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Question Time tonight

Kid Dynamite

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Are they protesting the BBC or the BNP?


Genuine question.


I don't think they know.


The BBC story doesn't even say :)


Well it does say "Anti-fascist protesters"


Which suggests it's the BNP they're protesting.


No problem with that. Exercising free speech as Griffin is his.

Edited by Happy Face
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It's all a bag of shit, I don't agree with the BNP but then the lefty fucknuts that are causing all the fuss are just as bad imo. I'm pretty sure that the most successful party would be able to grab some of the better policies from all the various current political parties (including the BNP) and come up with something more useful.


The SNP look like they have got things right, though they stick up for their own nationals and don't get called racist for it. The BNP are their own worst enemy because they've gone about their plans all the wrong way and got themselves mired in with scum like the National Front. There should be able to be a national party for this country of ours without it going to the stupid extremes the BNP does.


... all that said I'd rather be ruled by Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, they didn't take any shit :)



Edited by Armchair Pundit
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All the Tarquin's and Delilah's outside the BBC need to fuck off.


Jessica, a student, on Five Live right now. Oh dear.


Apologies if I offend anyone but seriously... what the flying fuck do students know about the real world?

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All the Tarquin's and Delilah's outside the BBC need to fuck off.


Jessica, a student, on Five Live right now. Oh dear.


Apologies if I offend anyone but seriously... what the flying fuck do students know about the real world?


you should start an antistudent party based on the BNP model


ffs given the amount of posts in this thread about lumping a group together under stereotypes you'd think people would consider things a bit more

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All the Tarquin's and Delilah's outside the BBC need to fuck off.


Jessica, a student, on Five Live right now. Oh dear.


Apologies if I offend anyone but seriously... what the flying fuck do students know about the real world?


Aye. Them young fuckers in Tiananmen Square deserved killing for getting ideas that high above their station anaarl. :)

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This could be a bad day for UK politics. If, and I don't really know much about him tbh, Griffin is a sharp cookie he could well attract even more mongs of UK society for falling for the promises to save us (UK) from despair line. As I said, if he's clever enough. Clever enough to avoid answering any questions on the minutiae of how he intends to 'set us (UK) free from the ills of the world'. If he can spout his shite, without having to give details, many mongs at home will be impressed.


Let's not forget why he's on. As has been pointed out earlier in the thread, people are voting BNP. It's all very well for us, and the Anti Nazi League, or whatever they're called these days, to be indignant at the thought of BNP representation on our nation's broadcasting service, but the FACT remains that far too many folk have become so disillusioned with British politics that they start to listen to the likes of the BNP, without any thought that they (the BNP) don't have the slightest scintilla of idea of what damage they would cause the UK if they actually had the opportunity to carry out their grand ideas. The more disillusioned the voters, the more idiots will vote BNP and their ilk. How to stop this disillusionment/apathy in the electorate? You tell me. Maybe it should be more involvement for Liberalism; after all, we've had quite a long time of Labour (including New) and Tory party attempts to lead us and where has that brought us??

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HIS POLICIES have made him one of the most unpopular men in Britain, but Rafa Benitez has insisted that he "has as much right as any other football manager" to appear on the BBC's Match Of The Day.


With his extreme views on zonal marking and the compulsory repatriation of Yossi Benayoun back to the subs' bench, Mr Benitez is a controversial figure.


Critics of Mr Benitez have also accused him of being a 'Lucas apologist' and he has been the subject of outrage for questioning whether the player's shocking performances "ever actually happened".


Mr Benitez was heavily criticised earlier this year for a wild attack on a vulnerable Scottish pensioner when he insisted that a Mr Sir A Ferguson, 96, of Govan was at the centre of a national media cabal determined to destroy Benitez.


At the time, Mr Benitez produced a series of 'FACTS', which were not ratified by any recognised statistical body.


Some commentators saw this outburst as being responsible for a slump in Liverpool's share of the Premier League points table, but Mr Benitez remained defiant.


