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Snotty e-mail to a recruitment consultant

Happy Face

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The agency who posted me in my last job were paid 60% of my first year's salary.


I got negotiation assistance, follow up calls once i started and a christmas card off him :lol:

SIXTY!!!! I would cum in my pants for 30% at the minute.


aye we are running at 25% perm and 10 - 17% temp.


I hope neither of you are under the impression that i might be needing your services to find a job btw?


Nae offence and all that. :spit:

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I have never understood Estate agents myself. Its just a extra link in the chain we dont need.


A website/mag with all houses for sale with relevant contact details:


Buyer: This is a nice place you have here. How much will you accept?

Seller: £x.

Buyer: I'll give you £y

Seller: Deal.


Solicitors deployed.



Never understood solicitors myself.


Seller: You'll need to promise you'll buy it.

Buyer: I promise

Seller: And you have the money?

Buyer: Yeah sorted

Seller: Sign here then.


House sold

Bish Bosh Bash




I think they do slightly more than that..

Legally rob us?

Hold monies to reap interest, delaying handovers of keys etc?

General Twattery.


I sense you have been burnt in the past. :spit:

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I have never understood Estate agents myself. Its just a extra link in the chain we dont need.


A website/mag with all houses for sale with relevant contact details:


Buyer: This is a nice place you have here. How much will you accept?

Seller: £x.

Buyer: I'll give you £y

Seller: Deal.


Solicitors deployed.



Never understood solicitors myself.


Seller: You'll need to promise you'll buy it.

Buyer: I promise

Seller: And you have the money?

Buyer: Yeah sorted

Seller: Sign here then.


House sold

Bish Bosh Bash




I think they do slightly more than that..

Legally rob us?

Hold monies to reap interest, delaying handovers of keys etc?

General Twattery.


I sense you have been burnt in the past. :spit:

The Force is strong in one so young! :lol:

Correct btw

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Dickwad I can see why you were treated like a twat......cos you seem to be one.


No agency takes a cut of your salary.


Recruitment is a multi billion pound industry which is heavily regulated. It gets people into work who may not on thier own steam, a good IT consultant may not be a good sales person.


All business's are there to make a profit. I suppose you feel the same about solicitors, mechanics, plumbers, etc all the little things you cannot do but begrudge paying for. Employment Agencies offer a free service.





Nerve touched?


Recruitment agencies are scum holes.


Is that the sound of a nail being hit firmly on the head? :spit:


to answer Mr Shinton's points...


I'm not paid a salary as such, if I work through an agency I get an hourly rate, of which the agency takes a cut. No agency=more money money for myself.


I'm 40 in a months time, am a fully qualified electrician and have been in this trade every day of my life since the day I left school. I am more than capable of cutting a deal with any given contractor who may be interested in offering me work. It is the contractors who have gone down this road of putting someone between themselves and tradesmen for a service they could easily do in house. I fully accept that it is easier for them to to contract out recruitment of staff but with the increased "casualisation" of such labour the contractors reap what they sow, with many left in the lurch at the end of jobs with people moving on to the next contract well before they may be laid off from where they are currently working.


Solicitors, mechanics and plumbers offer services which the average man in the street generally isn't qualified to do or can only do to a certain extent before professional help is required. Anyone with a titter of wit can cut a deal with a prospective employer, we don't need someone posistioning themselves between us and them and taking a cut for no more than answering the phone all day, talking total bollocks and seemingly posting on here.

To call you a total nob based on that last sentence wouldn't even cover it. To be honest I don't deal with your mickey mouse sparkies and plumbers, I deal with much higher level of M&E and Construction Level of staff than that. You have absolutely no idea how difficult the job is. There's so much skill, persistence, intelligence, humour and endeavour required to get you through. The vast majority of people who enter the industry can't hack it as you need to have something about you to succeed. I don't deal with mickey mouse sparkies as I say, a lot of the people who do are mickey mouse consultants working for shit firms like Hays who basically just sling shit and some of it sticks, and they will specialise in temporary staff where they get a % of their weekly wage for however long they are working there. What your high end recruitment consultant gets is a % of the first years annual salary.


