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Got the pm, but here you go.


Ive basically got one of these :


Popcorn Hour C-200


I bought a dedicated 1TB Internal HD and an extrernal USB case for it. I then use front end software called YAMJ which is installed to the HD. You rip your DVDs (and other media) to the HD. The software looks on the net and takes all info from IMDB so things like reviews, posters, screens, advertisements etc. It is stored on your HD with the film. You can then search your HD library through the front end software under genre etc.


When you want to watch something, you unplug the HD from its case and plug it directly into the C-200 and the front end and control of it is then done through your TV. So you can scroll the library there and watch whatever film you like.


Demo :




Edit : Forgot to add, the C-200 comes with all current up do date codecs so you can run any format from the HD.

Edited by JawD
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