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Do you think NUFC fans realise the majority of the country are reveling in this "big club" with "the best fans in the world" dying on thier knees? Anyone shocked that Ashley took them off the market when they look set for promotion and subsequent rise in value is a muppet.

by Ben


Yadda yadda yadda yadda. Whatevs. I don't know a single Newcastle fan - and I know quite a few - who refers to themselves as the best in the world. All they are is decent people who deserve a lot better from the idiots who run their football club.

by CaulkinTheTimes at 10/29/2009 2:09:07 PM2:09 PM

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Given the past turmoil and the mess that has ensued, surely it's time for everyone involved with NUFC to draw a line under the episode(s) and focus on getting the club back into the Premiership, where from the club can rebuild. Isn't it time to just let things be for a season?

by Lee



Interesting point Lee. But I've got another one. How many lines do you want to draw. After Big Sam's sacking? Keegan's resignation? When they signed players off YouTube? Wise, Kinnear? Or shall we draw a line under things when St James' Park is called the Pennywise Stadium and is being used as a carpark?

by CaulkinTheTimes at 10/29/2009 1:51:24 PM1:51 PM

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