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Free Speech Thread

Christmas Tree

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The fact is it's impossible for certain people to say what they really think somewhere like this, because of the constraints of PC, how people can twist a view, but it's easy to do it in a pub, or in the cab of a taxi. It's a sad state of affairs that the country is like this, but we're in Britain and it's 2009, we're not allowed to discuss things that may offend people.



Exactly again

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But CT, you questioned one of my views, how is it ok to avoid questioning yourself?


and you still haven't shown me one post or thread that you feel has been censored?



Run along and get me the post where I said I had been censored?


You're saying that you can't post what you like and all I'm asking for is evidence?


and you don't want free speech, you want to say something that is objectionable but you don't have the balls or the facts to back it up.


So why is it fine for the right wing to ask for justification of the left's position, but not the other way around?

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But CT, you questioned one of my views, how is it ok to avoid questioning yourself?


and you still haven't shown me one post or thread that you feel has been censored?



Run along and get me the post where I said I had been censored?


You're saying that you can't post what you like and all I'm asking for is evidence?


and you don't want free speech, you want to say something that is objectionable but you don't have the balls or the facts to back it up.


So why is it fine for the right wing to ask for justification of the left's position, but not the other way around?



Ok so thats a no then. :lol:


I have no objections to you starting a pc thread and doing a bit of hand wringing about all the worlds problems.

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But CT, you questioned one of my views, how is it ok to avoid questioning yourself?


and you still haven't shown me one post or thread that you feel has been censored?



Run along and get me the post where I said I had been censored?


You're saying that you can't post what you like and all I'm asking for is evidence?


and you don't want free speech, you want to say something that is objectionable but you don't have the balls or the facts to back it up.


So why is it fine for the right wing to ask for justification of the left's position, but not the other way around?



Ok so thats a no then. :spit:


I have no objections to you starting a pc thread and doing a bit of hand wringing about all the worlds problems.


If you don't like it here why don't you piss off to where you came from. :lol:

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As there seems to be quite a bit of confusion over the point of this thread, CT, could you clarify it? Maybe define more clearly what you mean by free speech as there seems to be a few different definitions flying around.

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But I don't bother you, right?



You don't you're just like a little kid who's fell in some dog shit, crying and demanding attention. Like a combination of that and Frank Spencer. Good to laugh at, but irritating really.

Edited by Stevie
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I was going to say The Fish is turning in to the new Fop, but that's wrong, I think Fop turned in to the new Fish when he signed up.


Speaking of which, i was genuinely disturbed to finally profile fop as an erratic, unstable gay body-builder. Anyone that into body image and who goes on like that, referring to himself in the 3rd person, has to be gay. The case was nailed when Gejon was the only other person in thread having a good time.

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But CT, you questioned one of my views, how is it ok to avoid questioning yourself?


and you still haven't shown me one post or thread that you feel has been censored?



Run along and get me the post where I said I had been censored?


You're saying that you can't post what you like and all I'm asking for is evidence?


and you don't want free speech, you want to say something that is objectionable but you don't have the balls or the facts to back it up.


So why is it fine for the right wing to ask for justification of the left's position, but not the other way around?



Ok so thats a no then. :spit:


I have no objections to you starting a pc thread and doing a bit of hand wringing about all the worlds problems.


If you don't like it here why don't you piss off to where you came from. :lol:



schools out :spit:

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As there seems to be quite a bit of confusion over the point of this thread, CT, could you clarify it? Maybe define more clearly what you mean by free speech as there seems to be a few different definitions flying around.



Really, i'll copy and paste the original post below. It doesnt really warrant any further explaination. :lol: Its a pretty clear one liner.



Are we allowed to have a thread where we can uphold the great British virtue of free speech where we can say what the fuck we like without fear of reprisals from the p.c. brigade.
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I'm interested to know what it is CT wants to say, that he hasn't already said? He hardly hides his prejudice.



