the other people quoted in the article - i.e. repeatedly insinuating that the only reason fat people get abused is because the offenders are permanent dieters who hate anyone who isn't on a steady daily intake of porridge, soup and raw vegetables - is utterly pathetic. But that might just be me. Is it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jusoda Kid 1 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 I'd be the first to admit I have inherent flashes of prejudice whenever I see someone grossly overweight, despite being a former fattie myself (albeit never properly obese), and I do find incidents like the one described to be fundamentally deplorable, but the attitude of the victim and the other people quoted in the article - i.e. repeatedly insinuating that the only reason fat people get abused is because the offenders are permanent dieters who hate anyone who isn't on a steady daily intake of porridge, soup and raw vegetables - is utterly pathetic. But that might just be me. Is it? Worst ones for abusing fat fuckas. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 15871 Posted October 29, 2009 Author Share Posted October 29, 2009 I'd be the first to admit I have inherent flashes of prejudice whenever I see someone grossly overweight, despite being a former fattie myself (albeit never properly obese), and I do find incidents like the one described to be fundamentally deplorable, but the attitude of the victim and the other people quoted in the article - i.e. repeatedly insinuating that the only reason fat people get abused is because the offenders are permanent dieters who hate anyone who isn't on a steady daily intake of porridge, soup and raw vegetables - is utterly pathetic. But that might just be me. Is it? Worst ones for abusing fat fuckas. Just like the closet cases are the ones who fire out the most vicious homophobic abuse, eh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jusoda Kid 1 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 I'd be the first to admit I have inherent flashes of prejudice whenever I see someone grossly overweight, despite being a former fattie myself (albeit never properly obese), and I do find incidents like the one described to be fundamentally deplorable, but the attitude of the victim and the other people quoted in the article - i.e. repeatedly insinuating that the only reason fat people get abused is because the offenders are permanent dieters who hate anyone who isn't on a steady daily intake of porridge, soup and raw vegetables - is utterly pathetic. But that might just be me. Is it? Worst ones for abusing fat fuckas. Just like the closet cases are the ones who fire out the most vicious homophobic abuse, eh? Shit, I've been rumbled Been talking to this puff lately meenz, he's a canny enough kid as it happens. We were discussing homo's at work the other day and we were wondering how you know when you meet a new gadgie who the giver is and who the taker is etc. I reckoned it was some sort of secret handshake carry on but I asked my new gay friend and he reckons you don't know until you get down to the monkey business, is this true? I look forward to your thoughts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 15871 Posted October 29, 2009 Author Share Posted October 29, 2009 Been talking to this puff lately meenz, he's a canny enough kid as it happens. We were discussing homo's at work the other day and we were wondering how you know when you meet a new gadgie who the giver is and who the taker is etc. I reckoned it was some sort of secret handshake carry on but I asked my new gay friend and he reckons you don't know until you get down to the monkey business, is this true? I look forward to your thoughts. I bet you do, I bet you do. It's a fair enough question actually. Sometimes it's obvious from behavioural cues - more effiminate gay men are often (though by no means exclusively) "bottoms", and vice versa. Sometimes you have to ask outright (directly or otherwise), which I imagine is one reason why gay men in particular are much more forward in seduction terms than their straight counterparts - no point in wasting your time pursuing someone over the course of an evening only to find that you're incompatible, after all. Plus there's an awful lot of gays who aren't into bumsex at all and are quite happy to settle for an expertly delivered blowjob. Since you ask. But yeah, I suppose there are times when you don't know until you actually get down to it. Hankie codes aren't as common as you might think, despite the flagrant behaviour of some of the Trent meetup regulars over the years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NJS 4446 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 Is it that cut and dried though? Is it not possible for both to do both depending on mood? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trophyshy 7099 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 are you a sponge or a stone? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 43677 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 Life must have been hard as a fat poof? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 15871 Posted October 29, 2009 Author Share Posted October 29, 2009 Is it not possible for both to do both depending on mood? That's the other big gay lie, the idea that there are strictly defined roles. I'm sure some people feel that way, particularly with regard to casual sex, but if you're into the idea of having a healthy and varied sex life with one person in particular then you'll be into most ideas that come your way. We're not that different to you lot really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 15871 Posted October 29, 2009 Author Share Posted October 29, 2009 Life must have been hard as a fat poof? I'm reliably assured that there's a significant group of men who are Into That Kind Of Thing. I didn't bother to find out. A couple of years without meaningful sex until I decided it was time to trim the fat seemed preferable to the prospect of a whole life being pursued by bearded bears. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 This didn't take long to go o/t. Anyway, do you reckon the BBC might have got the idea for that story from India Knight's Sunday Times column by any chance? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 Basically people are fat cause they are cunts. Case closed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Kenneth Noisewater 0 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 The last bastion of acceptable prejudice? What about ginners? It's still ok to abuse them right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom 14021 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 Basically people are fat cause they are cunts. Case closed. So fat they've got their own postcode? If so please fill in the Stevie Postcuntometer to see how much of a fat cunt you really are! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trophyshy 7099 Posted October 29, 2009 Share Posted October 29, 2009 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holden McGroin 6951 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 The last bastion of acceptable prejudice? What about ginners? It's still ok to abuse them right? That will be taken away from us soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holden McGroin 6951 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 Why stop at fat people? Why not ugly people or bald people or short people or giant-freak people. There will be no comedians eventually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitman 2207 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 Basically people are fat cause they are cunts. Case closed. You're onto something there. I find grossly fat people offensive, I can't explain why Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holden McGroin 6951 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 Basically people are fat cause they are cunts. Case closed. You're onto something there. I find grossly fat people offensive, I can't explain why unattractive, smelly and normally loud. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jusoda Kid 1 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 I know this big, loud, fat, lazy lass with one kid and she gets every benefit under the sun. She eats a bargain bucket to herself believe it or not, and she makes me fucking sick, in fact I reckon I could punch her continuously in the face for an hour and still not tire of it. P.S She thinks she's god's gift to men and has somehow managed to convince herself she's a size 14 when in reality she's a 20, fucking hell I'm getting annoyed just thinking about the fat, dribbling mess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Kenneth Noisewater 0 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 I know this big, loud, fat, lazy lass with one kid and she gets every benefit under the sun. She eats a bargain bucket to herself believe it or not, and she makes me fucking sick, in fact I reckon I could punch her continuously in the face for an hour and still not tire of it. P.S She thinks she's god's gift to men and has somehow managed to convince herself she's a size 14 when in reality she's a 20, fucking hell I'm getting annoyed just thinking about the fat, dribbling mess. You've banged her though, haven't you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jusoda Kid 1 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 I know this big, loud, fat, lazy lass with one kid and she gets every benefit under the sun. She eats a bargain bucket to herself believe it or not, and she makes me fucking sick, in fact I reckon I could punch her continuously in the face for an hour and still not tire of it. P.S She thinks she's god's gift to men and has somehow managed to convince herself she's a size 14 when in reality she's a 20, fucking hell I'm getting annoyed just thinking about the fat, dribbling mess. You've banged her though, haven't you? No, she KB'd me hence the bitterness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gejon 2 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 I know this big, loud, fat, lazy lass with one kid and she gets every benefit under the sun. She eats a bargain bucket to herself believe it or not, and she makes me fucking sick, in fact I reckon I could punch her continuously in the face for an hour and still not tire of it. P.S She thinks she's god's gift to men and has somehow managed to convince herself she's a size 14 when in reality she's a 20, fucking hell I'm getting annoyed just thinking about the fat, dribbling mess. Sounds like she probably wouldn't feel it either. I hate fat people who moan about being fat but won't do anything about it or even worse, make excuses about why they can't do anything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 I don't really understand how people can't keep their weight reasonable...I don't mind if someone has a beer belly or is a bit chubby...But I am suspiscious of the inner workings of the clearly fat fatties. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gejon 2 Posted October 30, 2009 Share Posted October 30, 2009 I don't really understand how people can't keep their weight reasonable...I don't mind if someone has a beer belly or is a bit chubby...But I am suspiscious of the inner workings of the clearly fat fatties. Lazy, greedy and thick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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