However, internal disputes may prove even more damaging.


Critics allege that Mr Benitez is entirely reliant on two key figures at Liverpool, one of whom was recently on trial for assault. And there have been reports that relations have cooled with the other vital cog in the Liverpool machine after Mr Benitez hijacked the christening of his child to deliver a 45-minute 'rant' about arcane points of future strategy.


Mr Benitez himself says that he is a victim of a "liberal-Mancunian-Chelsea-ite conspiracy" to deny him access to Premier League points.


Some analysts believe there may be a groundswell of support for Mr Benitez because "mainstream football clubs" are seen as out of touch.


George Davies, the Minister For Wales, said: "I fought against the Kopite regime of the Seventies and Eighties and it sickens me to see Mr Benitez spouting his propaganda on the national broadcaster. He wants to take us back to those dark days when no other football club was allowed to win anything."


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Shame on the BBC for daring to impartially reflect democracy.


These fuckers want the nanny state extended to every fucking level.


There's a massive sign at East Croydon station, always makes me laugh as it is at the bottom of a ridiculously shallow incline, probably put there after some daft neckender slipped when pissed and running for a train.


'Please be careful on the slope'


Says it all tbh. :)





10 things you should know about the BNP when you watch Question Time tonight


1. Nick Griffin is a convicted racist who said Hitler 'went a bit too far'


The man who will achieve a first for the extreme right-wing in Britain by taking his place on the BBC's flagship debating programme tomorrow is a convicted racist who once said that Hitler "went a bit too far" and fraternised with the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan.


Since attending his first National Front meeting at the age of 15, the privately educated leader of the British National Party has been imbued with the doctrine and practice of the far right from an early age. He read 'Mein Kampf' when he was 13.


The 50-year-old father-of-four has been assiduous in recent years to distance his party from the thuggish, neo-fascist image of the extreme right. But his insistence that neither he nor his party are racist sits uneasily with his past. In 1998, he was convicted of inciting racial hatred for articles that denied the Holocaust and given a suspended nine-month prison term. While in the witness box, he said: "I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat."


2. Party's constitution is committed to restoring white supremacy in Britain


After two decades in which the party actively excluded any members from ethnic communities, Griffin last week accepted a review of its governing rules to allow black and Asian people to join its ranks after a legal victory for the Equality and Human Rights Commission.


But the 12-page constitution of the BNP remains unashamedly a manifesto for an ethnically cleansed nation. It reads: "The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent, the overwhelmingly white make-up of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948."


3. Send the Olympics back to Athens – and other flagship BNP policies


Alongside its pledge to offer Britain's ethnic minorities voluntary repatriation and its leader's description of Islam as a "wicked and vicious faith", the BNP has tried to broaden its electoral appeal with a raft of new policies.


In the 2008 London Assembly elections, the party took its "send them back" theme a stage further by offering to repatriate the 2012 Olympics. Its manifesto read: "We... believe that the Olympics should be held in Greece on a permanent basis. That is their birthplace and it is wrong for athletes to be forced to roam the world like homeless vagrants looking for a new venue each four years."


Griffin has long warned of the risk of a civil war in Britain sparked by racial tensions. In 2005, the party's general election manifesto called for adults who had completed a certain amount of military service to be "required to keep in a safe locker in their homes a standard-issue military assault rifle and ammunition". To this list has now been added the return of the birch for juvenile offenders and hanging for paedophiles, rapists, drug dealers and murderers.


4. Billy Brit: mascot that glorifies Powell


"In 1912 a lion was born./Enoch was his name./A gentleman. A British hero./Through truth, the man found fame./He gave a speech called 'Rivers of Blood'./And never gave up the fight./Enoch Powell spoke for me and Enoch Powell was white".


So sings Billy Brit, the official mascot of the youth wing of the BNP, during a campaigning video for the 2009 European elections.


