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It's very difficult...


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....to get away from the thought of 'slit the bastards throats', when hearing the latest story of these three peadophiles; one of which was a nursery 'teacher'.


The more I hear of these sick-minded animals, the more I want their throats slit.


Does that make me a bad person?

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There's some sick fucking people out there like. Some of the kids will hardly even remember what happened to them and will get over it I'd guess but it must be hell for the parents involved.

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One particularly sick aspect of this case is that she has refused to identify which of the babies she abused.

So the parents are in an horrific position of not knowing for sure if their child has been abused.

Make sure you use a blunt knife Snakey.

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....to get away from the thought of 'slit the bastards throats', when hearing the latest story of these three peadophiles; one of which was a nursery 'teacher'.


The more I hear of these sick-minded animals, the more I want their throats slit.


Does that make me a bad person?

Nah, I'd say that makes you human. Something that sadly can't be said about them.

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I have just read about the cases on the BBC website and it's a sickener.


Quite depressing and bile enduing and you can't be sure how much you can really blame on ''mental illness''.


No doubt some cases are ''mental illness'' but this seems to be pure concentrated, backwards evil.

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I still hold the unpopular view that paedophilia is so fucked up that there must be something genuinely wrong with them that they possibly can't help.


That doesn't mean I don't feel a bit of vengeance, or of course that I don't feel sorry for the kids/parents, but if it does eventually turn out to be some kind of mental or indeed physical illness, I think I would somehow feel better about the human race knowing that though we can produce monsters, this particular kind of monster is an anomaly.


Then again if we as a species are capable of producing such fuckups, maybe we overestimate ourselves.

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That's what they do in America isn't it?


Just call them mad and never let them out.


Also I think I read in Canada they have a voluntary operation where they go along once a week and chemically castrate themselves at some kind of clinic.

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That's what they do in America isn't it?


Just call them mad and never let them out.

I don't know to be honest Tom but I would imagine it varies greatly from state to state but for me, it shouldn't even be an issue. I'm all for giving people 2nd chances etc. but that doesn't even come into it for things like this. I would imagine I'd be at the more tolerant end of the scale as well if you took a straw poll amongst members of the public.

Edited by alex
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I think there a few mental illnesses which in the past have been "write-offs" as far as people are concerned which are now perfectly curable. Obviously if this was the case here it would still have a huge mountain to cross with the safety of kids in mind which is fair enough but I would still say it was worth the effort (to find the cure I mean).


Something gets me about just locking people up/cutting their nads off (a very human reaction) if indeed it was something they couldn't help. I know this sounds is if I'm diminishing the crime which I'm honestly not.


On the subject of evil I find people like that property developer who ordered a bloke tortured to death because he was blocking a deal to be more "evil" in my view.

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I think there a few mental illnesses which in the past have been "write-offs" as far as people are concerned which are now perfectly curable. Obviously if this was the case here it would still have a huge mountain to cross with the safety of kids in mind which is fair enough but I would still say it was worth the effort (to find the cure I mean).


Something gets me about just locking people up/cutting their nads off (a very human reaction) if indeed it was something they couldn't help. I know this sounds is if I'm diminishing the crime which I'm honestly not.


On the subject of evil I find people like that property developer who ordered a bloke tortured to death because he was blocking a deal to be more "evil" in my view.

I think 'evil' and phrases like that probably aren't very helpful in any case. Also, if there was a cure, then maybe it would be different, but there isn't so I said what I did with that in mind. Obviously we should be searching for cures for this sort of thing because it certainly isn't about to go away by itself.

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I'm all for hell & brimstone retribution in this case. i've got 2 kids (4 & 2) and if it was one of my kids i'd be asking for the ultimate deterrent. failing that, life imprisonment. some people may reckon thats harsh and thats their opinion but i dont reckon you can change these people back to 'normal' ways of sexual thought. sorry if i've upset anyone but i've had a couple of beers before i read the article!!

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That's what they do in America isn't it?


Just call them mad and never let them out.

