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Anyone else a wearer? Just got my first lot this morning during my initial 5 day trial period, must admit I am enjoying the freedom so far. Don't mind being a speccy © Stevie, but as I don't actually wear my geps all of the time but for driving, going to the match and watching TV at home when I know I should these will be great.

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Wore them since I was about 11! Takes 2 seconds now and don't mind them at all. You got the daily ones>

Aye. Started off with the daily ones and may adjust over time. Tbh I don't trust just having the one pair for a month, simply because I'd probably lose them.

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Wore them since I was about 11! Takes 2 seconds now and don't mind them at all. You got the daily ones>

Aye. Started off with the daily ones and may adjust over time. Tbh I don't trust just having the one pair for a month, simply because I'd probably lose them.


Lose them where exactly? :)


I've got the monthly ones, get like 6 months at a time and then go for a check up.

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Yep, been wearing them for about 15 years now, tried the monthly soft ones, the ones you can sleep in, the coloured ones and the daily ones. The only ones I ever had a problem with was the ones you can sleep in and that was because I was suffering from hayfever at the time and the optician said it made them unsuitable. Never had any other problems though and much prefer them to my glasses, don't even feel I'm wearing them anymore unless I accidentally fall asleep in them.


I wear mine from about 6:30am to about 11:30pm-1am and have never suffered any side effects from doing so. I've found the daily ones to be the best, mainly because of ease of use and general comfort over time.


Which company did you go with? I've been with Boots Opticians for years but have been tempted to try other avenues.

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i got me contacts for the first time last month as (true story) when shola scored at the start of this season i asked me dad at the game if it was Nolan who had scored haha. Went to vision express at the bottom of Northumberland street for all the tests and what not, trialled some but they made my eyes a bit dry so on the more expensive... ones now and they actually are alot better cant feel them in my eyes etc.


My visions -1.25 in both eyes and im wearing monthly lenses think its £20 a month

Edited by JaMoUsE
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I get 3 pairs to last me 3 months. If I lose or rip one I just wear the second pair a couple of weeks longer to compensate

Don't use the cheap option Jonny like the above you only have one set of eyes. I have six pairs which are healthy and last me 12 weeks. £27 every three month, it aint bad, ASDA and Tesco do the same deal.

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Worth noting my prescription is -7.5 and -4

You blind unsymmetrical cunt. :) You must be so short sighted, I feel totally short sighted and I'm 1.5 in each eye.

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Aye I wear them - have daily disposables and most of the time I get on OK with them but sometimes have a struggle.


Only have very slight short-sightedness but I've got an evil astigmatism in my left eye which means I should be using toric lenses. Fucking expensive though...

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Worth noting my prescription is -7.5 and -4

You blind unsymmetrical cunt. :) You must be so short sighted, I feel totally short sighted and I'm 1.5 in each eye.


I have 20/20 vision with my lenses in so it doesnt really bother me tbh

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:):icon_lol: :icon_lol: <_< <_< :angry: The lot of yers. The yut of today :)


I'm in my 40's and have just recently got my first pair of reading glasses. A bit strange when the chick doing the test gets so very, very, close when having a look into my eyes. VERY close. I almost gave her a kiss. Well, let's be honest about it, that's what she really wanted me to do :nufc:

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i've hadthem for a few months, stil wear specs for uni and things but the difference it makes playing football or going on nights out, where i didnt normally wear them for fear of breaking them is massive

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