Aimed at children as young as eight, the flame-haired puppet features in videos posted on YouTube and the BNP website reciting a series of "educational poems". Children have been sent photographs of Billy or encouraged to download his picture along with a comic, 'The Comet', delivered to "all you eight- to 12-year-olds out there who love your country".


Youth members of the BNP are invited to regular camps where they discuss ideology and are encouraged to perform up to eight hours of "political activism" each month.


5. Encounters with the Ku Klux Klan in America


In 2000, Nick Griffin travelled to the US to address an organisation called the American Friends of the BNP. Members of the group included David Duke, at the time leader of the Ku Klux Klan, and James W Von Brunn, a white supremacist who killed a security man in an attack on Washington's holocaust museum earlier this year. During Griffin's visit, he outlined his blueprint for making his party electable by dropping its lexicon of "racial purity" and Jewish conspiracies: "The BNP isn't about selling out its ideas, but we are determined to sell them. Basically, that means to use saleable words such as freedom, identity, security, democracy."


Griffin continued: "Once we're in a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their mind and say, 'yes, every last one must go'. But if you hold that out as your sole aim to start with, you're not going to get anywhere. So, instead of talking about racial purity, we talk about identity."


6. Griffin's pride in his 'strong, direct link to Mosley'


With more than 900,000 votes cast in its favour in the European elections, the BNP insists it is part of mass politics. Founded in 1982 by John Tyndall, the party grew from a schism in the National Front, of which Nick Griffin was, at one point, national co-ordinator.


Griffin joined the BNP in 1995 and, by 1999, had taken over as leader, deposing Tyndall. Griffin, who was introduced to the works of the 1930s British fascist leader Oswald Mosley from his grandfather's bookshelves, is unabashed about tracing his political DNA back to an avowed admirer of Hitler. He told one interviewer: "There is a strong, direct link from Oswald Mosley to me."


7. The party membership that dare not speak its name


The BNP has been regularly rocked by internal disagreements and security breaches, including the leak of its entire membership list by a disgruntled former activist.


As part of the overhaul of its image – described by Nick Griffin as "put the boots away and put suits on" – and efforts to thwart entryists, the party adopted a system of secure emails and secret rendezvous points as well as embarking on a recruitment drive beyond its blue-collar heartland. The success of the campaign was revealed in 2006 when it was disclosed that Simone Clarke, the principal dancer of the English National Ballet, was a member.


Two years ago, a dispute over the actions of three senior party figures led to the resignation of more than 50 local and national officials. In November last year, the BNP suffered a further blow when its 10,000-strong membership list was published on the internet. The revelation led to the dismissal of at least three police and prison officers.


8. The Italian terrorist Griffin names as an influence


In August, Griffin cited Roberto Fiore – a convicted criminal and member of the Italian terrorist group implicated in the 1980 Bologna bombing that killed 85 people – as an important influence on the party. Mr Fiore was sentenced in absentia to 10 years in prison in 1985 for his membership of the political wing of the party. His conviction has since "timed out" under Italian statute of limitation laws, allowing him to return to his homeland where he is leader of far-right party Forza Nuova. He recently took up the European Parliament seat vacated by Benito Mussolini's granddaughter, Alessandra.


9. David Copeland: London nail-bomber and BNP member


In 2007, London nailbomber and former BNP member David Copeland was sentenced to a minimum of 50 years in prison for setting off three explosives, killing three people and injuring 139 others. Other BNP criminals include Ian Hindle and Andrew Wells, convicted of having sex with a child and engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child respectively. Former BNP candidate in Coventry Roderick Rowley was sentenced to 15 months in prison after admitting to fourteen charges of making, distributing or possessing obscene images of children.


10. Some of those other members who have resorted to aggression


In 2006, Kevin Hughes, election agent for the BNP Redditch councillor David Enderby, was sentenced to 30 months in prison – reduced to 24 on appeal – for assaulting an Iraqi asylum seeker.


Earlier this year, pensioner John Jones was convicted of racially aggravated threatening behaviour after giving a Nazi salute on his way to a BNP rally in Derbyshire.