I don't know to be honest Tom but I would imagine it varies greatly from state to state but for me, it shouldn't even be an issue. I'm all for giving people 2nd chances etc. but that doesn't even come into it for things like this. I would imagine I'd be at the more tolerant end of the scale as well if you took a straw poll amongst members of the public.


Yeah, it varies from state to state.


I'm not a legal expert or anything, but it seems like a lot of the time when you hear about these types of cases, the defendant is generally found insane/ mentally incompetent and get a life sentence in some sort of mental hospital/ prison. Some states will kill them though. Not all states have death penalties and the ones that do tend to not use it on folks like pedophiles or other diagnosed mental issues in general- it depends on the nature and severity of the crime.

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That's what they do in America isn't it?


Just call them mad and never let them out.

I don't know to be honest Tom but I would imagine it varies greatly from state to state but for me, it shouldn't even be an issue. I'm all for giving people 2nd chances etc. but that doesn't even come into it for things like this. I would imagine I'd be at the more tolerant end of the scale as well if you took a straw poll amongst members of the public.


There's a continuous scale of offence though isn't there. Stuff like what these people have done is incomprehensible to any sane person - abusing toddlers ffs. :D Completely agree they should never be released, that's unfixable.


But then there's people like Polanski, which isn't as bad, but is still very serious. But should he be locked up for life? And then much futher down the scale, you'd have 18 year old lads going with 15 year old girls etc.


Out of interest, who's seen the Woodsman with Kevin Bacon? I know a lot of people who would refuse to watch it on principle, but its worth feeling uncomfortable watching it I reckon. Not that I felt any the wiser after watching it.

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That's what they do in America isn't it?


Just call them mad and never let them out.

I don't know to be honest Tom but I would imagine it varies greatly from state to state but for me, it shouldn't even be an issue. I'm all for giving people 2nd chances etc. but that doesn't even come into it for things like this. I would imagine I'd be at the more tolerant end of the scale as well if you took a straw poll amongst members of the public.


There's a continuous scale of offence though isn't there. Stuff like what these people have done is incomprehensible to any sane person - abusing toddlers ffs. :D Completely agree they should never be released, that's unfixable.


But then there's people like Polanski, which isn't as bad, but is still very serious. But should he be locked up for life? And then much futher down the scale, you'd have 18 year old lads going with 15 year old girls etc.


Out of interest, who's seen the Woodsman with Kevin Bacon? I know a lot of people who would refuse to watch it on principle, but its worth feeling uncomfortable watching it I reckon. Not that I felt any the wiser after watching it.


Used to know a lass who was around 14/15 while seeing someone quite a few years her senior. She insisted he wasn't a sex offender when people took the piss then he got locked up - turned out he was a serial flasher. He'd been going around Weshy waving his willy at people for a while and he got caught and put on the sex offenders register.

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I remember the pederast's on that Louis Theroux show were hopeful of release, but I think he did say that less than 1% actually get anywhere with it.



I think even in this country the outrage at "Paedo only gets 5 years" is wasted as that's consideration for parole which in reality never happens for the really dangerous ones.

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Remember a lass at our school (who was 'mature' for her age) going out with this married bloke when she was about 14. In retrospect he must have been dodgy as fuck.

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Remember a lass at our school (who was 'mature' for her age) going out with this married bloke when she was about 14. In retrospect he must have been dodgy as fuck.


I remember one of Kevin Smith's podcasts when he was talking about going to the prom and all these 15 year old lasses had 20 year old blokes with them.


He's not even from the South or the mid-west either, that's New Jersey.

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Remember a lass at our school (who was 'mature' for her age) going out with this married bloke when she was about 14. In retrospect he must have been dodgy as fuck.



There was a slag in my class who was 13/14 getting fucked all over on a regular basis off a kid 21. When I think back he must have been a bit of a sick cunt. As it happens he tried playing the big man with me and my mates once when we'd been giving her lip, came to the school threatening us so the three of us kicked fuck out of him. Daft shite was from Jesmond with a silver spoon in his mouth and must have thought we'd just stand and take it. Paedophiles 0, Wacky and Co 1


Edit: He was called Tim, what a wanker.

Edited by Wacky Jnr
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