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Car Accident Advice


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Been in an accident this afternoon, the young lad who crashed into the back of me was pretty keen to pay out of his own pocket rather than go via the insurance (understandable). My car isn't roadworthy so taking it to the garage is a no-no. Is there any way I can get an estimate/someone to come out to my house?



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Hope he hasn't damaged your head stoving door. :D


tbh if it is not your fault and he wants to pay up then the onus should be on him to get someone round asap to sort it for you. Why should you have additional hassle because some doylum smashed you?


I would go through insurance fella, there is no reason at all why you should risk a protracted clusterfuck to save his money. Question is does he have insurance? If you suspect not then it's a police matter.


Been in loads of crashes, none my fault. Had someone intimidating me at work once because they didn't want to claim on their insurance so they started stalking me and saying my lass's injuries were not real and there was nowt wrong with the (fucked) car. Go through the official channels otherwise you may become drawn into fuck knows what really. Look after yoursel man.

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Wins solicitors and get to casualty comaing of sore neck, £1800 min payout. The garage winns send you too are only I terested in how much they can make repairing your car, not the roadworthyness.


Winns even have there own doctors who will coach you through the process.


If you have strong morals ignore the above advice and the £1800.


Way to raise everyone's insurance premiums. :D

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Cheers for the info everyone.


I've got all his details so it looks above board. He's pretty desperate to pay out of his pocket to save his insurance from sky rocketing (he'd been passed a week apparently). He's offering to get his father to sort out some quotes but I think i'm going to ring the insurance company up tomorrow and see what they can do with regards to pricing up the damage. I'm nee expert but i'd wager it would cost more to fix than the car's worth (M reg Micra rust bucket). The boot and back bumper are fucked, the lights on the rear left will need replacing and the panels towards the back on the left are warped meaning the back door isn't opening at all easy. I'd wager there are some important bits underneath I don't know about that are badly damaged too.


Is there a chance the insurance company will say it's not worth the hassle repairing it and just hoy some cash my way?


There is also the fact my neck feels like it's gained an inch or two and if i'm right I wouldn't be able to claim for whiplash if it starts to give me jip if I don't go through insurance.

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The poor lad is going to have to learn the hard, expensive way. You owe him nothing, he owes you in two ways; your car and your neck.


If your neck is fecked you might have a lifetime of trouble with it (sitting here now on strong painkillers because of mine from a crash 8 years ago).


If your car is written off (sounds pretty likely) you will probably get more money for it from his insurance than you or he might deem it is worth.


I suggest you work out what you think your neck and car are worth together, let's say £2000, and ask him for that if you want to offer them the chance to avoid formality.


Doubt his insurance would go up that much meaning you force them to go through the proper channels. It might get nasty so I suggest you walk into a solicitor's in the morning, straight after you have been to the doctor. You were in shock this afternoon and that's why you didn't act.

Edited by trophyshy
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Sounds a bit corny like but you might actually be doing him a favour in the long run as it might make him a careful driver in future as well.

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I reckon you should just go through the proper channels.



yup, totally agree. he's the daft c*nt that ran into you. will probably be written off. however you may not get a lot for a M reg micra. plus, see your doc if you got ANY twinges or stiffness anywhere. things that seem like nowt atm may turn into something nasty down the line. always better to be safe than sorry!!

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Unless the damage is superficial (and it certainly doesn't sound that way) you should definitely go down the official route mate. Especially if you suspect any kind of physical injury.

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Just done a few enquiries about Winn's and my advice would be to avoid them like the plague. The feedback I've gotten is they are unprofessional, tend to undersell their clients, and have had to have other solicitor's to 'rescue' people from their negligence. And of course acccording to CT they are virtually criminal by virtue they fabricate cases. The fact that he's recommended them should also give you cause for concern. My advice would be to use a proper solicitor, not a bunch of cowboys.

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Just done a few enquiries about Winn's and my advice would be to avoid them like the plague. The feedback I've gotten is they are unprofessional, tend to undersell their clients, and have had to have other solicitor's to 'rescue' people from their negligence. And of course acccording to CT they are virtually criminal by virtue they fabricate cases. The fact that he's recommended them should also give you cause for concern. My advice would be to use a proper solicitor, not a bunch of cowboys.


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I've got an appointment at the doctors this morning. I woke up at about 6am in some discomfort, neck aching like buggery, so I thought best to get straight in there.


I've contacted my insurer too and told them the craic. They've told me injurywise if I want to make a claim then I have to claim for the accident too, which I already guessed at. Looks like it's going through my insurance after all.


I'll give the kid a ring later and break the news to him. I bet he'll be pleased.

Edited by Ketsbaia
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Just done a few enquiries about Winn's and my advice would be to avoid them like the plague. The feedback I've gotten is they are unprofessional, tend to undersell their clients, and have had to have other solicitor's to 'rescue' people from their negligence. And of course acccording to CT they are virtually criminal by virtue they fabricate cases. The fact that he's recommended them should also give you cause for concern. My advice would be to use a proper solicitor, not a bunch of cowboys.


More shit and piffel from Renton.


At least my advice is from experience. Had a quick google for some dirt on one of newcastles leading law firms.


Hope their not Reading or they'll be after you.


After me? After you've posted this? :D


Wins solicitors and get to casualty comaing of sore neck, £1800 min payout. The garage winns send you too are only I terested in how much they can make repairing your car, not the roadworthyness.


Mate, Google didn't come into it. I'm married to a PI solicitor at a top firm, and know loads of others, I think I may know a bit more about about it than some dodgy taxi driver from South Shields. Personally, their adverts tell me all I need to know about them anyway, bunch of cowboys.


If you've used them before then you have probably been short-changed without knowing it. Then again, you're a bloke with absolutely no scruples when it comes to making dodgy claims, so good.

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Just had Winn on the phone. I must've filled in a contact form last night when browsing their website :D






























Give this guy a ring :icon_lol:

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Been to the docs, whiplash as I fully expected.


I rang the lad when I got him and told him the good news. He wasn't happy and tried his best to change my mind in an indignant "That's not fair, you're milking it" kind of way but I stood fast and he seems to have accepted it...I think. I've just been onto the insurer to sort it out.


Think i'll give Winn the "Thanks but no thanks" line.

Edited by Ketsbaia
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I parked my car on Dean Street last year. The handbrake failed while I was shopping and it rolled backwards. Into an Aston fucking Martin. :D


Re this business, just go through the proper channels. Tough tits on the kid.

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I parked my car on Dean Street last year. The handbrake failed while I was shopping and it rolled backwards. Into an Aston fucking Martin. :D


Re this business, just go through the proper channels. Tough tits on the kid.



Should have put it in first gear as well :icon_lol:

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