Edited by trophyshy
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I dont vote BNP and never will, but can understand why certain people especially my cousins in London for example do and will continue to do so.


We dont get any trouble up here from ethnic groups *clans* or migrants, illegals and assylum seekers causing vandelism and committing offences however down South its really bad. My cousins have been beaten up enroute home from work walking through Croydon by all these Jamaican and African groups intent on commiting crimes and abusing people.


Now these people are terrorising people in there own towns and cities, surely thats not right?


No go areas in and around London for whites .....


You can understand why people are getting fed up. Yes the BNP are facist idiots but on the other end of the spectrum you have Labour, Tories, Lib dems and the greens who do nothing. If they became more pro-active people would'nt be turning to the BNP for a desperate solution.


Yes the BNP are radical but for those threatened by these people on a daily basis- what alternative do they have? cos the other parties dont wanna no

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This could be a bad day for UK politics. If, and I don't really know much about him tbh, Griffin is a sharp cookie he could well attract even more mongs of UK society for falling for the promises to save us (UK) from despair line. As I said, if he's clever enough. Clever enough to avoid answering any questions on the minutiae of how he intends to 'set us (UK) free from the ills of the world'. If he can spout his shite, without having to give details, many mongs at home will be impressed.


Let's not forget why he's on. As has been pointed out earlier in the thread, people are voting BNP. It's all very well for us, and the Anti Nazi League, or whatever they're called these days, to be indignant at the thought of BNP representation on our nation's broadcasting service, but the FACT remains that far too many folk have become so disillusioned with British politics that they start to listen to the likes of the BNP, without any thought that they (the BNP) don't have the slightest scintilla of idea of what damage they would cause the UK if they actually had the opportunity to carry out their grand ideas. The more disillusioned the voters, the more idiots will vote BNP and their ilk. How to stop this disillusionment/apathy in the electorate? You tell me. Maybe it should be more involvement for Liberalism; after all, we've had quite a long time of Labour (including New) and Tory party attempts to lead us and where has that brought us??



good post.


however, just as many complete fuckwits are going to far left parties as well as far right. thought i would point that out. it's not just far right parties that have the monopoly on fuckwits.


as to how to stop the apathy towards modern politics the answers staring you straight in the face. give the fringe parties (both right and left) a platform so that you are constantly not being battered with the same pov. I think this point has been proved by the amount of discussion both on here and also in the mainstream media since the guest list of tonights question time was announced.


I wasnt going to watch this but i think i will now. should be tasty!!

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Better to remain silent and be thought an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


Forgive me if I've paraphrased.


With the right chair to stop it becoming a shouting match of soundbites and little substance, his "party's" "policies" should be torn asunder and revealed as the cowardly squeals of a (thankfully) dying breed.

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I dont vote BNP and never will, but can understand why certain people especially my cousins in London for example do and will continue to do so.


We dont get any trouble up here from ethnic groups *clans* or migrants, illegals and assylum seekers causing vandelism and committing offences however down South its really bad. My cousins have been beaten up enroute home from work walking through Croydon by all these Jamaican and African groups intent on commiting crimes and abusing people.

Now these people are terrorising people in there own towns and cities, surely thats not right?


No go areas in and around London for whites .....


You can understand why people are getting fed up. Yes the BNP are facist idiots but on the other end of the spectrum you have Labour, Tories, Lib dems and the greens who do nothing. If they became more pro-active people would'nt be turning to the BNP for a desperate solution.


Yes the BNP are radical but for those threatened by these people on a daily basis- what alternative do they have? cos the other parties dont wanna no


Strange that, cos go to Liverpool, Manchester or Newcastle and there are similar gangs of white people. Cunts are cunts regardless of skin colour. Should we ship the lot of them off because of a few mindless idiots?


I dont vote BNP and never will, but


Says it all tbh.