I'll give you an example of how thick cunts like you will never understand the industry I work in. Maybe once a week I will do a voice canvass which is calling some current clients, or trying to drum up new vacancies where the company require help. As I said I wouldn't even touch SHIT JOBS like electricians because they are ten a penny and only thick cunts would work them. One new bit of business I got was with a company in Scotland, they were looking for a new Managing Director to work out of there London office. Do you think they for one minute could approach their competitors MD's direct???? They need us as much as we need them.


Over the next two weeks I travelled to Glasgow, met with the client, agreed an exclusive deal with them which meant nobody else could work the role, we get 22% of the first years annual salary, and fuck me I did some haggling with them, broken down into 33% when we sourced the candidates and whittled down the short list, 33% at interview stage, and 33% on acceptance of the offer. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE ANSWERING PHONES TO YOU?? I took them to lunch in a Tapas bar I know in Glasgow, understood every fine aspect of the role they were looking for and believe me they were acutely particular in what they wanted, age wise, personality wise, experience wise, results history wise, it was a real specific person they were looking for. Over the next two weeks I sourced 30 candidates, got their CV's in checked out their backgrounds from around England and in Scotland for the role. Now these are people on £100k a year, you have to understand how to speak with them individually, you can swear on and have a laugh with some, you have to be serious and articulate with others, it's all part of the skill of understanding your candidate. From there from the thirty candidates, I've whittled it down to five, their current salary range is £87k to £134k, and they interview next week at a hotel in Berkshire. They come from all around the country one is a dipper, canny bloke though, one a jock, one from Stannington, and two boys from Kent, and I have had 2 months to drag all that together in total, and we're finally almost at the end. Now believe it or not the above doesn't even begin to cover everything I do. It's a cut throat industry where even your own colleagues will stitch you up and we're in desperate times, but don't talk shit about things you don't know. Companies need us every bit as much as we need them, which is why up to last year, fees were so high, as they're prepared to pay them, they haven't got time to spend months sourcing top end candidates, they need specialists to do it.


You do not have a clue what we do, I would guestimate 20% of the people maximum on here could do it, it's a very difficult job, which kicks you in the teeth every week, but can be hugely rewarding to, so I'm not listening to some fuckin sparky talk shit. 40 year old and you're still a fuckin sparky, lack of ambition that, you should be a Project Manager by now, or at the very least a Project Engineer.....and yes I am off work today. Nobhead.

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You off work because it's your period?





To be honest Stevie if someone was talking about installing MD's and the like I'd not think of them as a recuitment/employment agent. I reserve that tag for (as you say) Hayes and Kelly's and the like and they're a different kettle of fish. My cousin does a similar role to you (by the sounds of things) and he describes himself as a head hunter. Sounds a bit wanky, but he does it so that he isn't lumped in with the massive knot, highlight-haired, geezer-wideboy wanker, brigade.

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You off work because it's your period?





To be honest Stevie if someone was talking about installing MD's and the like I'd not think of them as a recuitment/employment agent. I reserve that tag for (as you say) Hayes and Kelly's and the like and they're a different kettle of fish. My cousin does a similar role to you (by the sounds of things) and he describes himself as a head hunter. Sounds a bit wanky, but he does it so that he isn't lumped in with the massive knot, highlight-haired, geezer-wideboy wanker, brigade.

I am a head hunter, but headhunting is only 25% of the job I do now, and as for the period jibe, if someone is talking the biggest load of wank seen on this message board, about a topic which happens to be my profession I'm not allowed to respond?

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Sounds like a stressful job.

It is but it's stimulating. I'll go it alone when the recession ends fully and there is huge growth, might be for a few years but that will be the time to do it, even if I do half as much business as I do now, I'd be wealthy, which clearly I'm not at the minute.

Edited by Stevie
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I am a head hunter, but headhunting is only 25% of the job I do now, and as for the period jibe, if someone is talking the biggest load of wank seen on this message board, about a topic which happens to be my profession I'm not allowed to respond?



My point being that if you're a head hunter, why get offended when someone talks shit about recruitment agents?


Doesn't really matter, mind.


Oh and Re: the period thing? It was a flippant remark, don't stress about it. :lol:

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I am a head hunter, but headhunting is only 25% of the job I do now, and as for the period jibe, if someone is talking the biggest load of wank seen on this message board, about a topic which happens to be my profession I'm not allowed to respond?



