JonTheMag 4 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Kitman said: Christmas Tree said: Kitman said: The Fish said: I truly believe only either someone stumping up £100m now or the fear of actual bodily harm will get this prick out of our club. I agree. However realistically I don't think he'll set foot in the north east now. Surely even he wouldn't be that stupid? Of course he will cos he knows fine well that nothing will happen. The local media dont give him a hard time. Nust are too busy dreaming to give him a hard time. Nothing will happen? I think if he's not surrounded by goons, he'll get attacked. Seriously. Not even a crowd of goons could stop the undeniable rage that will be shown against him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AmericanMag 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Ketsbaia said: Caulkin and Bird seem suitably outraged too. They're tweeting in support of NUST/anti-Ashley. Nice to see we've got some friends in the media, we're gonna need as many as possible. Do you have a link to their twitter pages? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paddy 17 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Kenneth Noisewater 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Author Share Posted October 28, 2009 Ketsbaia said: Caulkin and Bird seem suitably outraged too. They're tweeting in support of NUST/anti-Ashley. Nice to see we've got some friends in the media, we're gonna need as many as possible. Caulkin: "It's late,I'm still in Sunderland's pressroom-almost on my own-and verging dangerously close to unprofessionalism. But ... ASHLEY OUT." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paddy 17 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AmericanMag 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Cheers for the links, gentlemen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geordiejihad 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Tell ya what , whether he comes back to SJP or not ...Heez fuckin windaas is gannin in ! : ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geordiejihad 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snakehips 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 ACTION. For a long time I have thought the same as Stevie, in that our protests are fucking shite. As he says, shouting at the lights - what a waste of time. My suggestions? 1st: Any true Newcastle United supporter should cancel their SKY subscription. If the numbers actually DID this, SKY would be putting as much pressure on LardAsh to re-think his ground re-naming plans. We need help on this issue, and this would surely help. 2nd: If he goes along with this plan, and actually does re-name SJP I will go on to the pitch during a game. I would hope that every man jack among us would do the same. Get the game stopped - abandonded. Imagine the world-wide publicity we would receive and imagine the FA actually being FORCED to take some notice. Okay, I will go to court and not be allowed back into the ground, but if 10,000+ people did the same, what would they do - arrest every fucker???? I doubt enough fuckers would follow me, but I'm prepared to do it and suffer the consequences. Re-naming St James' Park is just one step too far for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JonTheMag 4 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 snakehips said: ACTION. For a long time I have thought the same as Stevie, in that our protests are fucking shite. As he says, shouting at the lights - what a waste of time. My suggestions? 1st: Any true Newcastle United supporter should cancel their SKY subscription. If the numbers actually DID this, SKY would be putting as much pressure on LardAsh to re-think his ground re-naming plans. We need help on this issue, and this would surely help. 2nd: If he goes along with this plan, and actually does re-name SJP I will go on to the pitch during a game. I would hope that every man jack among us would do the same. Get the game stopped - abandonded. Imagine the world-wide publicity we would receive and imagine the FA actually being FORCED to take some notice. Okay, I will go to court and not be allowed back into the ground, but if 10,000+ people did the same, what would they do - arrest every fucker???? I doubt enough fuckers would follow me, but I'm prepared to do it and suffer the consequences. Re-naming St James' Park is just one step too far for me. I would fly over from America to do this as well. You have my sword. [/LOTR Reference] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom 14083 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 And my Axe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dbsweeney 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Just tell me how us Australians can get involved. We'll help in any way we can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammynb 3923 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 (edited) Seriously there is no use targeting the club, the ground, the fat twat or his cronies. Pud said it a while ago, it just gives the cunt Ashley the opportunity to run to the media claiming fear for his life. A while ago it was discussed, it's in a thread somewhere, the only way to get a message across to this mindless cunt is to target his pocket. And the best way to do that is via his shops. So what needs to be organised and it's relatively simple, is a mass removal of his store's merchandise to the street or forecourt in front of each store. Target as many as possible simultaneously, don't steal or damage anything, just move as much stuff as you can outside and cause as much disruption to his retail outlets as possible. Then release a statement, (call the action group the People's liberation front of Geordia - or something) claiming as long as Ashley continues to disrupt and mock the club, his retail outlets will suffer a similar fate. There are 12 or so stores in the Newcastle-Boro-unwashed areas, easy pickings and it would send a message loud and clear. By the