The mad thing is a good chunk of the BNP's supporters would think nothing of emigrating to Benidorm cos its a bit warmer. Will they be swapping the Sun for a Spanish paper, eating paella instead of chips and beans or watching Spanish TV instead of Corrie!? Will they fuck! But theres hell on if we have foreign papers in the shops or out supermarkets start to sell foreign foods etc.

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I wonder what the odds are of some incredibly brave and knowledgable young whipper snapper getting near enough to the panel to throw a glass of water at him :)



more likely be a shoe getting thrown at him

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Reminds me of

'A Pint and a Fight - a Great British Night' © The Viz



BTW your avatars are getting weirder and weirder!


I used to like that old man you had on this time last year. Who was he?

Oswald Moseley.



Are you sure? Ive just googled him and none of the pictures look like him. This was the old geezer with the straggly hair and beard (i think) might have been smoking

I was taking the piss you half-wit.



Come on then clever fucker...... Who was it?

I know the one you mean CT. I think it was William Joyce.

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We can't deport anybody on grounds of race as we are subserviant to EU laws and human rights charters.


I do think it should be easy to show him up but I don't think it will happen.


His media training seems to have paid off as he's not as prone to foot-in-mouth gaffs as he used to be. If the Beeb really wanted to stitch him up they should've invited Mark Collet or one of Griffin's other minions on instead because they're not as savvy. They're bound to say something awful.


Or invite him on for 15mins head to head with Paxman on Newsnight. He'd rip Griffin to shreds. To me thats what the BBC shouldve done, but I doubt Griffin would've accepted the invitation,giving the BBC to say "we asked him on but he declined" etc. I really can't see any of the panel on tonights programme laying a glove on him to be honest. Or have Steven Fry or David Baddiel on the panel.Basically someone very clever who isnt constrained by party lines and may well have a bit of an axe to grind with the fucker.


Apparently when Jean Marie Le Pen appeared on the French equivalent the French National Front's share of the vote went up by a huge amount, culminating in that cunt almost being elected president. Thats not going to happen in this country obviously, but there are enough knuckle draggers out there willing to agree with most or all of what Griffin says to let his appearance on the state broadcaster's prime debating forum to in some twisted way legitimise their own prejudices and bitterness about how the country is being run which may well end up in a cross in the BNP box the next time theres an election here.

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I dont vote BNP and never will, but can understand why certain people especially my cousins in London for example do and will continue to do so.


We dont get any trouble up here from ethnic groups *clans* or migrants, illegals and assylum seekers causing vandelism and committing offences however down South its really bad. My cousins have been beaten up enroute home from work walking through Croydon by all these Jamaican and African groups intent on commiting crimes and abusing people.

Now these people are terrorising people in there own towns and cities, surely thats not right?


No go areas in and around London for whites .....


You can understand why people are getting fed up. Yes the BNP are facist idiots but on the other end of the spectrum you have Labour, Tories, Lib dems and the greens who do nothing. If they became more pro-active people would'nt be turning to the BNP for a desperate solution.


Yes the BNP are radical but for those threatened by these people on a daily basis- what alternative do they have? cos the other parties dont wanna no


Strange that, cos go to Liverpool, Manchester or Newcastle and there are similar gangs of white people. Cunts are cunts regardless of skin colour. Should we ship the lot of them off because of a few mindless idiots?


I dont vote BNP and never will, but


Says it all tbh.


The mad thing is a good chunk of the BNP's supporters would think nothing of emigrating to Benidorm cos its a bit warmer. Will they be swapping the Sun for a Spanish paper, eating paella instead of chips and beans or watching Spanish TV instead of Corrie!? Will they fuck! But theres hell on if we have foreign papers in the shops or out supermarkets start to sell foreign foods etc.


you dont come across very well, the quote of mine says it all? i stated i would'nt vote but could understand why others in different circumstances may choose to do so.


dont dismiss my opinion. Hate people who cant discuss politics - when their view is the only correct view. :)

Edited by JaMoUsE
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