My point being that if you're a head hunter, why get offended when someone talks shit about recruitment agents?


Doesn't really matter, mind.


Oh and Re: the period thing? It was a flippant remark, don't stress about it. :lol:

Are you really that stupid? Christ.

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Fucking hell man Stevie :lol: what is your problem? I was agreeing with you and trying to show I can see the difference between the knobheads that were spoken about earlier and what you do.



Nevermind eh?



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Fucking hell man Stevie :lol: what is your problem? I was agreeing with you and trying to show I can see the difference between the knobheads that were spoken about earlier and what you do.



Nevermind eh?



I know but you COMPLETELY miss the point that being a Headhunter is an essential part of being a Recruitment Consultants job.

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And you seem to be missing my, rather obvious point, seemingly deliberately.


I mean the knobheads that have been rightly criticised are those that don't do the high end stuff that requires the skills you mentioned earlier. The rant was about those. Just like a chef shouldn't take offence at someone ranting against McDonalds grill jockeys. Chef's might do a bit of grilling, but they're not exactly in the same fucking pea-pod now are they?!


I think your dislike of me has clouded your judgement fella.

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And you seem to be missing my, rather obvious point, seemingly deliberately.


I mean the knobheads that have been rightly criticised are those that don't do the high end stuff that requires the skills you mentioned earlier. The rant was about those. Just like a chef shouldn't take offence at someone ranting against McDonalds grill jockeys. Chef's might do a bit of grilling, but they're not exactly in the same fucking pea-pod now are they?!


I think your dislike of me has clouded your judgement fella.

I won't reply to you again Fish.

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Because you've been shown up again?

Mate you show yourself up every fucking day of your life on a message board, so FUCK KNOWS what you're like in person. You have shown yourself up already on this thread. Your complete backwardness has been fuelled even further since you became moderator too, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed it.

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Wind your neck in Stevie lad, Fish clearly didn't mean to offend ya and tried to point that out and your still giving off.



He didn't offend me he just got confused and I pointed it out. He got emotional and that was it. Standard thread on Toontastic, but replace me with anyone of a number of people.

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Wind your neck in Stevie lad, Fish clearly didn't mean to offend ya and tried to point that out and your still giving off.



He didn't offend me he just got confused and I pointed it out. He got emotional and that was it. Standard thread on Toontastic, but replace me with anyone of a number of people.



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Wind your neck in Stevie lad, Fish clearly didn't mean to offend ya and tried to point that out and your still giving off.



He didn't offend me he just got confused and I pointed it out. He got emotional and that was it. Standard thread on Toontastic, but replace me with anyone of a number of people.



This is priceless! :spit:


I got emotional?


Coming from the lad who spat his dummy about the rant pertaining to a group of people in his profession who (by his own admission) are shitheads, where I was trying to actually back him up? Even after I explained it further you took the strop further?


behave yourself Stevie man, you've reacted because of the author of the post, rather than what was in it. No surprise there then.

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Wind your neck in Stevie lad, Fish clearly didn't mean to offend ya and tried to point that out and your still giving off.



He didn't offend me he just got confused and I pointed it out. He got emotional and that was it. Standard thread on Toontastic, but replace me with anyone of a number of people.



This is priceless! :spit:


I got emotional?


Coming from the lad who spat his dummy about the rant pertaining to a group of people in his profession who (by his own admission) are shitheads, where I was trying to actually back him up? Even after I explained it further you took the strop further?


behave yourself Stevie man, you've reacted because of the author of the post, rather than what was in it. No surprise there then.

Fish honestly just don't type there's no point in you typing, there truthfully is not one point in you typing. I will just ignore your posts from now on regardless how ridiculous they are.

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:lol: ok, ignore my post , what about alex and Renton's... you know where they both point out that it was you who were emotional and not I?

Renton just laughs, he could've been laughing at the way it was put. It was an ambiguous laugh.

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:lol: That's beautiful straw clutching mind.


Anyway, like I said intially Stevie, I think the job you do is beneficial to both parties and not in the same league as those that the OP is right not to be a fan of; the tossers who work at the low end stuff and who throw shit to see what sticks.

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