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I recently took over as Admin on www.toonultras.com (PhpBB) and I thought I'd send everyone a PM, just explaining it etc, and I just pressed to send it to the "Registered users".


But the day after (I sent it on the night time), I was recieving complaints from the users about getting 8/10/20 emails off it saying they had recieved a PM, and even got a email off the hosts (Eclipse 2000) that someone reported it to AOL as spam (I deleted him off the database, who reported it).


And when I deleted someone from else, they were still getting the emails about recieving a new PM.


So I was just wondering if anyone knew what to do, if there's anything I can do to solve the situation?


Kind regards, 1892.

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I recently took over as Admin on www.toonultras.com (PhpBB) and I thought I'd send everyone a PM, just explaining it etc, and I just pressed to send it to the "Registered users".


But the day after (I sent it on the night time), I was recieving complaints from the users about getting 8/10/20 emails off it saying they had recieved a PM, and even got a email off the hosts (Eclipse 2000) that someone reported it to AOL as spam (I deleted him off the database, who reported it).


And when I deleted someone from else, they were still getting the emails about recieving a new PM.


So I was just wondering if anyone knew what to do, if there's anything I can do to solve the situation?


Kind regards, 1892.



sounds like something is looping,


sent message to Registered people

Registered people got the message

Registered people also got a message telling them there was a message for them

if you had a special user/group setup already for sending a message to everyone, it would have got the same message and then of course done it's job by sending the messaged again to all Registered users + a message telling them they had a message


and so on and so on.


"Hi i'm your new admin, watch me make an instant impression!"

lol bit unlucky there


Aye, I've looked in the Admin Control Panel but can't see any fault as to why it would 'loop/spam' people with emails over 1 PM, only if i've over-looked something.


Do you know what could of caused it do so?


& I s'pose it has made an impression like... albeit in the wrong way. :D

Edited by 1892
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do you have any users/groups setup as a "mail to everyone" in this role.


We just disabled the email settings, and I think it's stopped spamming people now.


If anyone on here was registered then I apologise for my error.


And cheers for the feedback btw. :icon_lol:

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