way it wouldn't be hard, the tight twat only employs a skeleton staff. Edited October 28, 2009 by sammynb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dbsweeney 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 (edited) A quick off-the-top-of-my-head suggestion: * Try to organise a boycott of Direct Sports (soon to involve, I'm sure, Direct Sports' Stadium) stores: * Simply implore people to shop elsewhere. * A quiet protest in the front of shops telling people to please shop elsewhere. Do not in anyway actually hinder people's entry into the stores. * Contacting the newspapers to tell them what NUFC supporters are doing (the above). So many of the papers love to report and go on about us Toon supporters, so they'd probably take up the cause. Get those that really care (e.g. Caulkin etc.) to take up the cause. * Contact other media outlets (esp. things like podcasts and radio programs—those that full-on supporters are likely to be listening to) to simply mention the fact that SJP is going to be renamed. The more that are aware of it, the larger the potential supporter base. * Now don't laugh at this bit: trying to get other clubs' supporters involved. e.g. Going to a MUFC supporters' board and telling them what we're doing. Tell them not to shop at Direct Sports. Tell them to imagine renaming Old Trafford. Yeah, sure .. many will give us stick, but some may pay attention. * Contact the companies that currently advertise and/or own corporate boxes at St James' (Direct Sports' Stadium) Park and, very formally, ask them to please contact NUFC's marketing and sales department and suggest that they do not change the name. If any companies that you contact tell you to f**k off, say that'll you'll organise boycotting their shops/company etc too. All just a suggestion and one that would require A LOT of organisation ... but spread the word around through NUSC,, True Faith, popular message boards and then try to focus everyone's attention to one particular website/spot that co-ordinates all of this. What I have in mind is something that Liverpool supporters' did recently ... and achieved: Yes, it's something completely different to whats happening to us ... but it does show that boycotting can work. Do not: - promote anything to do with violence or direct abuse at the vile man (the reasons why are obvious) - draw the players' attention from what they have to do on the pitch—they do not need the distraction. As such, I would not boycott match day games. Make it a co-ordinated and sustained boycott of things that effect him financially. In anything to do with writing emails to media and companies, I'm more than prepared to help. Edited October 28, 2009 by dbsweeney Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom 14083 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 I'd bet good money Ashley woke up this morning and read the BBC story on Spurs new ground and that's when it clicked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Richard Kimble 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 So If promoted and sold, Ashley wants to leave a scorched earth policy by renaming the ground ToysRus Park or Anadin Arena. I've just resigned myself that Ashley is a successful 5th columnist who is going to getaway with sabotage. Someday we'll rebuild the destruction of the AshleyWaffe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JonTheMag 4 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Its becoming apparent that it will likely take decades, if at all, for us to get somewhere near competing at a high level and/or in Europe. Fuck this is depressing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom 14083 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 You never know! Ten years ago Man City were playing at Maine Road in the Third Flight... (blind optimism) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monkeys Fist 45162 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 First, this is not an anti-NUST rant. Since it would seem that any chance of buying a stake is scuppered, why not campaign to raise the money needed to buy the name "ST.JAMES' PARK" on behalf of the fans? If other efforts can be made to dissuade potential sponsors , surely enough could be raised to satisfy the Fat Bastard's lust for cash? Just a thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NJS 4566 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 My reaction is that I desperately want us not to get promoted. I want the cunt to lose even more, I want him to have to sell for £25m. I'd honestly take relegation to the third if it meant that. You know fine well if we do get promoted he'll want too much and will try and survive on the cheap which will mean relegation and another couple of wasted years. He has now officially joined the list of people whose death I'd celebrate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom 14083 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 NUSC WEBSITE said: Rename St James' Park ? Tuesday, 27 October 2009 | Tony Stephenson As Mike Ashley announces that the club is no longer for sale and that The naming rights for St James' Park are up for sale - a Spokesperson for NUST said : "It's come full circle now - Mr Ashley waits until after deadline to release £20m to service the ghostship that is St James Park and comes up with the wheeze to re-name the most famous landmark in the city. It demonstrates clearly that Mike Ashley has forgotten his customers, described the fans in disparaging terms and now wants to re-brand the stadium. The appointment of Chris Hughton clearly shows that Ashley will continue to call the wrong shots at the club. Hughton maybe a capable coach (by his own admission) but we still await a manager with a proven record. Mike Ashley lost all vestiges of credibility with the Kevin Keegan ruling which laid open the way he conducts his business - transfers courtesy of youtube, deliberate lies for PR purposes and a disgraceful campaign to discredit Keegan. Now it has come down to the fans to step in to remove Mr Ashley. NUST exists solely to allow the fans a voice at the top table by purchasing a stake in the club and we will be challenging Mr Ashley's resolve not to sell the club in the very near future." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ketsbaia 0 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 (edited) NUST need to be all over the name change like a bag of cocks. Giving everyone at the Ronny Gill an ear bashing until they print the Trust's opinions in big black bloody letters on the front page, making it clear that he's selling our history for his own gain and it's more than just a name etc. That'll get people riled and that will get people on their side. Direct action such as protesting may not be the most effective but it's realistic and it'll be the easiest to set up so I'd fully support and join a large scale march at the Peterborough game. Edited October 28, 2009 by Ketsbaia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trophyshy 7333 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 (edited) The guide to "maximising commercial revenues": Don't get involved in ludicrous ego-driven court cases or listen to wise men who advise spending large sums on unwanted players given outrageous contracts, or loaning crocks as favours to agents. Don't treat fans like idiots by alternating between a) ignoring them, 2) lying to them, c) patronising them. Don't attempt to run a football club on the old boy network by bringing in cheap and cheerful yes men. Don't attempt to run a football club removing competent and loyal staff, running it on a shoestring and giving others the power to make decisions outside their expertise. Do appoint credible staff to key off-field roles, with a proven track record in running top-flight football clubs. Do put a product on the pitch capable of remaining in the top flight domestically and challenging for European qualification. See upsurge in corporate/season/ matchday ticket sales and merchandise sales. Sell club for profit. Edited October 28, 2009 by trophyshy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craig 6810 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe any of the 'classic' grounds in this country (i.e. those that existed before the Taylor report was completed) have sold their naming rights. Anfield, Old Trafford, Goodison, Highbury (before Arsenal moved on), White Hart Lane, Upton Park, Villa Park, St Andrews, Stamford Bridge, etc - not one of them have sold their naming rights which makes it abundantly clear that the only reason any club has ever felt the need to resort to such levels is to fund their new stadium. What's Mike Ashley's excuse?? Apart from lining his already fat pockets? There's being a cunt and then there's ripping the heart and soul out of something that has meant so much to so many people for most of their lives but which he has only had any interest in for the grand total of 29 months! My kids have been interested in the club longer than that! Hughton deserves his contract to be fair and I can accept that - however I think he's had the wool seriously pulled over his eyes if he believes there's £20m to play with - fuck off Mike we've heard that bollocks before. You're a fat, greedy, cockney, lying cunt and there's no debate there - that's the facts of your pathetic shit-hole life. I echo Wacky's comment - I've never wished pain on anyone, but for this bloke, i'll make a massive exception. Get the fuck out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted October 28, 2009 Share Posted October 28, 2009 NJS said: My reaction is that I desperately want us not to get promoted. I want the cunt to lose even more, I want him to have to sell for £25m. I'd honestly take relegation to the third if it meant that. You know fine well if we do get promoted he'll want too much and will try and survive on the cheap which will mean relegation and another couple of wasted years. He has now officially joined the list of people whose death I'd celebrate. I said this a while ago, its one where you have to be careful what you wish for though. It reminds me of a scene from the Wire where the junkie Bub is told that he has to "hit the bottom before he can drag himself back up". I think that is true here too. We havent hit rock bottom yet, nowhere near it if we're being honest. Yes, if we go down then the price would surely drop however the lower we go the more desperate the fat man gets trying to recoup his money. Naming rights to the stadium is the first step, what next? the lower we drop the lesser the companies willing to splash the cash so instead of the Fenwicks stadium we get the Netto EDIT: fucking hell Ive got SSN on and swear I want to kick David Craig in the fucking nuts. What a total arse licking cock end "More importantly hes going to pump in £20m this week". The man is a fucking tosser. Hes just been asked "is this likely to lead to a backlash" and replied "theres 40 thousand different opinions, you'll not keep everyone happy and the most important thing is hes putting in £20m" This cunt is obviously one of the few over on N-O that still support him. Now where was I? Oh aye fat man. He'll rip this club apart if we drop further, the only way we can ensure he sells up is to rip his other businesses apart, I dont mean literally but financially. Target everything involving the man, start at the smallest of businesses where he has a stake and threaten to remove them from the map. Get the shareholders to remove him before their business goes down the pan. It will take proper organisation to arrange and see through, Liverpool fans organised a march before the Man U game to protest about Gillette & Hicks, everyone on forums, media, radio shows etc supported it, there was little to no disapproval and everyone predicited thousands walking the course. 200 turned up and it was lambasted, those that organised it now look stupid and it will have thrown their credibility terribly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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