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Keegan's got £2m

Happy Face

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The club's reply....


NUFC Statement


THE Premier League Tribunal Panel considering the matter between Newcastle United and Kevin Keegan has today returned its decision.


The Club will be making no comment on this matter.





"It's a fair cop, Guv"

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I tell you what there is no argument anymore, the truth is out there, and an independent panel has proven legally Newcastle fans have been led a merry dance, and lied to en masse, there's one thing geordies hate, and that's liars, generally speaking we are open people, who base our relationships on trust, when the trust is gone you have nothing. I genuinely hope Saturday's game is comfortable the result is the most important thing, but I hope there is a further reaction after this with regards to the occupants of the directors box.


Agree. Given the stick the fat man is getting already at home (and away) I'll be surprised if he shows his podgy face. He has zero credibility and can never be accepted now. Of all the billionaires in the world, we have to end up with this useless tosser. :D

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Guest Stevie
The club's reply....


NUFC Statement


THE Premier League Tribunal Panel considering the matter between Newcastle United and Kevin Keegan has today returned its decision.


The Club will be making no comment on this matter.



CUNTS. FUCK OFF ASHLEY YOU FAT FUCKIN COCKNEY BASTARD, TAKE PAEDO FACE WITH YOU AS WELL. Fuckin I feel angry, I feel so angry, their mission was to make for me Newcastle United's best ever friend, look like he didn't really care about the club, and to discredit a true great of the English game, by lies and propaganda. They are scum, absolute scum. I don't think he should ever step foot inside SJP again. The reason Keegan is loved is he's so open and honest, they would never ever understand that is the way to Newcastle peoples hearts, not mis-truths and lies to suit their own purposes. I hope something radical happens tomorrow.

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The Club raised a number of grounds upon which they submitted they would have been entitled to dismiss Mr Keegan had he not resigned on 4 September 2008. We reject them all.


Wonder what those were.

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but they breached that contract which would void the rest of it


Breaching a term of a contract doesn't necessarily render the entire contract void iirc.


Well it depends on the circumstances but in this case it pretty much does

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The club's reply....


NUFC Statement


THE Premier League Tribunal Panel considering the matter between Newcastle United and Kevin Keegan has today returned its decision.


The Club will be making no comment on this matter.




'Having been publically humiliated and shown to be despicable people we shall now keep our fool mouths shut till we can get the fuck out of dodge.'


The Ashley era is one of the sorriest sagas in our history and as someone said it would be funny if it wasn't so contemptible. Now GTFO and never come back you greedy, incompetent buffoons.

Edited by trophyshy
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Fucking scum. Still, you can be sure that there will remain some complete fuckwits out there who still want to try and bring Keegan down and fight Ashley's corner, or try and make out that it's the club that's been dealt a blow. Fuck them, fuck any of those pricks who have the audacity to pretend to be Toon fans and still won't admit they were wrong. This bollocks about Kev going for £25m, I don't fucking blame him after having been cheated out of what should have been a glorious return by Ashley and his cronies.


I'd have Keegan back in a heartbeat personally, but it's getting a decent, truthful owner that's going to be our biggest problem now.

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The club's reply....


NUFC Statement


THE Premier League Tribunal Panel considering the matter between Newcastle United and Kevin Keegan has today returned its decision.


The Club will be making no comment on this matter.



CUNTS. FUCK OFF ASHLEY YOU FAT FUCKIN COCKNEY BASTARD, TAKE PAEDO FACE WITH YOU AS WELL. Fuckin I feel angry, I feel so angry, their mission was to make for me Newcastle United's best ever friend, look like he didn't really care about the club, and to discredit a true great of the English game, by lies and propaganda. They are scum, absolute scum. I don't think he should ever step foot inside SJP again. The reason Keegan is loved is he's so open and honest, they would never ever understand that is the way to Newcastle peoples hearts, not mis-truths and lies to suit their own purposes. I hope something radical happens tomorrow.


This, 110%

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but they breached that contract which would void the rest of it


Breaching a term of a contract doesn't necessarily render the entire contract void iirc.


Well it depends on the circumstances but in this case it pretty much does


How's that then?

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The club's reply....


NUFC Statement


THE Premier League Tribunal Panel considering the matter between Newcastle United and Kevin Keegan has today returned its decision.


The Club will be making no comment on this matter.







Speaks volumes


how utterly fucking predictable. twats. the sooner lardy fucks off the better

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...and when we get to Wigan, this is what we'll sing:

We are Geordies, super Geordies, Keegan's still our King! :icon_lol::D


Have it you cockney tossers, long live KK! As though we didn't know all along it was a pack of lies.

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so, constructive dismissal it was then, Ashley & Co proven to be liars again, hope they get a lashing from the media.


This Nacho Gonzalez signing was the final straw and used to ascertain liability, only scratches the surface of what KK was having to deal with. The attempts to undermine KK in the media and manipulate the fans, along with everything else we’ve put up with from that lot is beyond belief.

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Item 5.2 from Keegan's statement is about as damning about the wankers running the club as you can get.


The fuckers have now admitted that they've lied to us (the fans.)


I'd love to know who still defends Ashley (and opposes Keegan) after that revelation.

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This Nacho Gonzalez signing was the final straw and used to ascertain liability, only scratches the surface of what KK was having to deal with.


Aye, they haven't gone into any detail on events leading up to the Nacho transfer, hopefully we'll find out a bit more now that this has been settled.

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5.2 The Club admitted to the Tribunal that it repeatedly and intentionally misled the press, public and the fans of Newcastle United.



That sentence there for me says it fucking all, they need to be forced out of this club.

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5.2 The Club admitted to the Tribunal that it repeatedly and intentionally misled the press, public and the fans of Newcastle United.



That sentence there for me says it fucking all, they need to be forced out of this club.


And by the looks of it the one sentance the press are ignoring in favour of hyping up how much Kev was after in compo. Sickening that Ashley and his cronies still get off the hook with the media :D


Keegan has been and still is a legend for us.

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Theres some fucker in the Chron comments highlighting that the £25m was true - I'd imagine thatbeing the thing idiots will cling on to - Taylor in the Guardian mentions it as well.


My reading was that he went in withthe extra £16m but accepted during the hearing it wasn't fair.

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Theres some fucker in the Chron comments highlighting that the £25m was true - I'd imagine thatbeing the thing idiots will cling on to - Taylor in the Guardian mentions it as well.


My reading was that he went in withthe extra £16m but accepted during the hearing it wasn't fair.


Exactly, this will be the thing that all the Keegan bashers will use as their justification. Incidentally how has the figured jumped from £16m to £25m - imo anyone with the opinion of Keegan still being at fault doesn't have anything constructive to say about Newcastle United or maybe even football in general.

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Nice to see M4TT on N-O still laying into Keegan. :D

I think it's hilarious the stuff him and Bob Yule etc. are still coming out with. Making complete fucking fools of themselves :icon_lol:

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Nice to see M4TT on N-O still laying into Keegan. :D

I think it's hilarious the stuff him and Bob Yule etc. are still coming out with. Making complete fucking fools of themselves :icon_lol:


Here's a cracker from BY


Do I still think he was just waiting for the opportunity to resign and get out with as much money as possible? Yep.



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