You couldnt handle what I'd want to say :D you would probably faint or just spontaneously combust. oiYs1G4K19741021.gif


Howay CT, don't give us that shit, tell us what you really want to say, I dare you. :)

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I'm interested to know what it is CT wants to say, that he hasn't already said? He hardly hides his prejudice.



You couldnt handle what I'd want to say :D you would probably faint or just spontaneously combust. oiYs1G4K19741021.gif


Howay CT, don't give us that shit, tell us what you really want to say, I dare you. :)



Not in front of kiddies. :D

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I'm interested to know what it is CT wants to say, that he hasn't already said? He hardly hides his prejudice.



You couldnt handle what I'd want to say :D you would probably faint or just spontaneously combust. oiYs1G4K19741021.gif


Howay CT, don't give us that shit, tell us what you really want to say, I dare you. :)



Not in front of kiddies. :D


So you want a thread to say what you want but won't say anything in it?


And you're not following your own advice. No one has tried to censor you in this thread, in fact people are trying to get more out of you but you're unwilling to comment.

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Is it not freedom of speech to have have the right to say what you want but say nothing at all. So, if we can agree the thread is for freedom of speech and the exercise that right by saying fuck all?


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Is it not freedom of speech to have have the right to say what you want but say nothing at all. So, if we can agree the thread is for freedom of speech and the exercise that right by saying fuck all?



Ah, he's a selfless warrior!

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Thing I don't understand is that Toontastic isn't exactly draconian, you can write about whatever you like as long as it doesn't go too far beyond the boundaries of sense.


This thread screams "Look at me" rather than "I've a controversial view I'd like to share"


Thought so :)

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Thing I don't understand is that Toontastic isn't exactly draconian, you can write about whatever you like as long as it doesn't go too far beyond the boundaries of sense.


This thread screams "Look at me" rather than "I've a controversial view I'd like to share"


Thought so :)



I hear Butlins are hiring.

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I was going to say The Fish is turning in to the new Fop, but that's wrong, I think Fop turned in to the new Fish when he signed up.


Speaking of which, i was genuinely disturbed to finally profile fop as an erratic, unstable gay body-builder. Anyone that into body image and who goes on like that, referring to himself in the 3rd person, has to be gay. The case was nailed when Gejon was the only other person in thread having a good time.


Its been 3 days now and my erection is still solid as a rock!

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I was going to say The Fish is turning in to the new Fop, but that's wrong, I think Fop turned in to the new Fish when he signed up.


Speaking of which, i was genuinely disturbed to finally profile fop as an erratic, unstable gay body-builder. Anyone that into body image and who goes on like that, referring to himself in the 3rd person, has to be gay. The case was nailed when Gejon was the only other person in thread having a good time.


Its been 3 days now and my erection is still solid as a rock!


So that's where Fop is. :)

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The fact is it's impossible for certain people to say what they really think somewhere like this, because of the constraints of PC, how people can twist a view, but it's easy to do it in a pub, or in the cab of a taxi. It's a sad state of affairs that the country is like this, but we're in Britain and it's 2009, we're not allowed to discuss things that may offend people.


As Fish says, do you have an example of censoring on this forum? Or is it really a case of you not liking people disagreeing with you?


Anyway, fuck me, some of the shit you have come up with over the years has been ridiculous (basically your hatred of virtually everyone not from Newcastle) and yet you're still here. Are you suggesting there's more extreme stuff you want to say but won't for fear of banning?

Ambiguous foundationless bollocks, I don't think I've ever written the word HATE on this board. A typical Renton baseless comment, masking the fact he's posted with nothing to say. Again.


It's easy to find out...




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I'd love to know who the PC brigade are on this board as well, can't think of anyone who fits that description personally, although I imagine I'd be lumped into that category by some.

You're the fucking deputy chairman, with Happy Faeces above you.











...and you're still here...and I've never said you should be banned, censored or admonished or even deterred from saying anything but what you want to.


I think it's a shame you want to censor people like Renton from saying what they think though.

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